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Everything posted by Campfire

  1. Don't do it man. You will get seriously burned in court. She will get full custody and you will get NO visitation rights. Don't believe what Lawyers her tell you they just want your money. I have been down this road and have a 12 year old daughter. She will get some exaggerated amount of monthly payment from you also. The only way they give custody to the father is if the mother is a criminal or as serious mental problems that needs hospitalization for. I had loads of proof my ex was a bad mother but it made no difference. Here's what I would do if I had it all over to do. Play a waiting game, she needs money from you and you tell her you will give to her, if you can have weekends with your child. If she doesn't want to comply you need to wait until she offers a visit for money. At some point she will have a need for cash. Then you take your daughter and scram! Possession is king here, she knows this and that's why she doesn't want to let you have any time with her. This is what Thai men do, I am told. Just beat it and cut off all contact from her. Let her come after you for divorce and with little resources she will just give up. If need be, move every 6 months to keep her of track for a couple of years. get out of Dodge. Yes the Gov knows where you are but this is a civil matter and they don't bother too much. carry on and have a great life with your daughter and good luck.
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