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Posts posted by MJP

  1. . . . and to think Labour will likely win the GE!

    It certainly does ruin the sentiments of a return flight, albeit we all have our own personal reasons for the frying-pan-over-fire presumptions.

    I would not be so tenacious about remaining in Thailand if Australia was once again the civilised country it used to be. Fact is though, it was because I speak a little of the basic language that I chose here before Bangladesh or somewhere I might have felt welcome, beyond all the hip-hoorays I give for the culture and higher ideals that it's probably best not to elaborate on.

    The main point IMHO, is that Thailand is a civilised country, but surely it's not the only one left on this planet.

    Have to assume you're joking. Thailand is a civilised country?

    Not the point though - I check the UK news every morning and find it more depressing by the day. The 'elite' are obviously taking everything they can whilst the country is being ruined. One can only hope that the people will eventually say 'no more'. But there are no signs that that will happen. As I say, depressing.

  2. Got it off Mike Hampton, trying to get the source etc at the mo.

    Will be interesting. He's saying the UK is COMPLETELY BUST.

    Looks like Brown to win or a hung GE. The light at the end of the tunnel will be disconnected soon, as they can't pay the French electric bill.

    That is a very pretty graph but what does it mean?

    What is the denomination? How was it calculated and by whom? What is the source?

    Does it have any validity?

  3. You cannot buck the market . . . Margaret Thatcher.

    MJP Aha ! Of course but being the Devils Advocate for a moment …….surely doesn't being unable to " buck " the

    market depend on the time frame during which there is a need to actually test the market ?

    i.e. If the banks put these " assets " into a kind of " hibernation " and carry them on their books for a few years

    based on valuations assuming " favourable " future conditions, they can hope the eagerly anticipated inflation

    will catch up eventually and therefore demand will return at prices closer to the previous levels ?

    Of coursre only the banks in collusion with a desperate Government could get away with something like this. :)


  4. You cannot buck the market . . . Margaret Thatcher.

    Banks factoring in a doubling of mortgages rates
    Could this re-ignite consumer spending ? I mean if they are not paying for the mortgage

    and they are not paying any rent, what are people doing with all that extra disposable income ?

    Living Rent Free: Homeowners become Squatters


    That is an interesting thought - I could see the same happening in the UK if interest rates rise / what could anyone do ? throw thousands onto the streets - Big hit for the banks though /

    But couldn't the banks in theory ( with the help of a few " sympathetic " valuers ) extend and pretend for a long time

    and not take the hit ?

  5. I wonder what will happen when he tries to leave the country?

    Can't be as simple as this. Agree it's taken the pi$$.

    "I informed her that I could not pay it and neither could my friend..."

    So, you guys just disclaimed all responsibility, and made no attempt whatsoever to settle the debt? Is it any wonder that many Thais dislike farangs?

  6. Banks factoring in a doubling of mortgages rates

    Could this re-ignite consumer spending ? I mean if they are not paying for the mortgage

    and they are not paying any rent, what are people doing with all that extra disposable income ?

    Living Rent Free: Homeowners become Squatters


    That is an interesting thought - I could see the same happening in the UK if interest rates rise / what could anyone do ? throw thousands onto the streets - Big hit for the banks though /

  7. Tony, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you, it's perhaps a bit personal.

    If you had the choice of never having a woman again or never having a bike again . . . which would it be?

    That doesn't mean you can hire either.

    Weird, huh? You can't even scroll back in your own post and have to write everything in one go, unless you open it in the HTML source editor... Not sure if this is because I updated my Firefox browser or because ThaiVisa messed up their site. If it's a ThaiVisa issue I hope they'll fix it...

    Nope. Me too. Almost impossible to post.

    ^ Cheers NG,

    I didn't say the 1081 is the BEST road in Thailand, simply ONE of the Best! There are so many others to choose from- the 1148 and the Mae Hong Song Loop would also have to be in the top 5. The road up Doi Inthanon is fantastic as well if you're lucky enough to hit it on a day with light traffic.

    Was talking with some friends about starting a thread where we can list the best roads in Thailand- whaddya say?

    Ride On!


    ps. am I the only one who is missing a cursor on this forum? Makes posting a real drag...

  8. E. Fritz Schmacher

    Good quote.

    Life does go on.

    In fact, my mind set has gone from boom time consumption to a low stress, low expectation of consumption, be happy with what you've got . . . no big deal.

    It's all marketing, ignore it all and just go with your own view of the facts, the world is not going to end, today.

    agreed... I got out of a high powered-high stressed job in the City - income down - happiness index up! for all the analysis when you are on your death bed and reviewing it all your bank account will not mean that much - now I have stepped back I am quite averse (and getting worse) to all that corporate consumerish rubbish - I am out of the market and will say out. Small is Beautiful.

  9. Nope. Me too. Almost impossible to post.

    ^ Cheers NG,

    I didn't say the 1081 is the BEST road in Thailand, simply ONE of the Best! There are so many others to choose from- the 1148 and the Mae Hong Song Loop would also have to be in the top 5. The road up Doi Inthanon is fantastic as well if you're lucky enough to hit it on a day with light traffic.

    Was talking with some friends about starting a thread where we can list the best roads in Thailand- whaddya say?

    Ride On!


    ps. am I the only one who is missing a cursor on this forum? Makes posting a real drag...

  10. Just called a friend who has a restaurant on Koh Samet, first he's heard about it.

    Didn't know the earthquake had happened.

    I think they need to be put on alert now.

    According to AlJazeera news just now it states that all costal areas including Parts of thailand, Malaysia, should be aware of strong currents and waves in the next 24-48 hours ... They say there is a 100% chance we all will experience something.. What ever that means..
  11. I went through a phase of mass sock buying a couple of years ago. Anytime I saw socks at a discount . . . 5 pairs straight in the trolley!

    Useful now all I wear are flip flops.

    I still have some socks and pants left I managed to buy myself a few years ago . . . .

    In my experience, when you get to about the age of 35, the reason you have decent pants and socks is that is because it is about the only presents people buy you.

    Worst of all, it is combined with the comment 'what else do you buy someone who has everything?' (a frigging yacht for a starter) and why 'the guy who has everything' wants socks is beyond me.

  12. I will caution that it helps if you no longer have a wife/gf.

    Analysis of the past 8 years spending shows 70% of it was her and the rest the UK government.

    I still have some socks and pants left I managed to buy myself a few years ago . . . .

    In fact, my mind set has gone from boom time consumption to a low stress, low expectation of consumption, be happy with what you've got . . . no big deal.

    I like this guy, he talks sense.

  13. I know dude, I posted it.

    Jim Rogers did make these comments however, on Bloomberg.

    This was Jim on the 20th Jan according to Bloomberg.

    Jim Rogers, chairman of Singapore-based Rogers Holdings, said the "U.K. is finished" and investors should sell the currency. Commonwealth Bank of Australia said there was a high risk of a cut to the country's credit rating outlook and lowered its pound forecast. Prime Minister Gordon Brown authorized a 100 billion pound ($142 billion) bailout for banks.

    "I would urge you to sell any sterling you might have," said Rogers. "It's finished. I hate to say it, but I would not put any money in the U.K." Rogers correctly predicted the start of the commodities rally in 1999.

    Jim Rogers

    MJP: If you take a look at HPC there is a link to an FT article that discusses the Jim Rogers statements, in short, Jim Rogers DID NOT say those things and he does not support them. The statements were made "inadvertently" by someone who works for him who became confused whilst handing out press statements in advance of an undersold presentation by JR!!!

    Said womble in an ex City Trader, aka barrow boy, who now lives in Monaco and works for JR, JR will issue a retraction soon, presumably after the seminar that all this press has promoted. It's all press and marketing and big money BS aimed at making the issuer more money, ignore it all.

  14. Yes, something I've noticed about this region is it doesn't understand externalized cost. Mai pen rai . . . is likely to cost them both financially and environmentally in the not too distant future . . . but hel_l, who cares . . . we made a bunch of pick-ups cheaper than Detroit!

    it is more than the financial statement alone that finalized the deal....

    it is the new employment numbers that the deal will hope to create in conjuction with moving thailand toward more diversification in industrialization....

    a concering question would be the industry waste.... and it will be interesting to see how the govt is going to deal with the problem....

    and how closely and keenly the greenpeace is going to watch and react to this development.

  15. This was Jim on the 20th Jan according to Bloomberg.

    Jim Rogers, chairman of Singapore-based Rogers Holdings, said the “U.K. is finished” and investors should sell the currency. Commonwealth Bank of Australia said there was a high risk of a cut to the country’s credit rating outlook and lowered its pound forecast. Prime Minister Gordon Brown authorized a 100 billion pound ($142 billion) bailout for banks.

    “I would urge you to sell any sterling you might have,” said Rogers. “It’s finished. I hate to say it, but I would not put any money in the U.K.” Rogers correctly predicted the start of the commodities rally in 1999.

    Jim Rogers

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