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Posts posted by MJP

  1. Norway's welfare state exists because of its oil revenues. Canada's welfare state exists because of its natural resource revenues.

    Portugal, Greece, and Spain's welfare states are near collapse because they do not have the revenues to support the programs.

    How will Thailand pay for its welfare state. Let's see the revenue generating plan first.

    The point is you just have to start somewhere - it's a noble aim, and of corse it will have to be paid for. You sicken me too!

    Why does the poster 'sicken you'? Makes a fair point.

    Start with a decent minimum wage. It's difficult to find and retain staff in Thailand, can't help but think this is because the wages for staff are derisory.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised to see it strengthen against over priced currencies such as the Euro or Faht. But no reason otherwise and in fact every reason for it to continue being held down- UK is cleaning up at present. As a patriot, long may it continue. As someone living in Thailand, well you just have to get on with it, and remind yourself that in the long term an appreciation is a certainty.

    Ummmm . . . cleaning what up? Deficits are getting worse, no real cuts in government spending and they're still printing! MPC just voted 9-0 to keep QE going.

    As a patriot I'm appalled at how this charade is continued for the political ends of the Labour government.

    It's no use trying MJP, logic doesn't work on this guy and fact is equally useless, spare your self the aggravation. But yes you're right, the charade is very sad and we can only hope it all comes to a climax, either way, soon so that we can start rebuilding.

    Easy for Labour (I'm no fan of any of them to be honest) to buy votes with these peoples kids' future incomes.

    It's not aggravation . . . it's terrifying.

  3. I wouldn't be surprised to see it strengthen against over priced currencies such as the Euro or Faht. But no reason otherwise and in fact every reason for it to continue being held down- UK is cleaning up at present. As a patriot, long may it continue. As someone living in Thailand, well you just have to get on with it, and remind yourself that in the long term an appreciation is a certainty.

    Ummmm . . . cleaning what up? Deficits are getting worse, no real cuts in government spending and they're still printing! MPC just voted 9-0 to keep QE going.

    As a patriot I'm appalled at how this charade is continued for the political ends of the Labour government.

    It's no use trying MJP, logic doesn't work on this guy and fact is equally useless, spare your self the aggravation. But yes you're right, the charade is very sad and we can only hope it all comes to a climax, either way, soon so that we can start rebuilding.

    Whatever! Clearly the pound is being held down by design, and QE kills 2 maybe 3 birds with one stone. I prefer to concentrate on the positive and once again UK has been shown to be streets ahead in dealing with this world crisis- yes world crisis.

    The other logic is so what! UK got dumped on very badly why care too much? Strikes me if you owe a lot of money the one with the big worry is the one that lent it. Just look at Iceland, couldn't give a toss and what can the UK do about it.

    I made some great money pre CHristmas from Blighty, and Wil move back in a couple of years hopefully. Land of hope and glory and all tat.

    The UK is clearly on rebuild and if it is so heavily in debt then at least much of that money went on decent infrastructure. Turning an economy around takes a couple of years to show, just like turning a tanker.

    No it didn't.

    It went on a housing and consumer spending bubble.

    Land of hope and glory and all tat . . . is pretty much spot on.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised to see it strengthen against over priced currencies such as the Euro or Faht. But no reason otherwise and in fact every reason for it to continue being held down- UK is cleaning up at present. As a patriot, long may it continue. As someone living in Thailand, well you just have to get on with it, and remind yourself that in the long term an appreciation is a certainty.

    Ummmm . . . cleaning what up? Deficits are getting worse, no real cuts in government spending and they're still printing! MPC just voted 9-0 to keep QE going.

    As a patriot I'm appalled at how this charade is continued for the political ends of the Labour government.

  5. See what happens, now you've really done it, I for one will prefer if the OP and Mervyn King will refrain from talking about any rises in Sterling value because as sure as eggs is eggs, the second they do, it starts to fall. :)

    Oops there you go the chocolate (Cadburys) melted.

    Sterling falls - Reuters

    Actually it all comes back to that dirty word "deficit"!

    This hung parliament thing is a real possibility looking at the polls. Seems to be one of the big risks for the Pound.

    Play about with the 'swing-o-meter' on this Daily Telegraph page, reckons there needs to be a swing greater than 6% to the Tories to avoid a hung parliament.


  6. God i wish Britain had another Maggie Thatcher to save Britain after the numptys that have been in charge this last 12 years.

    In fairness to those not pro-Thatcher, the seed for the current mess was sown with Parkinson's 'Big Bang', deregulation of the City. Blair/Brown couldn't help themselves (sorry, Blair did and still helps himself) with further loosening of financial regulation, which has resulted in a boom with similarities to that of the 1920's credit boom.

    Makes you wonder if Brown's 'light touch' regulation was actually 'where it started' rather than 'it began in America'. I remember London overtaking New York as the worlds financial capital around the middle of the boom.

    There's no doubt I think the British are ultimately facing an 'Iceland'. 1976, history is repeating. Surely, at some point (post GE?) this house of cards collapses and the IMF . . . you get the idea.

  7. Get up, coffee, take dump, shower, email, chase work, neighbours come round and smoke all my cigs, make tea, think about painting wall, dream about watching it dry, make tea, plan next grocery shopping expedition (highlight of month), make tea, try to start geriatric moped, daughter comes home from school, make tea, email, go to bed.

    . . . and repeat.

    Groundhog day.

    Quality mate.

    Mines not much different.

    Tis' da lyfe!

    Stir crazy doesn't quite . . .

  8. I am afraid to say you are correct. the UK economy has been built on sand since that traitor M Thatcher and her stooge Kieth Joseph sold the crown jewels, and the USA is not far behind !

    Wrong! It was G. Brown Esq who sold off the crown jewels when he was chancellor ie our gold reserves; and at a give away price. Add to that the fact that Labour always manage to make a mess of the economy each time they come to power, it's no surprise to find UK in its present plight. Anyone remember the "Winter of discontent"?

    Sorry, I know it's off-topic, but I had to respond to the post in quotes.

    Maybe it wasn't gold after all. Pinch of salt with this article mind, but it's possible . . .


  9. Get up, coffee, take dump, shower, email, chase work, neighbours come round and smoke all my cigs, make tea, think about painting wall, dream about watching it dry, make tea, plan next grocery shopping expedition (highlight of month), make tea, try to start geriatric moped, daughter comes home from school, make tea, email, go to bed.

    . . . and repeat.

    Groundhog day.

  10. Monty, are you sure about the price point? THB 250,000 for a Suzuki 400 enduro, with a Sachs coming near 100 k and the D/Tracker 250 cc 100 k less?

    The whole point should be to get competitive prices! 250 k sounds way too high for me :)


    Yes, that's what I was thinking. It's Ninja 650 money.

  11. I don't know much but in Thai culture you never point with the foot, or show the sole of your foot, it is considered rude. When you sit you put your legs behind you so the sole of your foot is not facing out but behind. I am trying to learn about appropriate behaviour as I am coming to live in Thailand. Im surprised that your getting footsie action.

    I dunno. Maybe her toes were cold, it was quite chilly.

  12. Last time I got visas for daughter and 'the evil one', it took six months, went to court and even then it was stated that daughter must be accompanied by 'the evil one'.

    I too would like to know the answer to this as well as permanent relocation of daughter, nearly 6, to the UK sans 'the evil one'.

    As much as this country, Thailand, is quirky and has it's charms . . . you get the idea. :)

    If your daughter has UK passport, why do you need a visa? Or is the visa only for "the sii daam evil one"?

    On what grounds can Thai Immigration stop you (child trafficking?)

    At what age is it permitted?

    As a 'farang' I believe we have no legal parental rights in the first place. Guess I could get her a UK passport would be a start, but settlement?

    It's a right mess.

  13. I find gear change on the Ninja 650 to be a bit 'grumpy', a bit 'clonk, clonk'. Only bit of the bike I'm not keen on. Other than that it's ideal.

    Yeah... ER-6n is, unsurprisingly, the same :)

    I am not sure I am imagining this but it seems a bit less 'clonky' since I've adjusted the lever to the "1" setting... might want to try it.

    Lovely device these Kwaka's, but that 'CLONK!' into 1st makes me feel like I'm about to break it.

  14. Last time I got visas for daughter and 'the evil one', it took six months, went to court and even then it was stated that daughter must be accompanied by 'the evil one'.

    I too would like to know the answer to this as well as permanent relocation of daughter, nearly 6, to the UK sans 'the evil one'.

    As much as this country, Thailand, is quirky and has it's charms . . . you get the idea. :)

  15. Sometimes i actually think Thailand is better organized than the west,recycleable stuff like cardboard tins and bottles are collected by people who earn there entire living from it,and you are also given money for them to take it away! this does not happen in the west.Just after new year the man was round with his cart and scales...easy and a good service!

    You can think of anything in Thailand and it is used and recycled many times to get the most out of it,the Thais are past masters at getting something out of nothing and where materials come into again they are really versatile and creative.

    The burning does go on as i have seen it a lot but nothing worse than the illegal tipping that goes on in the west,you will not stop them burning stuff it is ingrained especially in the villages,maybe in the cities there is more of a chance?

    Good summary. Just wish the likes of 7-11 would wind their neck in with 'everything must have a plastic bag and every drink a straw' total nonsense. Same goes for Tesco and similar.

  16. My cigarettes are in constant peril here where I live. As are my tea bags. Hundreds get murdered every month by these savages! :)

    I'm not feeling too safe right now. Chewit, a mad old rice farmer has come to visit followed by his wife who are now sat behind me murdering cups of cha!

  17. Can confirm.

    On the bus back home recently, long conversation with 30 something chick in seat behind. Even after we'd established I avoid relationships she spent the rest of the 11 hour journey with her toes jammed in the fold of the seat, wiggling them against my rear.

    It was quite annoying.

    Let one rip, would have given her the message loud and clear.

    Given the perilous condition of my lower bowel on that day, might have got a bit more of a shock.

  18. Can confirm.

    On the bus back home recently, long conversation with 30 something chick in seat behind. Even after we'd established I avoid relationships she spent the rest of the 11 hour journey with her toes jammed in the fold of the seat, wiggling them against my rear.

    It was quite annoying.

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