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Posts posted by fearless1

  1. I just got back from staying in Phuket in Kamala right on the beach and it was great. It rained some and there were lots of clouds but in my opinion that only made it cooler and more interesting. The ocean is a little rough this time of the year but there were no riptides that I noticed and I spent at least 3 hours a day swimming. Prices are better in the offseason and there aren't the crowds to contend with.

  2. Apartments are hardly making a killing charging 6 baht per unit. They have a lot of costs involving the electrical system that need to be recouped somehow. There are things like lights and air conditioning in the common areas, elevators, electrical system installation and maintenance, etc...

  3. Aviadkk: Keep us informed if possible about the bike's performance as you put more miles on it. We have 11 pages on this topic and practically nothing has been written about how the bike feels, it's speed on hills, it's comfort, etc...

    If you have owned other bikes, how does it compare? I'm trying to decide between the new click and the nouvo sx but nobody that owns either one seems to be willing to share their impression. thanks...

  4. "I just bought a click 125i and its great around town. very quiet and no vibrations to give a sore bum but I would nt want to do long trips. Hence the 2nd larger bike cm to thaton in 2.5 hrs!!!!!!!!"

    Why do you think the click is not adequate for long trips? Is it just the size that's a problem or something else? I'm thinking of buying a new click and will probably ride the Mae Hong Son loop with it, but I'm holding off because I'm not sure how it will do on longer rides. Speed is not an issue for me as long as the bike can climb the hills OK and is safe.

  5. Has anybody taken the new click on any long mountainous rides such as the Mae Hong Son loop? If so, what were your impressions? Was it comfortable and did it handle the climbs and descents OK? I'm looking at the click vs. the 125i wave and the new Nouvo 125i. I prefer the full auto but I would go to the wave if it is significantly better for the longer rides.

  6. I'm keeping this forum topic alive. Does anybody know of any rental places in Chiang Mai that might have the bike? I'm surprised at how little interest there is in the bike, but I'm hoping at least someone has had a chance to try it. I haven't seen any on the road yet.

  7. Does anybody have any recent information on when we might see the new 125fi Nouvo here in Chiang Mai? I talked to a guy in the Yamaha showroom last month and he indicated this month but I don't know how reliable his information is. I've been putting off a purchase of a new PCX or Click until I try the Nouvo. Now that the air is clearing up I'm getting anxious.


  8. Maybe someone could advise me here. I have to go to immigration this week to make a 90 day report and get a re-entry permit. Because I recently was issued a new passport, I assume I will also need my retirement extension and other relative stamps moved from the old passport to the new passport. I know that it is necessary to get a queue number when you arrive for whatever service you require. How would any of you handle a situation where you require multiple services? Should I get multiple queue numbers or should I ditch the idea of trying to get three things done in one day?


  9. Can you tell us which dealer gave you the 76,900 price? I went to two dealers - one on Huay Kaew and the other near the Smith residence - and they both were over 80.000.


  10. Don't do anything until you get it checked out by a doctor. He may suggest you get a MRI to look for a rotator cuff tear. I've had 2 rotator cuff surgeries where part of the procedure involved cutting a portion of the bone in the shoulder that was rubbing against the muscles and tendons in the rotator cuff area. I never had any pain until near the end where the tear became more extreme. The surgeon told me that I had the problem my whole life and that it only manifests itself in pain when the tear becomes too acute. Get it checked out and google Rotator Cuff Injury or Treatment.

  11. No they do not negotiate.

    At least not for me.

    What do you mean by convenient Siripat is just around the corner walking distance and I am a cripple. cost of tuk tuk less than 8,000 baht.

    That's one expensive tuk tuk!!

    I mean it's more convenient - in the sense of being suitable to one's comfort, purpose, or needs.

    I know where Sirapat is; I had shoulder surgery there recently. My point was if the costs were the same - which is what was indicated in an earlier thread - then I would go next door to Ram. Since they are not, I'll go to Raj or Sirapat.

    Thanks everyone.

  12. I know the subject has been covered in depth, but I was just quoted a price of 20,000 baht for a Colonoscopy at Ram hospital. In looking at what others have said about the cost of the procedure, this seems a bit high. Given that others have stated that they paid 12,000 baht for the procedure, do you think the price is negotiable? I know I can get better prices at Rajavej or Siripat, but Ram is very convenient for me.



  13. His ads and website sound like he's looking more for donations than volunteers. If you're looking to volunteer you can try Care For Dogs

    The website says that but the ad in the Expat Newsletter says the opposite - that they are looking for volunteers, not donations. I've been out to Care For Dogs also; another great organization.

    Thanks for the directions Dave2


  14. Does anybody know the location of this place? There is an ad in the Expat Newsletter asking for volunteers but I cannot figure out where the place is. Their website doesn't say anything about the location. I sent them an email but I got no reply, then I called them but the directions I was given didn't make a whole lot of sense. I know the general area but I'm looking for something more specific.



  15. I've stayed at both the Dome and Huay Kaew and I'll give a thumbs-up for the Dome Residence. The 2 months deposit is accurate, but they won't hold back your deposit when you move out. Whether you pay at the beginning or as you go, it still is the same amount of money. The important thing is getting everything back when you move out.

    I've also stayed at about 5 other places since moving to Chiang Mai. They all have their pluses and minuses (mostly minuses), but the Dome is the only place I've stayed for over a year.

  16. Just my 2 cents. I just got my retirement extension using the income letter from the US Consulate. I did not have to provide any additional documentation related to my income.

    I do have a question: I was under the impression that since I processed my extension today (June 16th), I would not have to do my 90 day report until some time in September. They indicated that I have to return for my 90 day report on June 28th which is just 12 days from now. Does this seem correct?



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