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Posts posted by JayBee

  1. Ok, in USA we call the Mason Jars or Ball Jars. THey are glass jars with a 2 part metal lid that screws on. Anyone know where I can buy these? I have found lots of plastic ones, and high teck korean versions, and kind with top on hinges and metal clasp, but can not find Mason/Ball Jar type. The metal top has a rubber ring so when screwed on they are airtight. PLease, Please, can someone help?

    Thanks in advance!


    True Value had Ball jars the last time I was there, about a month ago,

    Thanks, anyone else with any advice and where i can buy these little bit more central? If not I will drive out to Nonthaburi True Value this weekend.

  2. Ok, in USA we call the Mason Jars or Ball Jars. THey are glass jars with a 2 part metal lid that screws on. Anyone know where I can buy these? I have found lots of plastic ones, and high teck korean versions, and kind with top on hinges and metal clasp, but can not find Mason/Ball Jar type. The metal top has a rubber ring so when screwed on they are airtight. PLease, Please, can someone help?

    Thanks in advance!


  3. This happened opposite Burger King, at one of the T-Shirt sellers, just before the corner of Khao San Rd...

    I popped out to seven around nine last night and saw alot of police and a crowd gathered.... rumour last night was Thai Husband had shot his wife and kid and tourist was hit in crossfire....

    Vary sad.

    This is crazy! Seems that every day a tourist is killed or dies in Thailand. Making Thailand safe for foreigners, whether from Thais or from foreign gangsters, has got be a priority for this goverment. When people ask me if it is safe to travel to thailand, i have to say it is not safest place. I think travelling to Lao or Cambodia or China is probably safer than Thailand at this point.

  4. #1 drug = Tobacco

    #2 drug = Alcohol

    #3 drug = Cannabis

    This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

    I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

    But many users of dope just do that !! :o

    You have got to be kidding me. I bet you most people who do ya baa or heroin or any hard drugs started with beer or whiskey before they tried drugs, does that mean all people who drink will become drug addicts?

    I just came back from Amsterdam and the only thing the stoned tourists who smoked cannabis were doing was sitting around and eating food! Now the drunk out of control guys on the other hand were causing loads of problems (we have all seen the drunk out of control tourists in bangkok or pattaya). I know plenty of people in America who smoke canabbis and none of them do drugs like speed or heroin.

    As far as all who are quick to judge others and to say they should die, it just blows my mind that you can make these judgements without knowing these people stories or having walked in their shoes. It is really sad to see all the anger and misery from people who are quick to yell for a death sentance and I urge you all to meditate on love and mercy. I guarantee you if you can focus your energy on love and mercy you will feel happier with yourself and well as with others.


  5. I am looking for someone to come to my apartment 2 or 3 days a week, get there before I get back from work and have dinner cooked and be ready to leave when I get in. Someone who could cook both Thai and some western food would be ideal. If anyone has any suggestion they would be very welcome.

    Thank you in advance-


  6. I have done some searching on google and read this thread but still do not really understand the rituals in the temple and would apreciate some info if anyone knows- I recently went to a chinese budhist temple in china town and among other things lit incense and put three sticks in 5 different "bowls"- can anyone explain why? How does this give one merit? Also bought some oil and poured that into the pots that people light there incencse at- anyone can explain why?



  7. I looked at a few apartments in this building. Liked the apartments and the views, tuk-tuk to sukhumvit service is the best I've seen (they actually drive that thing all day, as opposed to other places where the "driver" is usually hiding somewhere asleep.

    Ultimately passed for two reasons:

    Location- Just a little too close to the sleaze (Lolita's blowjob bar down the street, etc).

    Management- Very bad in opinion. Said they would supply new beds and when I sat down to sign said they would only supply old beds (that were a total joke). So stupid to blow a deal over a couple of new beds, but typical. Also one of the apartments was FULL of more mosquitos and moths than I have ever seen before in one place. I started laughing when I saw it because it was so rediculous. Manager inisted that was normal for Bangkok in February, needless to say, when I moved into the apartment I settled on I didn't have to fight the moths for space.


  8. This makes it seem like it is easy to get a one year multi-entry visa, is that really the case? I am a U.S. citzen planning on moving to thailand for a year or more. I am going over there to do sourcing work. I will be working for myself. Can I get a one year non-immigrant multi entry Visa?

    I live in NYC, any body been to the consulate here? Are they helpful?

    Thanks in advance-


  9. I am considering going to Thailand and trying to make money sourcing for American clothing companies. I already have a couple of U.S. companies that I have good relationships with. My question is: if I set up a U.S. company, and am paid by the companies I source for, and they pay the money to my U.S. account, is there any reason for me to establish a formal company in Thailand?

    What are the advantages and also what are my visa options? I will probably be travelling to Vietnam, Cambodia and China as well, so leaving the country won't be too much of a problem.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


    ps- If you have good contacts with Thai factories that make quality clothing (especially childrens) feel free to message me.

  10. I am considering moving to Thailand in the next few months. I am planning on working for myself as an agent working with Thai factories and American buyers. Can I set up a business in thailand and get a visa/work permit that way. What about starting the company in the U.S. and opening an office in Thailand? I have no problem keeping 2million baht in the bank, but I don't plan on having 4 thai employees.

    I am 28 and American.

    Thanks in advance-


  11. I am a first year law student in New York City. I will be attending a two week international law program in China at the end of July. I am looking for work in either the legal or international business sectors in Bangkok for June and the first half of July. I am most interested in getting some good experience and making good contacts. If you or anyone you know could help I would apreciate it.



    [email protected]

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