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Posts posted by lockman

  1. "Get medical insurance." Sounds like good advice, but I've run into difficulties finding it here in Thailand since I am over 65 years old. I guess the insurance companies think we old folks are a bad risk, even for accidents.

    Anyone know any options for us old farts here in Thailand? Going home is not much of an option at this point, and there insurance is prohibitively expensive. I've been subscribing to the "wisdom of insecurity" instead.

    Prohibitively expensive? So a basic accident and health insurance for around 20.000B is too expensive? How much would it cost you in a hospital should you have an accident here (without insurance)? But as you say, you can always pray that nothing happens.

    Hey friendphil - I get your point. The 20,000B premium is accurate, but my BUPA policy just went up from 20,000B to 27,000B because of the age bracket. However, just after paying the premimum this summer, I had an incident and spent two nights in Samitivez with an MRI and a CT SCan and lots of good care. My 'investment' proved to pay off big time just for this one hospital stay. Besides just the money savings, it was nice to be able just to check in without worrying about comparing prices and considering if the extra treatment was neccessary or viable - I just went with the doctors' recommendations. So, I agree, the idea of having it while it is still available is an easy choice.

    I am also faced with this same problem; the fact that this policy will not even be available after age 65. I would also like to know if there are other options, especially for major-medical. The only thing I have to go on so far is that the basic costs at the "non-5-star" hospitals (like Samitivez) are a bargain compared to the West even without insurance (understatement).

    Well I got my policy before 60, and they tell me that even though I cannot purchase after age 70ish I will still have coverage until the policy value is used up. More expensive that some, but having that overlay into later age seemed ok to me. Came from AIA

  2. I "used" to fly Thai Air International every year. However as their prices got higher and higher I went elsewhere. Yes I would pay 100-150 USD more for the non-stop flight, but NOT 5-600 per passenger more. But when I asked BKK are there any "promotions, etc" or any sort of discount for a frequent flyer with loads of points I was told NO. However on the last flight I was on, there were some hi-so's on the same flight paying less and they were given "free" upgrades to business class. Meanwhile even though we had points for an upgrade, none were available.

    Now I have 0 points but a few thousand dollars more. And while I will compare their fares next Feb or March, likely will not use unless somewhat comparable price.

  3. What about people who want to evacuate North?????????????????

    Shhhhhhh, let them go south. too many BKK city folk in the north already.

    No kidding. Went to Udon this week loads of BKK vehicles up here..and driving like down there. Glad I was only there 1 1/2 days, but have noticed many BKK vehicles and Taxi's way out here. Hotel I was at had 1/2 a planeload come up on Nok Air according to the staff. Rest went elsewhere.

  4. Uniform interpretation of rules and Retirement extension and Marriage extension

    I'd like them to apply the same rules everywhere and NOT allow some offices to require way more than others especially for those who are long term residents (over 2-3 years). If the requirement is met for income by an income statement and you have been here over 3 years one office may accept that "as is" while a different office or different officer may want copies of a bank book (I should only have to show that not copy 40 pages from the last year) AND a letter from the bank stating this is correct. Or a letter from the bank stating this amount is in the bank for this period if using the money in the bank method.

    For either a retirement extension OR marriage extension just validate that the previous copies of documents are still valid. I do the requirement extension even though I qualify for the marriage as it is easier, but I always include a copy of 40 year old marriage, some recent photos of the old folks, etc. However all the stuff about needing additional copies of this or that is annoying. And "IF" I have done everything "legally" for a 3 or more year period, why not allow a 3-5 year extension.

  5. 90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

    As far as the 90 day notification, why do they always need copies of all this if it is the same as the last 2-3-4 years?

    Why not simply set up something to allow you (or them) to scan your copies into a system and you (via a screen at the immigration office) simply validate the information is still correct. And if you have been here over 2 or 3 years and have always done things correctly; allow 180 day reporting.

  6. Well where I am I have a choice...TOT or TOT. However mine is normally reliable. Had DSL till a couple months ago as it got slower and slower as I'm at about the limit of distance from the Dslam and as more subscribers added..slower and dropouts, especially when school opened and evening game shop time. So have wireless now TOT) and working fine. Yes I may only be able to get 2M speed outside of Thailand but beats 256 from the DSL which was to be a 2M.

  7. Well on the advice of my builder and the electric company I had 3 phase installed for our house when built. That has been a huge benefit as we are out in the sticks and power per phase is limited as stated above. I do have 2 3 phase AC units as they are much cheaper to run vs 4 single phase units. The main benefit is often a phase goes out. The entire village has no power except for us as we still have 2 phases, and once only 1, but that was sufficient for the refrigerator and freezer. I also have a 7kw generator for when all goes out to run the refer & freezer. I will get that hard-wired into a receptacle and a transfer switch for the well pump. I'd keep the 3 phase myself.

  8. I think it depends where you live, in a popular Farang area the BIB have learnt to target farangs, if you live remote from such areas as I do you get the reverse effect, they start to pull you over, see a farang, salute and wave you on. I have been told by a BIB friend that this is partly because they fear the loss of face at their inability to communicate.

    My thoughts exactly. Have been with another farang and when stopped the BIB was stunned to see 2 in a pickup, such he asked someone else what to say which was drivers license in Thai. I (not driving) said yes, got mine out he asked me if the driver had a license, yes, waved on. Sure I've been pulled over a couple time in 4 years for doing nothing wrong, usually left alone, actually had the radar reader tell one that I was NOT speeding (well 91 in a 90 zone and waved away, but I'd much rather hand over a couple hundred and no muss, no fuss and no paperwork. However elsewhere (US) I was stopped for 57 in a 55 , cost over 100 USD and 35 for traffic school; a joke, but a wasted day too keep points off license and insurance from going up. And that was ALL about revenue for the city. So what would you really rather have?

  9. I think I was about 8 when I "smoked" my taid's [granddad's] cigarettes (that is, puffed without knowing what I was doing) in good ol' rural Wales.

    Granted, I was 45 before I finally quit smoking, but really, smoking is a peer thing...nothing much to do with economics or urban/rural or male/female...but cutting out advertising probably helps a fair bit. If anyone has seen the TV series Mad Men, with smoking choking out the actors, you will wonder how on earth you could ever have started that filthy habit.

    Yep, same boat as you was about 6 in US when tried a Chesterfield...Gramps Kents were much better. Tried beer and whiskey by 8 as well, quit the smoking around 40 but still enjoy a beer now and then. However ads and TV then was much different than today, and while I'm slow to learn at times usually get there. Times Change and Thailand is slowly, but much is like back then out in the provinces.

  10. OK, he was in violation of the law, but sought help, trusting that being forthright and honest would be at least rewarded with objective behavior and a financial.

    Instead, he got what he got. The post that stated "lost in translation" has something there, yet one wonders what was going through the minds of the arresting officer that resulted in this decision.

    Be irresponsible and under the influence and healthy: Shove a tuk tuk driver and get put into a coma by Thai citizens

    Be responsible and sober and near death: Go on overstay because you are in hospital, and immediately report upon release, and go to jail.

    But He didn't do that " When Kent Melmblom was discharged from the hospital, knew that his visa expired. One week after discharge, he went to the police " And go to the Police???

    No you go to immigration IMMEDIATELY upon release.

    Been here awhile now and immigration has been fine and very helpful to most so long as you STAY legal;, but try to cut corners, etc gets nasty fast.

  11. Believe once he gets the birth certificate paperwork a passport can be issued (but might require parents help). But suspect he will have to do his own home register and ID card paperwork during a visit as he is not a minor anymore.

    I'll ask consulate for sure. Didn't want him to do anything right now but make him eligible for this as he has a number of years to work yet. But if something ever happens to us, he is in line to inherit and keep her family out of it.

    Wonder if we saw a lawyer and did a will (with copy of birth certificate attached) if that would suffice.

  12. What Consulate told you this? He does have Embassy birth certificate?

    LA consulate told me this in reference to passport, but could not issue birth certificate as he was born in Ohio..had to send to New York. So sent package to New York to get Thai birth certificate so we could register him in our house as we live here now (while he works in US.) I'm thinking he may eventually come and live here in 15 years or so and this way he can get a passport when he decides to do that, as well as he can inherit under Thai Law our house and property.

  13. You seem to be saying that your son lives in the US. Are you sure they didn't refuse to register him because he lives in the US and is not in Thailand. In that case they might not want to register him on a tabien baan and thus he can get no Thai ID-card. He better applies for a Thai passport in the US first.

    Yes he lives in the US at present. The consulate in USA told me he needed to be on the house book to get a passport. Yep..confusing.

  14. Same sort of thing, but I don't know what to do. Our son was born in USA. We never did anything until this year after we were told at Amphur that his American birth certificate had to be done to Thai in USA. So we did all that paperwork and finally received his Thai birth certificate. So we took that to Amphur where we were told NO as he is 36 and ?? too old. All we wanted to do was add him to the house book, nothing else.

    Our thoughts are (now that we found out things later) is once he is in the house book, he can at a later date, apply for a Thai passport when (someday) he and his wife (from Udon) come here to live. At that point, with the passport, he should be able to get an ID card.

    So what do we do? Is there some rule that after a certain age you (the parents) can place him in your house book?


  15. One thing many have failed to mention is going via Savanaket you would only get a 15 day land crossing visa. Udon Thani is about 290 KM to Mukdahan while Ubon is less than 200. The Ploy Palace does have an Ubon Mini-van for about 250-300B. Khon Kean is closer by about 40 KM  than Udon Thani And they are the Air Con buses as well.

  16. Whilst a lot may rest in driver education (the majority) and actual proper tests for drivers, things like keeping uncle Somchai and his family out of the back of pick ups makes a lot more sense. If vehicle laws insist seat belts in vehicles and helmets on motorcycles, then isn't it about time to ban riding in the back of pick ups or at least if stupidity prevails, make them wear a helmet. They don't stand a chance in any accident especially when the mug at the wheel is driving too fast, has no evasive driving skills or defensive driving education. But let's not forget the social activities of drinking in the back of pickups hurtling down motorways, which I guess, lessens the pain when you get turfed out in an accident. rolleyes.gif

    I think many miss the real point. Empower and require ALL policemen to enforce ALL vehicle laws whenever they see them. Like no rear light or lights at all on motorcycle. Impound motorcycle until unlicensed operator pays a 500-1000B fine and do not release to an unlicensed operator. Require the policemen to watch for violations ALL the time, not just once on awhile at some traffic stop to check things. I personally don't have a big problem with Uncle and family in the back, much rather have that than 4-5 on a motorcycle. Ticket students who do not have a license AND fine the parents. Make this a reportable offense AND x number of offenses cannot get a license until a year or so later. Pull the speeding vehicle over that just blew by the police vehicle and make them pay. Fine bus drivers for not following traffic lanes at intersections for turning. Start ticketing double or illegally parked vehicles everywhere including trucks making deliveries. In other words start enforcing the laws they have constantly. That is the only way behavior will change.

  17. I think it's another swipe without addressing the real problem. Driver TRAINING! License REQUIRED. And making the BIB responsible for enforcement of things all the time, not..helmet day, registration day, etc. Motorcycle, no plate no helmet..impound. the end. I understand the poor issue to a large extent, believe me 40 years ago motorcycles were very scarce. Buses carried most everyone everywhere. Children either walked or rode a bicycle to school. Instead look at the whole of a problem, narrow roads without motorcycle lanes and no enforcement of lighting will result in accidents. have seen 3 dead in last week. I'm sure it will be the motorcycles fault, no helmet, no rear light, whatever, instead of Bus running above speed limit on narrow 2 lane highway, no motorcycle lane, and bus illegally passing. Or instead of motorcycle riding the wrong way AND Truck going wrong way and another truck trying to turn around without sufficient distance behind another turning vehicle...what is wrong with this picture. While simply enforcing the laws, and ticketing BIB for doing nothing......Not..well that is highway police job, we are just checking registrations.....my 2 bits

  18. This just makes no sense whatsoever. Filtration of very dubious and uncontrolled water may still have all kinds of contaminants and bad chemicals in them that filtration doesn't take out.

    With 6 liters of Mineré or Nestle water costing 30-33 baht or so, why bother??

    27K baht buys you NINE HUNDRED 6-L bottles of Nestle Water. Say roughly one of those a week per person, then that's a tall glass of water right there. That is SEVENTEEN YEARS OF WATER. Or still many years for a family of three. Either way it likely lasts you longer than the lifespan of the stupid filter.

    And don't get me started on Amway.


    Just some information: The normal bottled water in Thailand is simply filtered, and will have about 300-350PPM of solids in it. I have one of those "RO" units connected to 2 8 liter pressure tanks to feed faucets for drinking water as well as the automatic ice maker and water dispenser on our refrigerator. This works very well and I don't have to haul those 6L bottles home every few days. The reusable delivered bottles are usually no more than well water that has been tested (like mine) for microorganism (bacteria). My RO unit takes the solids from 450-550 PPM to about 105-115. Like drinking snow water. Cost about 8000B including all the tubing and extra tank to install. We use about 3-6L per day with all the neighbors, etc.
  19. What a great shame.

    Big C aren't a patch on Carrefour for foreign customers. Let's watch the variety and quality go downhill.

    Yep, agree with that. Big C is the same stuff everywhere. When Carrefour opened in Udon I was well pleased. but every visit after that..foreign goods were less, 1st it's ordered, then something different..cheaper and not at all similar. Wrote to the management, that was a total waste. Tops will be very pleased.

  20. If only we could do this here in the states...

    And charge them as in Thailand OR take off the country's "foreign aid", etc.

    I have actually overstayed a day before, completely by accident as arrival was stamped incorrectly. Immigration looked at arrival flight, as I was polite and explained the error but did not say your personnel dated this wrong, stamped us right through, no fine at all.

    My findings are follow the rules..no problems

  21. I think you mean "Keyed Alike" which is different to a "master Key system".

    You will need a good lock smith who can supply a lock with the same key profile as your originals and re configure the tumblers, so probable also requires a service kit of the same manufacturer.

    Basil do you know anyone that is a good locksmith that knows a key alike(master key one key fits all locks)?

    So far I seem to be going to all the subpar locksmiths & they just don't get it that you can actually take apart the tumblers & match brass pins instead of replacing all the locks. If not I think Boy air can do it. I never heard of a car stereo shop that doesn't do custom key sets in cars.

    Keyed alike locks all use the same key while master keyed locks each have different keys but a "master" key that will open any in the set. Car cylinder tumblers and pins are typically much smaller than door locks. Many of the small shops in Thailand that are located in front of a shop have the capability to re-key locks. Now whether they have the proper pins is a different story.

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