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Everything posted by narkeddiver

  1. Hi, my extension based on marriage is due to expire on 31/10/2024. Normally when I do my extension based on marriage I am given an “Under Consideration” stamp that says to return on 29th or 30th of November. Could I get a re-entry permit whilst under consideration and leave the country on 14/11/2024 and return on 21/11/2024? Thanks in advance
  2. narkeddiver


    Raining in San Phi Suea 😉
  3. Thanks for the info folks for some reason the word Retirement escaped me earlier this morning and I could only come up with Pension as a replacement 😉
  4. I’m thinking of switching my extension from being based on marriage to being based on pension but I’m not sure if I’ve left it too late for this year. My current extension runs until 31/10/2024 but I’d like to do the extension on 15/10/2024 just in case there are any issues. If I increase the money in my savings account to 800,000 before 15/07/2024 will that be in time? Thanks in advance
  5. Also worth checking Renegade Sports Bar - they have all the big sports events and a good selection of beers 🙂
  6. Just looked at the online booking service for Division 5 For some reason Chiang Mai only offer bookings for 4 types of extensions and Thai Family is not available All the other offices I checked, Chiang Rai, Mae Sai, Lampang, Lang Phun, Mae Hon Song, Pai, all had many more types of extensions available for booking
  7. The DTV visa seems a bit pointless unless I’m misunderstanding it. It reads to me as though you can have one stay of up to 180 days in a 5 year period, and you can extend that stay once up to an additional 180 days. As the visa lasts for 5 years it would appear that once you’ve used up your 360 days then you have to wait until the visa expires before you can get a new one, meaning if you used the visa in the first year you would have to wait 4 years before you could get a new one
  8. The only two categories I can recall seeing on the wall there were Student and Teacher
  9. At Central Festival Immigration they do - the girls at the entrance desk took a photocopy of my 90 day report and did not charge me for it. It seemed that the Chinese lady in front of me who was doing re-entries for her and her 2 daughters was charged as she was missing a few photocopies It also looks like there is a “private” photocopy service available further into the mall but close to immigration
  10. I was there before 09:00 this morning so I don’t know what happens later in the day but here’s my experience about 08:45 a group of girls come out and pre-checked everyone’s docs if your docs were ok you got a separate number (plastic card) for either re-entry or extension and joined a new queue. If your docs were not ok (ie form not filled in) you had to step out of the queue to fill it in and wait to get your number. when the doors opened you went to a waiting area behind the entrance desk, but before the waiting area for the processing desks When your number is called you go to the entrance desk where they re-check your docs and make sure you have the money to pay. You are then given a new number (paper) and move to the processing desk waiting area and wait for your new number to be called
  11. As of this morning Central Festival Immigration says are-entry permits are open 09:00 to 11:30. This is at the entrance - on the re-entry desk is says 09:00 to 12:00 - I would go with what is said at the entrance to be on the safe side
  12. Thanks for the heads up Last time I was at Central Festival they weren’t doing Marriage Extensions but I need to get a re-entry permit for a trip before my extension is due so I’ll check it out at the same time
  13. Has anyone been able to book an appointment at Chiang Mai Immigration for a Marriage Extension recently? I checked just now and it looks like you can only choose Volunteer, Business, Education, Pension
  14. So, in theory, once I get the probate order and / or disbursement translated then I could use these documents continually and use my inheritance as my annual income in Thailand (until it runs out) and if that is my sole source of funds then I would be exempt from tax as that would be all that would be on my Thai tax declaration
  15. Thanks Mike - I had read this post before but not far enough down to reach the inheritance section Any idea how I provide proof that the transfer is inheritance rather than general income?
  16. I may have an inheritance due in my home country later this year. It will not be subject to inheritance tax in my home country as it will fall beneath the tax limit. If I transfer the money to Thailand will it be classed as income and be liable to tax under the amendment to the tax laws? Thanks in advance
  17. Most of Hollywood output over the years has been for the mass market and are boring - if you look at any given decade the majority of films will be unappealing the interesting films have always been independent or foreign
  18. I have a dumb question What’s the easiest way to determine the consumption for the pumps? The Koi pump is submerged somewhere in filtration system but is plugged into a socket so I guess I can look on Lazada for a power meter that I can place between it and the plug socket The pool pump may be harder to work out. It was installed by the previous owner and sits in a pit. I can’t see any markings on it that denote it’s power and I can’t see where the power cables run to - I assume it has its own circuit on a board somewhere
  19. Hi, The two biggest electricity users at my home are the swimming pool pump and the Koi pond pump Would it be possible and practical to remove these from the grid and power them by solar and batteries? I don’t know the actual power consumption of these pumps but the pool pump runs for several hours during the day and the Koi pond pump runs pretty much 24/7 thanks in advance
  20. I was able to purchase a bottle of Ardbeg from Wishbeer a couple of years ago - they have an app and deliver
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