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Posts posted by PomPui

  1. Hi :)

    Are you guys going to a game on the 28th of August? I am in BKK that weekend and I would love to tag along.



    It is possible that the TPL matches scheduled for the 28th and 29th August will be moved, in order to stage a round of the new League Cup competition. It's best to keep checking. I'll post on here when I know for certain.

    Thanks for letting me know :wai:



  2. Every time I've tried to bring over good chocolate it ends up as a congealed melted mess so I've given up - biscuits rule!

    Ekkamai will be out of your budget. Ari as suggested and maybe places round Victory Monument might be better ideas. On Nut/Phra Khanong is also an option - I lived there several years ago but would hesitate to do so now as when it all kicked off a few months ago the trouble headed straight there after being forced out of the centre. This isn't a reason to disrecommend this area though - when I lived there 8 years ago I had the most wonderful neighbours - but like London you are never that far from a bad neighbourhood/soi - Bangkok is a big city and your neighbours are paramount.

    If you like the beach idea then the coast round Rayong and beyond has numerous places, mainly Thai orientated but most are very friendly, relaxed and welcoming - and it's a stones throw from BK if the quiet life gets too much.

    As long as I take out out the hand luggage and straight in to the fridge Chocolate is fine.

    WOW Andie you really are a a walking BKK Atlas. :w00t: I will certainly check out all the places that you have listed. On Nut is one that was already on my list as I know 2 people who live up that way as they say the accommodation is better value for money. I have not been to Victory Monument for years but last time I thought it was very busy with traffic. I am sure that was just one part and the area its self is a lot larger than I know.



  3. Hi PomPui,

    Interesting that you say you are taking a year off work to get your life in order (or the like), as last week when we were in Bangkok I found a book in the bookcase by the gym (in English not Swedish, German or Japanese - yay!) called "Fat, Forty and Fired" about a guy that did just that - was quite inspiring.

    I hope it goes well for you : )

    WOW what a great book :thumbsup: I read the first 60 pages on google books and then ordered the book.



  4. Hi - unsure if I qualify as a fan, but I do follow Rovers progress purely because of Ryan Nelsen's involvement, one of the few NZers playing in England (correct me if I'm wrong)

    Of course you count as a Rovers Fan, we need all the help we can get ;)

    Admiral has been a great servant to Rovers since joining from the MLS. Captain of Club and Country if I am not mistaken?



  5. I heard a Waitrose Express was opening in On Nut, but its just a rumor fattie, sorry PumPui

    Hi bartender,

    Thanks for your reply, I am actually giving up my job to take a year out to work on my health and to achieve various other things that work just makes impossible. So that was a perfect reply, sure I am not a slim Jim at the moment but with a few months hard work I am sure I will be looking in a lot better shape.



    I was just jesting with you, good luck, actually i will be doing the same very shortly, but find its easier to do in Pattaya than Bangkok, more opportunity for swimming and walking, and apartments tend to be better their for the money.Jomtien is a way from the nightlife if you don't want it

    I would like to move near the beach and I guess its a more relaxing lifestyle but I am not going anywhere near Pattaya. I guess when its out of high season I could move to Phuket or Samui but I would also guess the rates during high season are amazingly high.

    Good Luck in your quest to loose weight sure it wont be easy but I am sure like myself you will be able to make good progress. As I know I lazy so and so I am planning to get a personal trainer, when I am over in August I am going to visit FitCorpAsia

    Anyway that is way off topic but thanks for your replies



  6. Minor point to omit... shoes and bras probably not that relevant then...! Anyway...

    The 'Japanese' supermarket on Ekkamai (at the top end, almost opposite Soi 2) stocks quite a few Waitrose things too - even stuff I'd never go looking for like e.g. organic walnut pieces. I would also add that there are some nice new lowrise and quiet places for rent round the top end of Ekkamai - but a lot will depend on your budget (maybe helpful to get an idea of your range)

    My list for what to bring is based on my friends personal preferences - all of them have lived in the UK or abroad at some point and these are the things that they miss/are expensive in Thailand (M&S tea costs 3-4 times as much so I always bring over several boxes when I've been back). For their relatives I've found that something food related and very UK 'branded', e.g. good tin of shortbread with cliche pictures of bagpipers/tartan/heather/etc., goes down well - as much for the packaging as the contents.

    Normally for friends I have been bringing chocolate as they cant seem to get enough of that. :D

    I always bring Tea where ever I go as I don't drink coffee. Although not my first choice, the tea in Starbucks, English Breakfast is nice but of course is ridiculously expensive for what it is.



  7. I heard a Waitrose Express was opening in On Nut, but its just a rumor fattie, sorry PumPui

    Hi bartender,

    Thanks for your reply, I am actually giving up my job to take a year out to work on my health and to achieve various other things that work just makes impossible. So that was a perfect reply, sure I am not a slim Jim at the moment but with a few months hard work I am sure I will be looking in a lot better shape.



  8. Cuirous why you ask ladies specifically then?

    Regardless, if you are a tall or big guy the shoes/clothes issue remains the same

    Hi SBK,

    I just wanted another point of view no other reason. I am very grateful for the information that I have been given and sorry if I have broken in Forum rules by posting in the Ladies Section.



  9. WOW thanks for all the great replies :jap:

    I am afraid that in my haste to post I forgot to mention I am male :sorry:

    Its good to know that the Supermarkets are now everywhere normally I would normally go to Foodland but its excellent to know that TOPS sells Waitrose food as its always nice to have a Farang treat every now and then. I am back over in August and I will certainly check out Soi Ruamrudee as I have never heard of it. Ari I did go there a few years ago after hearing very good things about it but when I got there it was not what I expected. But I am more than happy to go there again take a look again. Thanks for the suggestion of the Soi 1 Graham but that is far to close to the entertainment areas.

    One question I do have is where do Thai people find their apartments?

    Thanks Andie for excellent list of gifts to give Thai people, I would have never known what they would like.



  10. Hi Girls, (I come in peace):)

    I am moving to Bangkok for a year as I take a break from work. I have a list of things that I think it would be nice to live.

    1: Quiet area

    2: Must be with in walking distance of BTS or MRT

    3: Have a good supermarket nearby

    As you can see that is a very short list. Its just me and no one else I don't need a school. Of course I don't want to be anywhere near the entertainment areas.

    Does anyone have some suggestions?

    Also is there anything I should bring from the UK that is difficult to get in Thailand. I had to bring a kettle from the UK when I went to live in Texas as an example.



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