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Posts posted by marc651

  1. He's a "Belgian"? Then why does he look - dare I say it? - Thai? Something doesn't add up here, Dr. Watson.

    Well the aborigines get rare in Europe.....tell me the most common name given to babies in Germany, Austria, UK (most probably also France):


    In France and Austria the extreme right wing seem to win the EU parliament elections...

    Clearly his name is not Mohammed

    Sorry but your statement that "aborigines" get rare in Europe is a xenophobic lie , unless you believe 90% of the population equals "rare". Do call 90% of the population "a minority"?

    The fact that the most common name for newborns in certain European countries is Mohammed is not because they form the numeric majority, but simple because half of them call their son Mohammed, while the "aborigines" as you call them give much more diverse names (and actually do not want their kid to have the same name as the other kids).

    So you got the islamic immigrant kids named Mohammed, and the locals named a thousand different names. Not difficult to see that Mohammed becomes the most used name if its just 5% of the kids. To pretend that they have become the majority is far from the truth, just typical xeno propaganda talk.

    • Like 2
  2. So I imagine this Aldhouse guy will become quite popular if hes good at it ... and if he tries to do in there what he has done in Phuket he will be erradicated and put down.

    My feeling is that once he is over the initial shock of being sent to Thai prison and he begins to settle into the pecking order he will become involved with their system and fit in pretty well with the flow of things.

    You are clearly fairly new to the idea of Thai prisons I think.

    Visit Youtube or pick up one of the many accounts of life inside Bang Kwang (Big Tiger) and then you may understand the reality of the Thai prison system.

    I would say, what is important in a Prison, is not so much different from the world outside.

    You have to gain respect, how you do that, a strong body and fighting skills help and money helps to.

    Seems, Aldhouse, has at least some fighting skills and a sporty body. And his family, remember the 5 Million Baht, has a bit money, (should be still in his account)

    So he is a rich, strong, fighting skilled Falang in a Thai prison. I think, he has not so much to fear! whistling.gif

    I agree. I bet there is quite a chance he will be the topdog of his cell, having the others work for him. He is a hardened fighting machine, a bully, and he has got money... On top of it, he is (in)famous. Just like in a streetgang, the prison ecosystem favours this type of profile.

    I can imagine many inmates would want to be on his side, rather than be against him.

    • Like 2
  3. Please note that virus found in Ms Carter is NOT listed as a cause of death. Cause of death is UNKNOWN which is why the CDC Bulletin does not warn of a virus but unexplained heart inflammation in five deaths in Chiang Mai. The Thai woman had no such condition.

    REPEAT myocarditus ( inflammation )of the heart muscle) outbreak is the subject of the bulletin, not a virus. I bet if you randomly tested 10 people at least one of them would have some variation of an echovirus.

    And the CDC is SPECIFIC l Look for vomiting with no other symptoms, this is not indicative of food laden pathogens that would also cause diarrhea, but a toxin poison.

    I gather myocarditus can be caused by just about any stress to the body, like dehydration and or rapid heart beat? High blood pressure, too.?

    Note LannaRebith's source states" it is being treated as a criminal poisoning investigation "

    The one fact that to me says POISONER is aside from the one British man within th e elderly couple, all the deaths and illnesses are attractive young women.

    I think there is a serial poisoner, who may not even be aware some of his victims are dying. It is a revenge prank using a substance, eye drops that is featured on crime drama TV shows as an innocuous agent that merely gives victims diarrhea when in fact it causes vomiting and rapid heart rate that leads to other complications in some victims that either don't get medical help, or have other conditions- like an echo virus - or hardening of the arteries-that contribute to death.

    I just KNOW this is related to Andaman region deaths in May and June of 2009 and to my own poisoning in Ko Samet Jan 2005. Same persons? Maybe , maybe not- but I think it is deliberate.

    Personally, I also believe intentional poisoning is behind the deaths.

    The theory of a virus or disease behind this is just whishfull thinking.

    If indeed poisoning is behind the deaths it would also be hard to prove based on autopsy or symptoms alone, given the right substance used.

    Finding the cause of the deaths starting from the symptoms of the victims is simly impossible, but this is where the focus seems to lie in the investigation.

    Who was there, in the hotel in the time before the deaths. From hotel staff, to cleaners and suppliers, or places the vistims visited, they should look for a common denominator, looking for a pattern.

    More attention should go to the theory of a serial poisoner.

  4. Some of you are missing the point. It is private property and it is not a public area. The land belongs to the University, as per the land deeds. How would you feel if someone started selling goods on your front walk blocking your entry and exit. The university is attempting to make the area more liveable and to ensure that there is safe ingress and egress. Why is it alright for a group of profiteers to squat on someone else's land, especially if the landowner is trying to improve the land?? The merchants have been given an alternative area but want to sell in the contested area. The merchants have not been stopped form selling their counterfeit and shoddy merchandise, nor has the university demanded bribes from them.

    The Thais who want to make the country a better place certainly can't win with some of the Thai Visa crowd.

    I think the point is that street vendors/hawkers/push-cart operators are a part of Thai life and Thai culture. A part of Bangkok, the identity of the city and city life. They should be protected as a cultural heritage rather then being chased away. Why turn the city into a replica of other western cities with dull, grey, "clean" and dead sidewalks? Because you personally (just like many foreigners), are disturbed by it?

    You say the owner is trying to "improve the land" and make it "more liveable". Asif the universal definition of these terms is "a street without street vendors"... Not for me it isn't. Besides, I would not jump to the conclusion that the majority of Thai people feels they are a nuisance and have to leave.

    And about the argument of private landownership, well the sidewalks should not be privately owned in the first place. If the sidewalks are not public, then what public places are there?


    Governor reports on deaths of 4 guests at local hotel

    By Phitsanu Thepthong


    Chiang Mai Governor ML Panadda Diskul reports on the deaths of four people in a local hotel

    Chiang Mai authorities are still working urgently on the investigation of the deaths of four people at the Downtown Inn Hotel near the Night Bazaar last month it was reported at a press conference. In three separate cases a Thai tourist guide, a New Zealand student and a British couple all died at the same hotel within days of each other.

    we all know that the first 24 hours after a suspicious death are crucial for finding out the truth. Meanwhile most direct evidence will be gone.

    Chiang Mai Governor M.L. Panadda Diskul reported that samples are being sent to the U.S. and Japan for further investigation, especially in the case of the New Zealand girl, Sarah Carter, originally reported as food poisoning.

    The Provincial Public Health Office, the Office of Epidemiology, the Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Center, Maharaj Nakhon Chiang Mai Hospital, the Institute for Forensic Medicine, forensic police and Chiang Mai Provincial Police are all involved in the cases.

    Thai authorities said the cause of death in two cases was still not clear; Mrs. Waraporn Yinghasawanont, 47, a Thai tour guide who checked in and stayed at the hotel February 2. After sightseeing tours to Doi Suthep the previous day, she was found dead in the morning of February 3 in front of the bathroom in her hotel room. Doctors reported that she had asthma and Pol. Col. Montri Sampunnanont, the Deputy Chiang Mai Provincial Police Commander told the Chiang Mai Mail that she had been seen with labored breathing and that might be the cause of her death.

    When dying of poisoning in one way or another it is not unusual to have trouble breathing is it? (regardless of having asthma)

    However, Dr. Paskorn Arkarasewee, the Director of the Office of Epidemiology said the real cause of the death of the guide Mrs. Waraporn had not been determined and that the cause of death of Sarah Carter, the New Zealand tourist, was still unclear.

    The docter agrees the cause of death is unclear

    A Chiang Mai Muang District Police said that Ms. Sarah Katherine Carter, 23, a student from New Zealand traveled from Phuket to Chiang Mai and checked in to the hotel on February 2 with two friends. On February 3 they were found seriously ill with vomiting and nausea so the hotel staff called an ambulance to take them the hospital for treatment where, on February 6, Sarah Carter died. The other two girls also ill, eventually recovered and returned home.

    The three of them poisoned. What do the survivors have to say about this? Have they been questioned?

    Dr. Derek Bunnachak of the Medical Faculty of Maharaj Nakhon Chiang Mai Hospital told Chiang Mai Mail that bacteria might be a cause of food poisoning. Dr. Pasakorn of the Epidemiology Office said they were seriously sick, with bad stomachaches and vomiting, and Miss Carter may have gone into shock from this. "This was really a rare case."

    He said that it "might" be food poisoning, based on the symptoms. We can all imagine many causes that "might" have caused it, what is the value of this statement ??

    He added that the primary diagnosis suspected the E Coli bacteria caused by unclean food. "However, samples were sent for further examination in both the United States and Japan to find the real cause," confirmed Dr. Pasakorn Arkaraseree, Director of the Epidemiology Office.

    Provincial Public Health Office Deputy Head Dr. Surasing Wisarutrat said the case will not be concluded until all test results are in. Doctors confirmed that they did not eat seaweed as earlier reports suggested.

    The Governor expressed his sadness and concern over the death of the young New Zealand girl, "Thai authorities are looking hard at the case to find the cause and we will inform formally and immediately the family members through the New Zealand Embassy.

    what does that mean? "looking hard at the case" ..?

    He spoke on behalf of Thai authorities that "We are very much concerned and definitely look after all visitors to Chiang Mai." He has ordered government officials to step up inspection of all food shops, restaurants and hotel services to ensure food cleanliness.

    Who jumped to conclusions that food poisoning was the cause? That it was an accidental poisoning of all these people?

    Chiang Mai Police then reported that the elderly British couple, Eileen and George Everitt who checked into the hotel on February 9. They were scheduled to check out February 19 but when they did not appear, staff called their room and then entered the locked room with a master key after they had not answered the phone. There they found the couple dead, Eileen Everitt, age 74 on the bed and George Everitt, 78, sitting near the bed.

    Police found no evidence of a break in, no signs of illness or vomiting, no drugs or poisonous substances in the room. It is believed the couple died on February 17 or early morning the 18th since they did not appear for breakfast on the 18th. Doctors reported that both couples suffered from severe blockage of the arteries that resulted in a coronary thrombosis.


    My point is, to which extent is the theory of some psychopath murderer investigated? Clearly, these people have been poisoned, ether on purpose or not on purpose. The investigation seems to be actively looking for an accidental cause of poisoning (food or whatever).

    Nowhere I see this case being treated as a potential serial killer case. There could be some employee randomly poisoning something in this hotel. Have they looked at who worked and who was staying in the hotel at the time of the poisoning?

  6. "So, we won't spend a huge amount of money to import excellent foreign lecturers and recruit too many international students to reach a higher rank because doing so doesn't benefit the nation."

    This vision could be called narrow minded, nationalist and even a bit xenophobic. Anything that doesnt directly benefit "the nation" is not worth investing in. The criteria used to decide what actually "benefits" the nation seem a bit questionable too (apparantly international staff, international research ... do not benefit the Thai nation)

    As long as they actively aim to keep the gifted non-Thai students, lecturers and international research out, they will remain limited and not live up to their capacity. Needless to say, the real top ranking universities do the opposite and actively look for international cooperation - a base ingredient for academic excellence.

    Also note how he first he brags about how they climed in the international ranking. Then, as they dropped again he explains that is fine, as they want to be "world class" at a national level. How does that work, to be international top class, nationally ?

  7. Metropolitan Police Bureau: 4,244 arrested for drug-related crimes during New Year: 640,000 amphetamine pills, 10 kg of ice, and 30 kg of cannabis seized /MCOT

    Wow?? how much damage will impact the people who hook to Amphetamine pills?? Cannabis is alright in my opinion ( I do not smoke ) but, many people around my area are using cannabis. However, the worst drug already proven damage is prescription drug. Statistic already came out in America. But, in Thailand Amphetamine is still new I hope the Thais know how dangerous this drug can do to a person. I am standing tall.

    A common misconception.

    Cannabis can cause Scizophrenia,Paranoia,Depression, Deprivation of drive and lack of interest in life,

    among many other less serious side effects.

    Look it up!

    Although this argument is a bit off topic I would like to comment as well:

    The unlucky 0.5% of the population who is diagnosed as schizophrenic started showing signs of the disorder one day, mostly in early adulthood. Cannabis can "activate" it, but it is not the "cause"of the disorder... If not cannabis use, some other event would propably have triggered it anyway. (if it truly caused schhizophrenia, imagine the number of patients that would have emerged since the 60's)

    As for paranoia, sure, while under the influence, espcially unexperienced users can become paranoid, until the effect wears out. Depression, well we could argue the opposite would be more often true, cannabis being a better antidepressant than many commercial antidepressants.

    People having severe problems with cannabis are usually people with problems in the first place, who start using cannabis.

    For adult, healthy individuals, cannabis IMO is pretty harmless certainly less dangerous than alcohol.

    Your suggestion to "look it up" doesnt bring us much further either, since there is so much biased information from both pro and contra sides

  8. I think we can assume that this guy has wasted money on a few Thai 'girlfriends'. Most Thai women are very decent and it is very rare to come across any that are just after your money.

    The one exception is if you hang around with prostitutes in the 'enertainment' districts. It's a sad fact that they only way some farang can get a 'girlfriend' is to pay a prostitute. But for others, who met their Thai girlfriends in other ways, it is juts like meeting someone back in UK or USA.

    Very rare? Some? Come on, get real, many of the newcomers get in contact with the girls that somehow have financial interests. The ones "not after your money" like you put it are more difficult to access for someone new to the country. They dont bump into you and start introcuding themselves (unlike others ...)

    My girlfriend has spent two winters in the UK. We never had the heating on overnight and she never asked for it to be put on. It is ridiculous to say that Thai people need an indoor temperature of 27C.

    You and your GF must really be an exception. I don't think it is "ridiculous" to say that fresh Thai arrivals in the winter to the UK will need to have the heating on more than your average local who is used to the cold.

    How does she provide for her parents? Maybe they are rich and don't need any help?


    Many people go through periods on unemployment in their lives.

    What are the probabilities for her being rich and unemployed? In the unlikely event of this being so, I am sure the OP would have mentioned her having a fat bank account and adding this as proof for financial support during her stay.

    I feel very sorry for you that you have to go through life with such negative attitudes.

    IMHO you must be a hard core optimist, or else a bit naive

    Xonax was just trying to warn for the common situations where newcomers to Thailand fall in love with seemingly nice friendly superb girlfriends that unfortunately have other motivations and plans besides genuine love and friendship...

  9. No visa for any crossing into Lao for a Thai. Cambodia visa required.

    Is it true ,Thais can get 3 days on production of Their Thai I.D.card?


    its true shee get only 3 days n shee have to0 paid 120 Baht

    Thank you, but,don't forget she MUST produce her Thai I.D. card and pay.

    The same goes for Cambodia. A one or three day pass is (usually) available fo a small fee for the Thai nationals to cross.

  10. GFThai authorities are so incompetent that we would almost give them compliments for implementing a strategy that gives al people internet. The truth is that the strategy that was put in place under Thaksin has been cancelled by crooked military leaders who probably found that they themselves needed the money instead of TOT. So after Thailand has lost many valuable years they are going to TALK about how to implement the old strategy dressed up as new. In the meantime the speeds outside the country have been cut in half. And what good is an internet connection when you can only get a decent speeds accessing websites based in the country (And which ae of course subject to meddling by the censors).

    Where Cambodia has been using 3G the Thai children are still discussing it. Imagine after all that another party not related to the ruling elite will make a bug out of it. That can not be tolerated.

    You complain about incompetence. How competent is your own analysis? It seems you think this is about internet access. Wel it isn't. It is about SPEECH. about PHONEcalls from one network to the other (AIS to DTAC for example)= off net, or within let's say DTAC = onnet. So the word "net" being there has nothing to do with internet. This is not about 3g and internet connectivity which is another topic.

    And next to misunderstanding the topic, dragging Taksin into this "the honest man who was going to provide thailand with cheap fast interent but then the military spoiled it" is rubbish. Finally your statement on " 3g in Cambodia" being lightyears ahead, well could show me where you can actually use 3g in Cambodia please? Nowhere, except in Pnom Penn and a few other city centers if you are lucky it works the day you need it.

  11. This new "investment" might be the nail in the coffin of Thai Airways. This naive move can only drag the company further -and faster- down! In times of crisis, this company which was already in serious trouble because of significant mismanagement, now investing big time - where other carriers are cutting costs...

    In order to survive they should be doing the opposite: restructuring, get organised and install a knowledgeable management team, and most of all become smaller and more efficient.

    It looks like their recent record losses were just the appetizer. Now they're cooking the main dish.

  12. Egypt Embassy address in thiland for more information :-

    Las. Colinas Building 42 nd Floor 6 Sukhumvit 21







    [email protected]

    Please allow me to warn you regarding applying for a visa through the Bangkok based Egyptian Embassy:

    Last year me (EU National) and my Thai girlfriend wanted to visit Egypt (7 days). We went to the embassy for a tourist visa for her ( I did not need one). This was about six weeks before the trip. Everybody at the embassy was very friendly and helpful... except for one person: an old Thai man working there. It was clear he was looking for trouble. Not only with us, with anyone applying for anything. Some discussions took place and several people left the embassy 'slamming the door'.

    When it was our turn -as this old guy went through all applications- he called us and said we had to go home and would not get a visa. After insisting politely he said that actually I needed to apply for a visa too. As I am from a country that gets the visa on arrival I didn't need to, however he said "if you dont apply for a visa I will not grant your girlfriend the visa". So we both applied, paid the fee and gave our passport. After we paid he said he would not give her the visa anyway because we were not married. The old Thai man said all kinds of inapropriate things I quote "how do I know she is not a prositute you are going to sell? you might want to sell her there on the market! It happens to many Thai girls! you are not married! she cannot get visa"

    After a 20 minute discussion, showing him in our passport our stamps of traveling together since 3 years, staying very calm and polite, and stating our marriage was planned for the summer - calling her mother to testify this- etc etc .. he said something like "ok ok ... its ok".

    When we arrived to pick up our passport three working days later, we received our passport with visa's. However, when checking it we saw that the visa was VALID FOR ONE MONTH from the date of the visa application ---> it would expire one week BEFORE our arrival in Egypt. We had clearly informed of the dates of our trip, and even asked if it was too early to apply. no that was fine they had said. Now going back to the desk, of course the old thai guy got involved. I requested them to change the validity to two months or whatever, change the visa etc...just do something to find a solution so we could enter Egypt at our arrival there, we did apply correctly with the correct dates on our application.

    He said "no. I cannot and will not change it. You are trouble makers. You will not get visa again". I thought I was dreaming. It looked like being in some kind of movie, I was looking around if there was any hidden camera and someone to jump forward "candid camera LOL" ... but no, this was real. The guy had us buy two visa's that were not valid for our trip, he did not want to change it, and he stated we would NOT get a visa again and should leave the embassy or he would call security. We had paid our plane tickets already (as well as our visa's), and we were assured we would get the visa during our previous visit.

    I had stayed calm and polite until this point, doing lots of efforts to restrain and not get angry. But now this was it. The guy said we had to leave, called the next guy and didn't want to talk to us again. At this point I decided to stay at the embassy. When he called the next guy after that I went back to the desk and asked for a solution, stating we paid our tickets and just wanted to visit the country. Again he brushed us to the side and ignored us. I requested to speak to the consul or anybody else. But the other people at the desk did not speak much english. They old thai man called the security guards to remove us from the embassy. I thought at this point, ok - lets see what happens, and I stayed sitting in the waiting room. A huge egyptian guy came and requested me to leave. He was huge but also very friendly. I showed him my passport and tried to explain there was a misunderstanding. The guard became uncomfortable and went back to the desk to ask what this was about. There they had some discussion. Guard came back asking me to leave. I said I would not leave until I speak to the consul or get this mistake in my visum fixed. The guard gave up, and left.

    So we stayed until noon, when everybody was gone, and they were about to close the embassy and go for lunch. However, I refused to leave until they would fix their mistake. A discussion erupted between the personnel, in arab. The security guard came asking me to leave, but again I said I would not leave until I could speak to the consul. I expected to be removed by force, but no, the guard left again. Finally they called some higher level egyptian guy, the consul or similar. He was very friendly, asked what the problem was. I explained the story, showed my travel docs and the faulty visa. He said I did not need to worry and he would fix it as he understood this was a mistake from his administration. He called the old thai guy, and we had some kind of cross examination. There was no escaping for the thai guy at that point, I told the consul I was forced to buy a visum why I did not need to, that he called my gf a prositute, he refused a visa because we were not married, and that he finally tricked us into a visa on which he stamped the wrong dates while our applications were correct... he lost face bigtime in front of his superior (entirely his own fault, he had it coming). The consul guy was upset with the Thai old man and ordered him to go fix my visa instantly. The consul apologised a dozen times to me and my girlfriend.

    10 minutes later we got our passports with the visa stamp corrected to "valid three months". The consul apologised once more for the incident and wished us a good trip. The old Thai guy did not look at us or speak to us again, as expected. I had taken pictures with my cellphone of the old thai guy as I was planning to make an official complaint. But I never did make the complaint though...

    We had a nice trip to egypt, it was enjoyable. Just be warned for the old Thai guy at the egyptian embassy... I bet we were not the first couple he was trying to screw over... if we would not have been persistent we would have lost our trip (and tickets)

  13. I am getting quite tired of Henryalleman's post:

    - completely off topic --> I would suggest Henry to open a thread to discuss Belgian topics unrelated to Thailand instead of littering this thread with unrelated comments

    - he keeps putting Belgium and Belgians in a bad spotlight, with his ongoing racist and muslim hate talk

    - he keeps making false statements

    Because obtaining the French, British, Dutch or Belgian nationality is as easy as buying a newspaper.

    That was an example of a false (and off topic) statement. As a matter of fact, even when a foreigner marries a Belgian it takes three years to be eligible to apply for Belgian nationality AFTER having followed extensive language and culture courses imposed by the government and passing likewise exams. Either Henry has great difficulty in obtaining newspapers or else he does not realise his statement is simply untrue

    40% of the prison population in Belgium are foreigners

    Total prison population in belgium 9083

    Moroccans 1071 = 11.79 %

    Algerians 323

    Turks 250

    Total 1644 or 18% of the inmates are coming from those 3 countries(Muslim)

    This don't include the ones who obtain the Belgian nationality by naturalisation.

    Here henry singles out crime in Belgium committed by Muslims. What the use is of this unrelated statement -besides proving his racist background- is unclear.

    In other posts Henry claims refugees in Belgium (off topic once more) get passports handed out by the authorities, which could be not further from the truth. First of all, more than 90% of refugees aplying for refugee status are declined. Secondly those who get this status get only temporary permits of stay. Only after residing more than 5 years + going through all the language/culture courses and successfully passing exams they can apply for Belgian nationality.

    Ironically Henry is an immigrant himself -a foreigner in another country- while bashing immigrants to his country of birth...

    And even worse is that he now also exports his local-racism-in-Belgium mindset and imposes it on us in the Thaivisa forum, using any occasion to bring it up

  14. This research was carried out in Africa where there is a lot of cultural resistance to wearing condoms and also in some cases a lack of availability.

    Therefore circumcision was being looked at as an alternative way of helping stem HIV transmission.

    Africa is a different kettle of fish to the rest of the world.

    Exactly. As condom campaigns had/have limited effect in parts of sub-saharan africa -for instance because they were actively countered by the local religious groups and community- circumcision "for people who do it without condom anyway" might have some effect, and be a theoretical strategy in those parts of the world.

    But Levelhead's point is that because it is proven that circumcision somewhat reduces HIV transmission, that it should be applied to the Thai population. What he fails to see is that reduced HIV transmission risk and actual HIV transmission are not necessarily correlated, as the actual behavior of the men is crucial.

    (Just like cars with ABS breaking systems are safer, but in the statistics people driving them do not have less accidents -which is said to be because of drivers compensating the extra safety by taking extra risks)

    An uncircumcised man who uses condoms would have a lower risk of getting infected with HIV than a circumcised man who does not use condoms because he thinks he 'is at low risk'. There goes your benefit of circumcision.

  15. Anyway, its a proven fact now that with the removal of the foreskin and therefore the HIV receptors which form part of it, the risk of catching HIV is massively reduced........so why in Thailand is there minimal awareness of this ? and no action plan to get it introduced ?

    You say the risk is "massively reduced". I would rather say "somewhat reduced".

    If it were truly "massively reduced" we would see clearly lower HIV rates amongst for instance religious or other groups where all men are circumcised. Not the case.

    You also state that 'prostitutes should be made aware of the fact uncircumcised men have a higher HIV rate". This you made up yourself. Indeed there is a theoretical "harder" transmission path to circumcised men, but stating the HIV rates are higher amongst uncicumcised men is just your personal guess.

    The small reduction in "transmission speed" between circumcised and uncircumcised men is not at all the answer or solution to the HIV epidemic. IMO condoms and safe sex education and campaigns are the way to go, together with compulsory testing of the population.

    On top of it your kind of messages might have opposite effect: circumcised men could take more risks (thinking they are at 'low risk') and thereby compensating the so called extra safety factor you describe, and thus even being at higher risk.

    Besides, there are disadvantages to circumcision as well. Limited medical risks during and after the procedure, limited sensitivity and related sexual problems. Note the lawsuits in the US of people circumcised at young age -as a standard procedure in the hospital, who argue they never wanted this. Also note the reverse circumcision operations for people who 'want their skin back'. You call this "misinformation".

    The condom campaign that was running in Thailand (and stopped by the Taksin administration because it was bad for Thailand's image) was highly effective and praised around the world. They should restart that campaign.

  16. Concerning the attack on ASTV; living near the riverside not too far from that place we clearly heard two loud 'bangs' sometime after midnight.

    I immediately suspected these were bomb explosions and not fireworks. We could hear gunfire right after the second explosion.

    The gunfire lasted for minutes.

    After that it became silent again.

  17. Attention!

    New and groundbreaking proposal to end the turmoil in Thailand and make everybody happy:

    Let Somchai/Taksin govern the North from Chiang Mai while Sondhi and his Yellow People can govern the rest from Bangkok. The North can than separate and be known as Lana-land or Lalaland. Issan can join them if they wish after a referendum. The Bangkok run part may be called Krungthep-land or Moomooland.

    Actually the South may split from Bangkok as well. Apart from Patani state which will surely go to Muslims the Phuket and Samui islands can perhaps became independent Farang Kingdoms. The names for them can perhaps be decided later after few drinking competitions.

    :o Excellent !!!

  18. Why aren't they testing knowledge of safer sexual practices, sexual health, family planning?

    They are. Thailand has had the most successful anti HIV and family planning program in the world. Yearly HIV infections were at over 150,000 people per year in the early 90s, now it is down to a bit over 12,000 per year.

    Thailand HAD one of the most successfull anti HIV awareness programs which have been CANCELED by the taksin govt' about 8 years ago. As this anti-aids talk 'is bad for the image of Thailand' and promoting condom use would 'promote sex amongst teenagers'.

    The successfull and praised anti aids campaign was swapped for a bush-style approach, preaching abstinence and other moral talk that has been proven counter productive in other parts of the world.

    This 'anti-porn' article is exactly that; an example of the current accents in the campaign: sex is bad, you should'nt do it and it is all the fault of porn. They claim a causal relation between the availability of porn and the increase in HIV...

    Condom vending machines have been removed from university campuses in the Taksin era and the spirit of narrow-minded, counter productive abstinence preaching lives on today. The effect of the old anti aids campaigns have worn off, and now we are on the road to a larger increase in HIV cases as a result.

    The government, and responsables of the current state of aids prevention have blood on their hands, because of overturning the old campaign, thus causing preventable death as youngsters get infected who could have been saved if they were informed.

  19. PHUKET CITY: -- Phuket now ranks second among Thailand's 76 provinces in terms of HIV infection, with the large number of nightlife entertainment venues and the sex industry seen as the cause.

    I would say the HIV prevention policy or let's say the lack thereof should be seen as the 'cause' rather than the 'number' of nightlife venues!

    Thailand was once a leader in HIV prevention, airing an agressive awareness campaign that was praised around the world and showed effect in reducing the initial HIV infection boom in the 90'ties.

    The Taksin establishment turned back the clock, stating these anti-aids campaigns 'put Thailand in a bad spotlight'.

    Moral preaching, "abstinence talk" and other proven couterproductive 'Bush style approaches' are now starting to show their effect on the nationwide HIV infection numbers.

  20. I don't know who you saw at Bumrungrad Hospital, but I recommend you make an appointment there with Dr. Carl Janowitz a Clinical Psychologist from America. You can speak with him on the phone and discuss your situation before agreeing to meet.

    Office: 02-667-2533

    Good luck,


    I called the number, but was informed Dr Janowitz doesnt work there anymore :o

    Sheryl: thanks for the advice and support, I guess you might be right I might have to go for the trial-and-error method.

    Anyway, recomendations are always welcome

  21. I am (urgently) looking for a (credentialed) therapist or doctor with experience in dealing with anxiety disorders and insomnia.

    Since more than a week I am going through an episode of serious anxiety and related insomnia.

    I have nearly not slept for the last three days, and am even more stressed out because of this.

    A week ago I went to see a psychiatrist at Bumrungrad, but he just prescribed medication and immediately called in the next patient after I had explained my problem. He seemed to totally not care. (visit lasted less than 5 minutes)

    I guess this anxiety related therapy is quite specific, I checked in the pinned topic "mental health resource list' (dates back to 2006) and searched the forum, but did not seem to find any specific listings or posts on the topic.

    I have gone through sort of a similar episode ten years ago, then I overcame it through medication and therapy, so it must be possible now as well - only I don't know where to go ....

    ps. I live in the Bangkok area. You can PM me or post a followup. Thanks a lot.

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