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Posts posted by popmybubble

  1. I'm interested to hear about experiences that people have had with relationships between english/farang females and thai males.

    What sort of reactions from thai people did you get, if any? What were the opinions of the thai family and friends?

    I'm just curious if the same kind of stigma is attached as seems to be the case between farang males and thai females. Or is it more/less acceptable?

  2. Hi

    When I was in Bangkok 3 weeks ago there was a song that kept playing everywhere, it was a girl and boy singing in english. Think it was a love song but can't remember any lyrics, was very sweet and quite slow. It's doing my head in, I've been through thai music charts and just can't find it. I thought it was thai people singing in english, but I suppose it could even have been english people. The boy's voice was quite high though. Anybody have any idea what this song could be?

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