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Posts posted by nusder05

  1. 21 - USA - Currently in Thailand on a 60 day tourist visa, entered on October 9th.

    Hey everyone, thanks for the help in advance!

    Here are my questions... I am planning on staying here in Thailand until April 1st, aprox. 6 months. As far as I knew I would be able to make border runs in order to get new visas when the old one was about to expire. Yesterday I was talking with another person here in thailand who told me that after 90 days you have to go back to your home country?! I don't really trust this information, so I decided I better check with all of you before I go and change my flight. So, my question is, am I able to stay until April 1 by doing the border runs?

    Next question, I am in the process of working on a fiance visa, but I wanted to give my fiance the chance to have a wedding with her family before she left. We are planning on having one next month but without any paperwork, so just a ceremony and we still would not be technically married. This person I don't really trust or know told me that I could get in trouble for doing this and they would throw my whole fiance visa case out and fine me and even jail time?! We talked with the people here in Thailand that are helping us with her paperwork and they told us that having a wedding without the paperwork is no problem. Anyone know the facts on this one?

    So, recap....

    What do I do with my visa?

    What do I do with the wedding?

    Thanks again for the help!!!

  2. 21 - USA

    Hey all, Just got my tourist visa, single entry in the mail yesterday.

    Here are my questions, when I arrive can I get my 30 day extension right away so I have 90 days, or do I need to wait until the 60 days of my visa is near to being done and go and get the extension then?

    Next question, when my 90 days is almost up and I need to do a visa run, so far I have heard Vientiane is the best place to go. Any other suggestions?

    Also, when I go to get this new visa, will I be able to get another 60 day visa? Or will it only be 30 days?

    Also, when I do my visa run, what paperwork should I have ready?

    Thank you ahead of time for all your help!!!

  3. Exactly what visa is for six months? Is this a tourist visa? I thought I could only get a visa for six months if I had some sort of letter or recommendation from someplace inside of Thailand, like a non-immigration visa ... Is there a six month tourist visa?

    I still am unsure what to put on my visa application if I am applying for a tourist visa?

  4. As a US citizen you will be able to get a 6 month double entry visa (tourist). You will gt 60 days on arrival, and then 30 days extension from immigration after. You then do aborder hop where you will get given another 60 days, and of course then you can do the 30 day extension. So in essence you are getting two lots of 90 days = 6 months. Do you have this type of visa or a single entry 60 day tourist visa?

    If you have only the single entry visa, then it may very well be viewed as a problem that your flight back in not for 6 months.

    I already understand the tourist visa process. I don't have the tourist visa yet, I am filling out the form right now and it asks 'length of stay' and 'number of entries'. I am staying for six months, and will do the extensions and border run as you described but I need to know how long I put in for length of stay and number of entries....

  5. Never really know why they want that lengh of stay silled in...in any case, I always just put down the max days for the visa I am applying for. For tourist, it would be 2 months or 60 days. If your planned stay is 6 months, definitely request a triple or at the least double entry. 3x tourist I don't know if any consulate still gives them out...double is very do able.

    Is it a problem that my flight returns in 6 months though?

  6. not from usa, so not 100% on this, but if you were a brit id be telling you to get a 1 year multi entry visa, maybe cost 30 english pounds more but saves a lot of time and money going to do border runs etc and gives you freedom to go say maybe laos or cambodia then keep coming back in!

    there must be an thai embassy/ consulte website for america????

    good luck


    I'm not applying for a non-immigrant visa, I am applying for a tourist visa.

  7. 21 - USA

    Hello, I am applying for a tourist visa, and I have a round trip ticket booked to stay in Thailand for 6 months. Just wondering about something on the application for my tourist visa. First, what should I put for length of stay? Should I put 60 days, the length of the visa they give, or should I put 6 months, my actual time I plan on staying? Also, how many re-entries should I request? (I am already aware of the process of extentions and border runs, just need help with the application)

    Thanks for the help!

  8. Hello everyone, I have many different questions regarding some future travel I would like to do in Thailand. I have a girlfriend in Thailand and recently spent three weeks with her in Thailand. I want to return again, but this time for a long period of time. (maybe 6-12 months, still not sure exactly) I just am unsure about how to go about this.

    Which visa do I need?

    Do I need to be working in order to stay there that long?

    If I am doing volunter type work while I am there, can the organization that I am with help me stay there longer?

    Can I buy a one way ticket if I go?

    I am from the US. I am 21. Any help would be really great! Thanks!

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