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Posts posted by nusder05

  1. I am an American citizen, my wife is a Thai citizen with a valid 10 year green card received via a fiancé visa. She has lived with me in the states now for the past 5 years. We have started talking about moving to Thailand together. I'm 27, she is 28. What are my options or routes of making this possible? I have lived in Thailand once before for 6 months with tourist visas, and honestly I don't want to deal with that process again. Is there a better way? Her parents own a restaurant that my wife could easily take over since they are getting older and she has cooking skills. I would love to be able to help with this as well. I'm not out to make a lot of money, but are there jobs available for people that don't have a college degree? We would like to live there for a several years if possible. Any help is extremely appreciated! Thank you in advance!

  2. Did the "white paper" happen to have some writing on it that might answer your question? Not meaning to be a smart ass, just a thought?


    What it might say is something about when to pick up the passport [with the visa in it].


    :) Guess I should have thought that what was written on the paper had more importance then the actual color of the paper. (I didn't actually ask my fiance what the paper said at first) It says to pick up her visa on Friday...guess that means she is pretty much approved...

  3. Hi everyone, my wife just got done at the US embassy for her K1 Fiancée visa. She had a pretty easy interview according to her and was given a white paper and told to return on this Wednesday. Does this mean that she is 100% approved? I know to wait to buy the plane ticket until we have the visa in hand but I just want some clarification as to if this white slip means everything is OK?

  4. The tout told us our downloaded forms wouldn't be accepted. (Our downloaded forms printed on 2 sheets whereas the one he had was printed on one sheet - front and back)

    The printed out form from there website are accepted with no problem. These touts are thieves, getting 20 baht for a form, 100 baht to fill it out for you, one lady even payed a guy 20,000 kip just to show her where she could get her photo's taken.

    Best advice, go prepared, have your paperwork filled out and ready before you go. Saves you time and hassle.

    I sure hope that this numbering system they have in place now is not the one they said they ordered from Bangkok...

  5. Most people I spoke to in line had never heard of either the Thai Visa Forum, or evidently the internet either as they were dumb as a box of rocks about marking X2 next to the tourist visa box, for double entry, having a copy of the fron page of their passport, or even having two photos. It was sad really, as the same thing is exhibited at Suan Plu Immigrations here in Bangkok, just a plain lack of research or just plain stupidity, I don't know which.

    This is so true, people were getting into line with just there passport, paying 100 baht to have some tout fill out there form, only to make several mistakes on it because they are filling it out over there knee and they hardly speak english. I felt like a fricking nerd with my nice folder of paperwork all paper cliped together and a whole months worth of reading locked in my brain.

    Those photos send chills down my spine, 500 people on those two days was seriously horrible. Funny thing is, I recognize a few of those people...

  6. Here is your first update about the new location in Vientiane!

    Well, I arrived in Nong Khai at 6am on Monday morning, made it to the new building at 8am. There was at least 100 people in line already. After 15 minutes in line another 50 were behind me! They opened the gate and we walked inside. It took around 2 hours to get to the front of the line! Then after you submit the application you are sent to the other building to pay your visa fee. There is a lady calling out names here, and I waited for around 30 minutes untill my name was called. I recieved a reciept and that was it.

    The next day I arrived at 12pm, people had started to arrive already from the day before, and another large line started to form for pick up of passports. I was about 40-50 back in this line.

    They opened the gate again and we walked to the same building that we did our payment the day before. It took about 45 minutes to get to the front and hand them my paper. I recieved my single entry tourist visa no problem and I didn't see any unhappy faces either. A Canadian next to me got a 2x entry tourist visa no problem as well.

    The actual counsuler was inside this building letting around 20 people in at a time. He stated to some complaining people that over 500 people came yesterday, 'so be patient'. Another interesting thing that he stated was that they have 'ordered a numbering system from Bangkok'. It appeared that they processed every applicant that came on Monday.

    The buildings themself are very beautiful. There are two buildings, one where we submitted the applications, and another for payments and pickup of passports. It looks to me that all our tourist visas have payed off and got them a pretty fancy place.

    That's it for now, when I get home I will check back, so feel free to ask any questions about details I may have neglected.

    Thanks for the info.

    Was the line outside the building or inside.

    The line starts outside before the gates open, when the gates open the line moves inside the gates up to the windows where you turn in the application. Your not inside of a building for this line but they do have an area with chairs and tents set up outside if people with you want to rest. (the chairs and tents are not set up along the line path however) The building that you pay and pick up your passport is inside and does have aircon, although it was not on when I was there. (It wasn't a very hot day though)

    Did tuk-tuk/taxi drivers know about the new location? Did they (tuk-tuk) change their price compared to the old location (from the border and from the tourist area)?

    Regarding tuk-tuk's and taxi's. I don't know about the prices from before, so I will just let you know what they charged us. From the border to the office it was 300 baht. (taxi car) Now, I of course was in a hurry, and didn't bother checking around to find a better deal, so this could be higher then normal. You will have to wait for other reports on that. They did however know where the new location was. I think that some drivers were unaware of it though because some people went to the wrong location first, guess it was hit or miss with the drivers on the first day. My fiance just checked with them before we started if they knew where the new one was. I would guess that after a few days, all the drivers will know where it is. The tuk-tuk prices from the hotel I stayed at (Mina Hotel, 700 baht a night) was about 30,000 kip to the new office. Me and my fiance went to several different malls and markets, and it was almost always 20,000 -30,000 kip.

    Putting all this info into this thread also. Figured it was relevant to be in both.

  7. Thanks for the info.

    Was the line outside the building or inside.

    The line starts outside before the gates open, when the gates open the line moves inside the gates up to the windows where you turn in the application. Your not inside of a building for this line but they do have an area with chairs and tents set up outside if people with you want to rest. (the chairs and tents are not set up along the line path however) The building that you pay and pick up your passport is inside and does have aircon, although it was not on when I was there. (It wasn't a very hot day though)

    Did tuk-tuk/taxi drivers know about the new location? Did they (tuk-tuk) change their price compared to the old location (from the border and from the tourist area)?

    Regarding tuk-tuk's and taxi's. I don't know about the prices from before, so I will just let you know what they charged us. From the border to the office it was 300 baht. (taxi car) Now, I of course was in a hurry, and didn't bother checking around to find a better deal, so this could be higher then normal. You will have to wait for other reports on that. They did however know where the new location was. I think that some drivers were unaware of it though because some people went to the wrong location first, guess it was hit or miss with the drivers on the first day. My fiance just checked with them before we started if they knew where the new one was. I would guess that after a few days, all the drivers will know where it is. The tuk-tuk prices from the hotel I stayed at (Mina Hotel, 700 baht a night) was about 30,000 kip to the new office. Me and my fiance went to several different malls and markets, and it was almost always 20,000 -30,000 kip.

  8. Here is your first update about the new location in Vientiane!

    Well, I arrived in Nong Khai at 6am on Monday morning, made it to the new building at 8am. There was at least 100 people in line already. After 15 minutes in line another 50 were behind me! They opened the gate and we walked inside. It took around 2 hours to get to the front of the line! Then after you submit the application you are sent to the other building to pay your visa fee. There is a lady calling out names here, and I waited for around 30 minutes untill my name was called. I recieved a reciept and that was it.

    The next day I arrived at 12pm, people had started to arrive already from the day before, and another large line started to form for pick up of passports. I was about 40-50 back in this line.

    They opened the gate again and we walked to the same building that we did our payment the day before. It took about 45 minutes to get to the front and hand them my paper. I recieved my single entry tourist visa no problem and I didn't see any unhappy faces either. A Canadian next to me got a 2x entry tourist visa no problem as well.

    The actual counsuler was inside this building letting around 20 people in at a time. He stated to some complaining people that over 500 people came yesterday, 'so be patient'. Another interesting thing that he stated was that they have 'ordered a numbering system from Bangkok'. It appeared that they processed every applicant that came on Monday.

    The buildings themself are very beautiful. There are two buildings, one where we submitted the applications, and another for payments and pickup of passports. It looks to me that all our tourist visas have payed off and got them a pretty fancy place.

    That's it for now, when I get home I will check back, so feel free to ask any questions about details I may have neglected.

  9. Hmm, I think sticking with leaving Sunday night is still a better option, just for the fact that if Monday doesn't work, I will just enjoy another day in the capital, and go rather early Tuesday morning. Trying to rush everything in the next few hours to get down to Bangkok, spend extra money on travel and hotel, and then still there is a possibility that I don't get the application in on Monday.

  10. You could travel on Sunday and spend the night in Vientiane and be at the consulate about 7 am.
    Already got the bus tickets to leave on Sunday night in hand, otherwise I would change my plan to that. I don't suspect they issue bus ticket refunds. :o

    Just wondering, if it is nuts on Monday, and I can't get the application in before 12pm, would it be better to submit it the next day in the morning or can I submit it in the afternoon on Monday and get it in two days?

    They might not give a refund but you check with the bus company about changing it to tonight or Sunday morning.

    You will have to go early Tuesday if you are not able to get it in on Monday. They will not accept applications in the afternoon.

    How late in the day on Sunday can I cross the border and get into Laos? Because if I leave Sunday morning and get there Sunday evening, it would be pointless if they are already closed.

  11. You could travel on Sunday and spend the night in Vientiane and be at the consulate about 7 am.

    Already got the bus tickets to leave on Sunday night in hand, otherwise I would change my plan to that. I don't suspect they issue bus ticket refunds. :o

    Just wondering, if it is nuts on Monday, and I can't get the application in before 12pm, would it be better to submit it the next day in the morning or can I submit it in the afternoon on Monday and get it in two days?

  12. I know all advice says to avoid going on Monday, but I have no choice. How early would you recommend arriving at the new consulate office? I am taking a bus from Bangkok, should arrive in Nong Khai around 6am Monday morning. I am thinking the earliest I can get to the consulate would be by 7am if no major delays...hopefully earlier. Will this be early enough?

  13. Can anyone give me a rundown of all the paperwork I will be needing for a single entry tourist visa? Just want to make sure I have all the details correct. Thanks for the help.

    Your passport. 2 passport size photos. 1,000 Baht . Application form.

    You need to go for it this week. Next week the only day that you will be able to apply is Monday and it will be very very busy that day. If you put in an application on Tuesday it will be Monday the 5th before you get your passport back.

    Thanks for the advice uponjoe, I actually am going on the 5th, because my visa doesn't expire untill the 6th. Figured waiting untill after the holidays would be the best idea too.

  14. I know this is a small question, but I want to make sure I have every detail correct.

    What paperwork will I need when I apply for the visa on arrival at the Loas border? I am from the States, and my fiance is coming also, she is Thai. Is there a website I can download the application beforehand? Also, how much is the cost for each of us? (American dollars for the Laos visa correct?)

    Sorry for all the small detail questions, I just want to get everything ready!

  15. Hey everyone,

    I am planning my Vientiane visa run and was wondering if there someplace in Nakhon Sawan that I can get a Laos visa. (Travel Agent/Company) I'd like to save time by getting the visa before I go but I would rather not make a trip down to Bangkok. I've been searching for a place the past couple of days but have had no luck. Only found one place near the bus station, but there was only a very old women sleeping inside. She didn't know if they did it or not.

    If of course there is no reason to get my Laos visa now, and just get it when I arrive, please let me know!

    Thanks for the help!

  16. If you are on a 30 day visa exempt entry the most you can stay is 90 days in 6 months starting on your first entry.

    You should go to a consulate and get a 2 entry tourist visa. A tourist visa is good for 60 days for each entry plus each entry can be extended for 30 days at immigration. So a 2 entry visa would give you a total of six months with a border run 90 days after first entry.

    I would suggest going to Vientiane Laos for the tourist visa. Take your fiance along she could help with the language barrier and might enjoy the trip also.

    No problem getting married here as long as it is not registered at the district office. This is a common topic on the "Visas and migration to other countries" forum. This forum would be helpful for any other questions you have on the fiance visa process.

    Good Luck


    Hey Joe, thanks for the help! So, let me make sure I understand this correctly, I do not have a 30 day visa exempt entry, correct? I have a 60 day single entry tourist visa that can be extended 30 days in Bangkok, and then a trip to Laos after 90 days to get a new visa? Is this what I need to do? What is the best way to get to Vientiane? (I am in Nakhon Sawan) Thanks again!

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