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Posts posted by mav000

  1. Any recommendations on a good place to purchase a water pump/tank in Chiang Mai, besides HomePro? Prefer shop specializing in water pumps, with good after service reputation.


  2. Highly recommend you go with the lady to the office. I met a fellow who handed the money over to a lady for same type of transaction. He waited just outside of office in a cab. After an hour or so, he went inside to see what was going on. Lady had slipped out another door, never to be seen again.

    Oh yeah, the 5 million baht was never to be seen again as well!

    Buyer Beware: Think with your BRAIN not another organ!

  3. I just saw the Anderson Cooper Show CNN today. The show was about charity scams. They did a feature on a scam oufit, Bagdad Dogs. A lady named Terri Crisp was shown on another CNN show from a year ago with two dogs supposedly from iraq needing to be adopted. Further investigating proved the dogs were not from Iraq, she totally lied about the dogs and her organization helping to find adoptions for war dogs. She claims that many of these dogs helped the U.S. troops and now have no homes. Often showing "tear jerking" photos of the dogs, sometimes with troops. All phony.

    She also has had lawsuits, now prohibited from doing any fundraising in California for 5 years, due to her scamming. Guess what, she is on the internet now here in Thailand working with Soi Dogs. If this is true, I would strongly advise to investigate thoroughly before donating to this organization. I have not been able to get an answer, so no funds from me. I do not know who in Thailand is responsible for investigating charities, but if this lady is involved with Soi Dogs, someone needs to audit this organization, and specifically, Ms. Crisp's involvement/activities. She obviously has left U.S. due to the "heat".

    Being a dog lover, I hope Soi Dog is doing what they say. At the same time, if they have any association with this lady, beware.

    Check internet, popping in Terri Crisp fundraising fraud, or Terri Crisp Cnn Anderson Cooper for further information on her activities.

  4. Amazing, politicians go all over the media slamming Lady Gaga for joking about buying a fake rolex. Saying "this will harm the reputation of Thailand". Another joke of a politician goes on tv blasting college girls for wearing short skirts, yes, also saying "this hurts the image of Thailand". And maybe the best example of inept politicians, when they went on a campaign to get fat policemen in shape. Spending millions of baht to send them to yoga classes, and placing them on special diets. The reason? Of coarse, saying tourists visiting here will think they are fat and lazy, hurting the "image" of Thailand. Corruption is cool, but fat, no no no!

    Let me know how many politicians go on the air blasting the animals who killed this poor lady. Or if any politician goes to the media about the unfortunate ladies who recently died in a hotel room from what appears to be poisoning. I guess these two recent incidents won't do anything to hurt the fine reputation of Thailand.

    I mean, you don't really think food poisoning- killing one girl, or innocent tourists walking down a street getting stabbed- one killed, could possibly harm the reputation of Thailand- do you?

    • Like 1
  5. I have started to process to select company to build pool in Chiang Mai. I need some advice on type of pool to build. Leaning towards Siam Pool. They are recommending the Magna System, with Chlorine. Saying problems with the salt system, true? Also, the Magna system is like 100,000 baht extra, worth it?

    In general, what is best: salt or chlorine systems?

    Thanks, mac

  6. I just completed process in Bangkok for my retirement visa. I neglected to ask a few questions, hopefully someone can answer for me:

    1. With retirement visa I assume I still must check in every 3 months, I can't remember the time frame, is it no earlier than one week before, no later than one week after the 3 mo?

    2. With retirement visa, can I leave the country unlimited amount of times throughout the year without getting any other stamps or any other paperwork?

    3. I obtained the retirement visa in Bangkok, is that where I must go each 3 mo, or can I go to any immigration office, specifically Chiang Mai?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  7. Thai Visa Brokers are the largest distributors of this plan and so far have positive feed backs from the customers who need to claim.

    The main advantage is it is open to anyone under 65 (but will carry on for life) and has a very high USD$1m coverage. - the premiums are very reasonable, example $1,427 under 65 years !

    For anyone who wish's to see the full details please email Thai Visa Insurance Brokers but note this plan is primarily for S.E.A.

  8. Thanks again for your comments, very helpful. I am not locked into 25,000 per month. I do have a thai wife who has contacts there, so kind of using their numbers. I have received info. from Jasmine Homes pertaining to moo baans. They mention three, which are in the general area of the Chiang Mai International School- Land and House, Quality Homes, and LadddLom. I am just getting as much info. as possible before arriving there in June. For sure we will take our time, appears to be ample supply on the market.

    Thanks again for your assistance.


  9. After receiving many great comments, pros/cons buying versus renting, decided to go with renting for immediate future. Probably rent in the 15,000 to 25,000, 4 bedroom/3 bath range. Looking for nice moo baan-security, exercise facilities, pool, tennis courts. Location: Like to be near the Chiang Mai International School ( have 13 year old daughter).

    Thanks for your advice.

    Your pricing is a bit off. I am also in Siwalee Land&House (Canal road - I think they have 3, and are building a 4th right now), happy here, the houses are a bit on the small side for us though (3 br, need 4+1 office would be perfect). Rent prices are in the range you mention, house prices were 3 - 5 M baht I believe. 8 - 10M baht houses would be more expensive.

    It's probably a good idea to come here and have a look around - there is plenty of availability, even in our moo baan there's always at least 3 or 4 houses for rent, maybe more, at any given time, and it's one of the more popular ones. However, it never looks that way on the various properties websites - those are quite often overpriced, and they don't have much available either. If I had to do it again, I'd pick a few nice moo baans and just drive around them and scope out houses. The one we're renting now was one of two I found surfing the internet for hours, and days - at the same time, there were many more places for rent in this moo baan, and also in the various other nice moo baans. You'll find more options, and better prices on the ground.

    I don't know where that school is if you have a map link... in general I know Koolpuntville and Siwalee Land&House have a good reputation but there's a few others that are nice too. Distance to the city is an important factor in pricing. You'll get a bigger house for less money a few kms further outside.

  10. After receiving many great comments, pros/cons buying versus renting, decided to go with renting for immediate future. Probably rent in the 15,000 to 25,000, 4 bedroom/3 bath range. Looking for nice moo baan-security, exercise facilities, pool, tennis courts. Location: Like to be near the Chiang Mai International School ( have 13 year old daughter).

    Thanks for your advice.

  11. Moving back to Chiang Mai this summer from US Anybody have recommendations on moo baans to look at? Interested in development which includes security, pool, fitness center, tennis courts, convenience mart. Would be nice, but not a deal killer, if it has lake/park setting. Most important is that the homes are of top quality. Price range 8 to 10.5 million baht.

    thanks, Mav

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