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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I think the above was an irresponsible comment at best.

    Do NOT, under ANY circumstance, go to Ram hospitaly for ANY dental work, and ESPECIALLY not kids.

    Grace really is the best choice; for straightforward paediatric dental work there's also Dentaland which I like a lot, but not sure if they also do more complicated work.

  2. At their office half-way down that road.. Not sure if you can apply at any time though; it used to be that you had to apply in a specific month, providing vehicle papers, driving license and the filled in application form.

  3. you should start a twitter feed. These are such fascinating observations I do not want to wait for a posting and need updates in real time.

    He'd have to keep his rants down to 140 characters though, which might be a challenge.

    Anyway, I just registered on twitter: (WinnieTheKhwai)

    Beats me what to tweet about; I have no life.

  4. > Sass, occasionally you make the an intelligent remark and then you go and spoil it all by making posts such as this.

    A lot of people who don't have kids in Thailand don't really have a grasp on what that's like. The lady is from Singapore; honestly, how much harder than Singapore could Chiang Mai be.. I'd much rather raise kids in Chiang Mai than in Singapore.

  5. Yes, agreed.

    On the Horizon Resort, the entrance is on the main road/highway from Chiang Mai to Doi Saket, but it's a really big area, they have botanical gardens and lakes and stables for horses and all that.. The only public transportation is in the form of converted pick-up trucks with benches in the back; those aren't very suitable when you're with a baby. (no seat-belts or any safety equipment to speak of). So if you do stay there then you should really rent a car with a child safety seat.

    Anyway, I'd pick something in town. A swimming pool is nice when you're with a kid. What sort of budget or luxury-level do you have in mind?

  6. I'm not sure it's difficult at all.. Maybe the issue is that it's difficult to have a regular job as an employee, i.e. not your own business. The result is that people start their own business who don't really have entrepreneurship in their veins, and struggle as a result.

    Or, the mind-set is different: People who start a business at home do it becasue they see a killer opportunity. (And also there, most start-ups fail) In Thailand on the other hand the prevailing thought is "how can I find something to do that makes me money so I can stay in Thailand." Or "I'm retired and kind of bored.. I'll start a business so I have something to do."

    And then they fail.

    ( Sorry if I spoiled a planned rant-a-thon against Thailand )

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