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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I'll hazard to say that soon--real soon--you will see soldiers in the streets of Bangkok. The lurking danger in Samak's State of Emergency call is that he may very well lose control of military, which at this time appears to backing him. But once armed soldiers are in the streets and in position, it won't take but a command for a coup.

    And you know what, I think Samak has already accepted that, by effectively handing over the keys to the military. It's for him a face-saving way to step back, without stepping down.

    It seems we will soon again have the dictatorship that PAD and the "Democrat" party craves.

  2. What rubbish advice!!

    If you CAN speak Thai then OF COURSE you speak Thai with the cop. What other message than 'I'm a clueless newbie, sign me up for 2000 baht' would it send to NOT speak Thai or at least let some experience show if you genuinely don't speak the language?!

    Anyway, if you get stopped by police and you know you weren't speeding then simply deny everything until they get bored and consider it's easier to just grab the next guy who may be a doofus and pay up.

    I think the rubbish advice is yours. Best to simply pay the 200 baht and be on your way

    Up to you, if you want to encourage further corruption and think this is a great aspect of life in Thailand, and want to confirm the stereotype that Farangs are easily shaken out of some money then by all means do so. :o

  3. i realise that as a farang it's a difficult place to comment from, but it does seem uniquely strange that people will support a proposed regime which advocates taking votes away from poor and lesser educated people while claiming to do it under a banner of pro-democracy.

    Yes, and even stranger that Westerners on this forum advocate this!

  4. If PAD could guarantee to people that no one would ever know how they voted, the vote buying would be a moot point. It would be great if PAD volunteered to help insure clean and free elections

    You think the current regime would ever let PAD volunteer in moritoring the elections? This gotta be a freaking joke of a suggestion.

    Yes, but even more ludicrous is the suggestion that PAD:

    1. Is big enough as a group to even be at the thousands of voting booths around the country, and

    2. Even WANTS upcountry votes to be heard. That's their whole point, they want the Bangkok elites to rule, and the foolish uneducated peasants to do what they tell them to.

    And finally to ThNiner: It's ALREADY the case that nobody can know how any individual voted. The only things they can know is THAT an individual voted at all (though not his choice), and they know how the total of a village/district votes, so by that they can conclude how effective their campaign / handouts were. But it's not the case that elections aren't free and fair in the sense that individual votes aren't anonymous, because they are.

    People have to get it through their skulls that people DO vote their minds, never mind what happened during campaigns, parties, hand-outs, etc. The hand-outs only serve to make people feel good about a candidate 'who cares', then they go on and vote for that candidate. They don't have to because nobody will ever find out if they don't, but they DO!

  5. What rubbish advice!!

    If you CAN speak Thai then OF COURSE you speak Thai with the cop. What other message than "I'm a clueless newbie, sign me up for 2000 baht" would it send to NOT speak Thai or at least let some experience show if you genuinely don't speak the language?!

    As for the maximum speed, this depends on the vehicle. If it's a pick-up then the maximum speed is lower compared to a passenger car.

    Your main concern should be: What speed is SAFE to drive! And this is most probably not a whole lot faster than 100 km/h, possibly 120 on some stretches.

    Anyway, if you get stopped by police and you know you weren't speeding (by too much :o ) then simply deny everything until they get bored and consider it's easier to just grab the next guy who may be a doofus and pay up.

  6. I have Thai in laws in Chonburi who are PPP supporters.

    But are they registered in Chonburi, or migrants.. As you know people's votes only count in the province where they're registered; Therefore places that have a lot of migrants (like Bangkok and Chonburi and Phuket), only the votes of the people who own (their main) property there count in elections.

  7. If you listened to yesterday's debate you will know that the opposition party not only accepts it, they proposed it, as I said in my previous post. There are options. The government won't consider them.

    LOL.. And what are those options: Samak resigning, or the whole government resigning! And why, becaause a small minority of the privileged take issue with the government not even ONE year after it was elected? Why on earth should anyone even consider those options to be reasonable?

    Some say the election victory was illegitimate; well, the EC and constitutional court will get their say on that one. Until they do, honestly, why do you expect the government to roll over and play dead? And what would all their supporters think (a majority of the people, at last count!).

    And then EVEN if the government would take one of those options, will this improve the situation? PAD are not happy until they establish a 'managed"democracy"', or an absolute monarchy, or any other variation thereof that results in the rural poor not having a say in their own idea of a perfect government; in other words, it would solve nothing.

  8. However, would I be likely to upset any cultural sensibilities and cause major offence with my girlfriend and her family were I to insist on such a course of action (notwithstanding that I am not a Buddhist)?

    Possibly; because the ceremonies are only partly on behalf of the deceased; a big part of the largely animist ceremony is to make sure the spirit really moves on and doesn't stick around to haunt the general area. :D Therefore I think everyone will sleep better at night if the usual proceedings are followed to a degree.

    And indeed like others mentioned, a more traditional funeral will help loved ones deal with the loss.

    And finally, funerals are also a good opportunity for some eating & boozing... I think no matter what your religion (or no religion at all) that would be a good thing no matter what. :o

  9. Jongrak orders police to carry only shields

    Pol Col Jongrak Chuthanon, deputy police commissioner-general, said Monday that he had ordered metropolitan police to carry only shields and refrain from carrying batons or any other arms when dealing with protesters.

    Maybe he could tell them to tie their hands behind their backs, too.

    Makes it very clear that the police have no intention to uphold law & order. :o Either you have an objective and you try to reach it with decisive action, or you're just farting around wasting time. They clearly seem happy to do the latter!

  10. Finally, from the Bangkok Post:

    Tyranny of a minority

    In other civilised countries, such a provocation and occupation of the seat of government would have been met with a swift and complete enforcement of the law to regain the state properties. Instead, the PAD's revolting rampage has been met with tamed official responses. Even at Makkhawan Bridge in an old and historic area of Bangkok where altercations between the authorities and protesters ensued following a police attempt to dismantle the three-months-old protest site, injuries were limited. More protesters were injured when they marched and confronted police at the gates of the Metropolitan Police Bureau. Stationed inside the gates with the PAD crowds massing outside, the police reportedly deployed several tear gas canisters.

    In addition, as the PAD bullies its way in a unilateral and anti-democratic effort to bring closure on the Samak government, its many sceptics and critics are cowed into silence. Dissent against the PAD brings personal attacks and character assassinations.

    Yet this is the time for those myriad Thais - the silent majority - who never liked Mr Thaksin then and despise Mr Samak now - to come out and condemn the PAD's blatant hijacking of Thailand's democratic system. They lack the PAD's voice, vehicle and organisation, but they must find a way to speak out.

    Article continues here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=130220

  11. Ok, Jingthing has since informed me by PM that he's been here multiple times, and we agreed that if you have a resperatory health condition then the hot & dry season is probably not a good time to be in Chiang Mai, or anywhere else in the North for that matter. :o Fair enough.

  12. Lol Gas Mask, rather not. Come on, I am sure its not that bad. I am more worried about PAD stuff happening, seems to be in a mess right now. Will there be any demonstration in CM?

    If there is then Chiang Mai is perhaps a more likely location than most to have this result in a big clash.. Chiang Mai as a province is firm Thaksin country, the city however is more typical urban-middle-class.

    So while the chance at demonstrations is less than Bangkok or the South, IF there is one it could be more volatile, so best not to go near it. Equally likely (and equally potentially volatile) would be a demonstration *against* PAD. So don't go near that one either.

    If demonstrations happen it's usually either at Thapae Gate or the Three Kings Monument, with the airport and railway station being the other potential trouble spots.

  13. All I can say again is...Power to the People. This has been a peaceful demonstration, with ordinary Thai people exercising their democratic right to demonstrate. Now the Unions are joining in, which is great, because, again, it shows that it is a movement of the people. I can't believe all the violent right wind rhetoric coming from some of you guys...

    When I was 4 years old I also had trouble distinguishing left from right, so my mum put a sticker on my right hand.

    Have you read anything from PAD or listened to what they're actually saying? They want an appointed (not elected) "parliament" with the military to oversee things.

    Strikes will do nothing but put even more distance between PAD and the people who supported and voted for the current government. Objectively speaking the current government is doing a terrible job, but these protest will do nothing but unify the masses (yes, the poor masses) against the PAD / Bangkok yuppies who think they're so much smarter and higher class so their opinion should count for more.. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Not now, not ever.

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