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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Does anyone else realize that to even call it 'Judgement Day' on the topic of, yes, appearing in a 30 minute cooking show, is very effective in showing the world what a nutcase country this is? :o

    It's actually really really funny and I'm sure may feature in some of the 'odd news' fillers around the world!

  2. I don't know the answer to this, but let's see if this post too goes the way of the unfortunate soul daring to inquire about (pharmaceutical) waste disposal. Signs of the times.

    I hope this topic fares better..

  3. On a slightly different note I wonder what would have happened had the army obeyed the PMs orders and started an assault on the PAD demonstration? Sometimes a little disobedience may be a good thing;)

    Same as in any other civilized country when there's demonstrations rioting; people get wet, people get teary eyes, a few are arrested and later released and the rest goes home.

    Honestly, it's really not that hard. If there's only one exit to the compound then obviously you don't start pushing from the entrance but rather you go over/through a back or side wall (pull a wall down, etc.) and get people out while making sure there's no mass stampede.

    Of course that assumes a basic level of ability in crowd control.. which... ok never mind.

  4. This guy nails it

    Rule of Lords: Victory of Thailand's coup-makers


    (Awzar Thi is the pen name of a member of the Asian Human Rights Commission with over 15 years of experience as an advocate of human rights and the rule of law in Thailand and Burma. His Rule of Lords blog can be read at http://ratchasima.net)

    Wow. That's brilliant. Straight and to the point. And rather sad ultimately. I wonder if some of the "people less enamoured with democracy" (hope that term covers them) on this forum can at least agree with this analysis?

  5. After BBC/CNN atrotious covering of the recent Russia-Georgia conflict I have lost all faith in their integrity. BBC is still somewhat better in the footnotes they occasionally mention that is was Georgia that started the war, after thousand words rants against "Russia's invasion" [...] No wonder this latest "analysis" starts with 2006 episode of Prem talking to the soldiers. Let it go already

    This is what I find so interesting and what led me to post a poll earlier on our Thai political views vs those on the rest of the world.. Like I agree 100% with you on the Georgia situation.. But probably diagree with 80% that you post on Thai politics..

    I thought this article was PERFECT because it shows so clear what the frame of mind is at what people usually refer to as the 'elite'. They could have gone far further, or less far, but the fact remains that this is a short statement by Prem that provides the perfect summary of their attitude towards running the nation, and the place of the military and parliament/government.

    This is not ancient history, all the people are still there, holding the exact same positions. And now there's a minority of convenient puppets screaming for, guess what, reducing the role of the electorate.

  6. You left out none of the above Winnie. Sorry we aren't all from the USA on here.

    Note: This poll does NOT assume anyone is from the US. In fact neither am I; Read the poll text (limited space) and read the post text: "I tried to phrase it as general as possibly, i.e. grouping in US liberals with for example UK labour people, social democrats, and so on.

    I'm aware that what's called 'liberal' in the US isn't liberal in most other places (more like libertarian) so that's why it states US Liberal, Labour ((UK/AUS), Social Democrats (most of Europe). This however is WAY to much to get into here; vote what suits you best in the spirit of the poll, or post.

  7. Thanks for that contribution... Yes I left out independents, libertarians and probably others. :o

    If I left out anyone else, just do like Ulysses and Mattchu and post. :D

    I also know not everyone is from the USA or UK, but I think you can imagine for yourself what you'd vote. For starters if you ARE in the US then you only get a choice between two, so go with that. For other countries, go with 'what describes you best' or just post.

  8. I've been reading through the news clippings forum more than usual this week, and noticed something interesting. Some people who strongly supported PAD sometimes claimed to be a (US) Democrat and going to vote for Obama. Now that's also my pursuation (Obama, i.e. liberal / left wing in a Western sense), but my views on Thai politics strongly disagree with PAD / the Thai Democrat party.

    But enough about me. Let's see where we all stand.

    I tried to phrase it as general as possibly, i.e. grouping in US liberals with for example UK labour people, social democrats, and so on.

    For the Thai political scene I tried to avoid phrases like 'I love Samak' or 'I love PAD' because many people will be somewhere in between. So it's more on if you feel largely positive on what PAD is trying to do, and feel that it will make Thailand a better place in the long run, OR that you feel it only creates chaos and could lead to a military coup and an end to [democracy / what passes for democracy] in Thailand.

    Phew. :o ( Yes, this poll is flawed, all polls are. )

  9. I miss Chuan, i think it is a shame that Thailand couldn't see an honest, level-headed man for what he was.

    Oh I think that's widely accepted, Chuan is an honest, level-headed man, no doubt about it.

    He also couldn't run a country/economy to save is life, was completely spineless to stand up for anything, and ignored the poorer regions who could have benefitted from more pro-active government policies, projects and incentives.

    Nice guy, but not to run a country.

  10. I agree; and also it's not like you're going straight through downtown Bangkok, you go around it on the outer ring road.

    Not too far after Ayudthaya you will get to the outer ring road (# 9 ) , which is where you merge off the highway (ramp left) then turn right across the highway you were on and then keep going until you get the opportunity to turn on to Highway # 35 which will merge with Highway #4 further South.

    See: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&....406006&z=9 Google maps is your friend. :o

  11. National Police distribute notices for arrest warrants of PAD leaders Following the issuance of arrest warrants for the 9 leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy on several major charges by the Criminal Court, the criminal records division of the National Police have produced notices of the warrants. The notices have been distributed to police databases across the nation, similar to warrants issued for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for his Ratchada land purchase case.

    I'm eagerly awaiting big posters saying "WANTED" with Sondthi's face on it. If people in the government camp had any sense of public relations there's so much more they could do.

    Failing that, I'm eagerly awaiting Tony sitting down in front of Photoshop and coming up with something.

  12. Those poignant photo's were relevant yesterday. Yes we are all glad that last night was peaceful but I cant see the point of posting those images again today.

    I disagree, I do see the point. If one's aim is to encourage chaos and instability and trigger a coup and hurt Thailand in every way possible, then you WANT to incite people and keep hate in people's minds instead of joining together as a country. This is PAD's strategy from day one, and why some foreigners advocate same is less clear but perhaps they like the way the baht / Thai economy is going because of this.

  13. I thought that was the obvious part; some because they get paid to be there, some because they genuinely believe that Bangkok (and Southern) people's votes should count for more than 'uneducated upcountry peasant' votes.

    Either way, it's causing a huge economic hangover in all parts of the country, perhaps Bangkok and the South the most! (Because of reduced business & tourist arrivals; most tourists don't go to the North East, or even most parts of the North..)

  14. They see perfectly well in the dark, except they'd be looking at chicks in mini skirts and bottles of Chang. :o

    Last post by Ajarn is fair enough: if indeed you are speeding then it's perfectly acceptable to pay the fine. There are of course also plenty examples of people being stopped for little reason (indeed, everyone is stopped, including Thais) but Thais too just talk/negotiate with police, which was my main point. Sitting there like a deaf mute (as advocated in the post I was responding to) isn't going to help anyone anyway. If you then pay the fine or negotiate it down is all fine with me.

  15. Chiang Mai tourism hit hard

    By The Nation

    Tourism business operators in Chiang Mai reportedly organised an emergency meeting on Tuesday morning, in response to the expected, sharp drop in incoming tourists following the state of emergency in Bangkok.

    Kanok Suwanvisut, chairman of the Thai Hotels Association in the North, said that 15 per cent of hotel rooms and tour packages have been cancelled as tourists fear of the widespread violence.

    "The impact of the clash on Monday night remains unclear as this remains in the low season. But cancellation has taken place and the rate could rise to 30 per cent if violence remains in October when the high season starts. We have discussed with local operators and related associations on what to do, including to arrange a discussion with the government to handle the situation," he said.

    Kanok said that there are about 200 foreign tourists in Chiang Mai, whose original plan to fly to Phuket was blocked by the Phuket Airport shutdown last week. These tourists are prepared to cancel the flights to Phuket, but opt to fly to Bangkok and catch a flight home, he noted.

    He also fears that the number of tourists from Japan and Korea could drop, if the situation worsens.

    "Korean Airlines cancelled the direct flight from Incheon to Chiang Mai 2 days ago," he said, noting that the authorities tried in vain to convince the airline to maintain the two flights-a-week schedule.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/09/02...ss_30082299.php

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