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Posts posted by thaipak

  1. Thanks everyone, got good information here. After searching online I found out the Minor food asking 6-7 Million baht for Swenson, and 1.5 million for Dairy Queen. The duration for the frenchise is 10 years. 

  2. On 10/7/2023 at 6:32 PM, save the frogs said:

    sorry, this may not be very helpful. 

    no personal experience with a franchise.

    just thinking out loud. 


    rules and regulations may differ from a normal business.

    not sure if it means you don't need 51% "thai partner" ??




    This type of business relationship also has interesting legal advantages:

    • Foreigners will not have to deal with Thai restrictions on foreign entrants
    • They are not subject to Thai legal restrictions on foreign parties: such as the Foreign Business Act, the Tourism Act, ...


    I have already have few companies since year 1999. Its just that frenchise idea just came to my mind as

    my son  is opening an other company to sell limited edition sneakers.  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Hi 


    I am looking for some information in regards to frenchise business. Does anyone have a Dairy Queen or KARMART Frenchise. Any information is welcome. 

  4. Dear All

    I went through almost half the answers, but not a single person replying has asked the gentleman in question why does he need to carry an education visa, why is he learning the language, since when he has been learning and what is the source of his income in Thailand. If he is staying here as a student may be he is not a bonafide student. I hope he is a student but there are many questions which come in mind. He being denied entry is the prerogative of the immigration officer in any country, which is usually not over ruled by other officers. IMHP if he is a long time resident and intend to keep on living here he should get the correct visa which usually involves a lot of money and paper work.

    • Like 1
  5. Based on marriage/ teacher work permit status you would be eligible to apply and get resident status depending on your nationality in 3-5 year time, which will take care of your yearly visa requirements once for all. Also, you will not need to do 90 days reporting even you still carry a work permit. If you want to leave for another country you get a re-entry visa. Another thing if you still want to teach after marriage you can do so or just stop teaching and become house wife based on your married status. No need work permit.


  6. If you can manage come and see my place, I just sold all of my goats due to lack of pastures, but in a year time hope to start again. Best fencing is Cyclone Mesh Net, it is not cheap, but if u want to keep predators out and goats in this is the only way. If your goats go out and start eating next door vegetables it will more trouble. So fence them right.post-64455-0-82340600-1361846451_thumb.j



  7. I have established a small goat farm in Khon Kaen. Due to personal reasons am thinking of closing down. Any suggestions are welcome on how to do it amicably. Idea is to sell goats and all releated equipment. Also renting the whole farm is an option. There are 25 fully fenced (cyclone) rais with live in quarter, electricity, internet, road and fenced. We have sold one lot already, so raising and selling from same farm and herd is not a problem with the right attitude and owner.

    90 Goats

    10 kids

    1 Grass cutter

    32 Meter PVC 12" Feed Tray

    72 SQM Big Dutchman imported flooring to keep the goat above ground

    Please do not ask any direct question. Come and visit us first if u really are intrested. Seeing is beliving.

  8. A WP is only issued to a person who has a legal entity behind him to hire him as a worker. Therefore, a legal entity or a company or a school must have all supportive documents in order to qualify to hire a foreigner and show that it can not manage without a foreigner. Just to clear the doubt for every foreigner a compnay hires it must have 4 locals on its payroll and it must have been paying their social security dues for the past three months. If you are employed for consecutive three years you become eligble to apply for residence permit. There is a condition though that you must have paid a certain income tax for these three years. Yes, you get social security card for a free treatment at your local hospital free of cost. Banks are not very helpful even you have a good business as long as you do not put together Thai person as gurantors. Buying car is ok, getting credit card is ok.

    All this information is my own personal experience in the last 14 years.

    I have only one question can ones foreign wife and kids come to live with you and get a annual visa as a spouse?

  9. thanks bina,

    i do understand you, my mum had a farm in uk and we had most everything so im used to all, well most animals, if you see from another post i was the first to mention about goats not liking wet ground,

    i understand evrything your saying, but i dont think ide be able to get the straws round me, as im yet to see any goats,

    ill give google a go and see what comes up,

    but thank you again,


    My goat farm is 40 km before Khon Kaen city on Mitrapab road. You can call me on 081-717-5677 to discuss anything.


  10. thanks bina,

    i do understand you, my mum had a farm in uk and we had most everything so im used to all, well most animals, if you see from another post i was the first to mention about goats not liking wet ground,

    i understand evrything your saying, but i dont think ide be able to get the straws round me, as im yet to see any goats,

    ill give google a go and see what comes up,

    but thank you again,



    My goat farm is 40 km before Khon Kaen city on Mitrapab road. You can call me on 081-717-5677 to discuss anything.

  11. those are boer mixes? for meat? with the mollasses u dont have problems with their rumens? ... and khonwan, as a rule, billy goats dont 'sense fear' ; htey work entirely by hormones. when in heat, their little head rules, and if htey have horns, they can kill you or at the least blind u in an eye, or wrip up your stomach. and 'friendly' nudge from a 90 kilo billy goat can cause a lot of damage. btw, billys dont like men as much (hormone smells), i had no problems with my huge billy, although did have main problem with a large merino ram who woulod physically hassle me. he also hassled others.... in general, billys dont need to run with their herd; a private stall/yard is best, with very high fencing cause a buck wanting to get to his herd will jump anything and can impale himself or smash his balls (happened to a fave buck of mine) causing permanent damage to himslef, while trying to get to them.

    dont understand why that kind of fencing is needed... goats can do well with what is called horse fenceing (poles); and most nannies wont jump out/over, that is a learned behavior. unlike bucks, a female will stay with ehr herd and not rush off to get to her mate.

    also, goats dont need grass as much as they need forage/roughage, sheep are better lawn mowers, goats are better hedge and tree trimmers.

    but still looks lovely for them. and yes, they suffer from foot rot and just plain dont like wet ground.

    here, the prime slaughtering age is up to 6-8 months, before they reach sexual maturity and start smelling. and filed grazed is preferred. my experience is with milchers not meat for the most part though.... and not done goats now for three years...but i still have my goat fetish...

    btw, if the mother is a good birther/mother, her daughters will be so for the most part. if the mother is not a good birther consistenly, nor a good mother, get rid of her (unless u bottle feed all your goat kids)



    Hi Bina

    The reason we went for this fencing in the first place was to have a multiple use, ie, we could use it for cattle or goats. U r right it is bit too much for goats but even then it has saved us lot of running around. Also, this fence keep unwanted dogs or cows out. We have been using mollasses from day one in the feed and it has been good so far. Actually with rice hey it goes well. These are boer/anglo breed. We are not good at animal husbandry yet but there is lot of help from govt. official with feed and animal well being. But any suggestions from u r welcome as you have had a better experience then us.


  12. Just to add some more to the above topic;

    -Bangkok is the main market for goat meat with its hundred of halal food resuturant serving mostly to foreign customers.

    -Fence is made in Newzeland and is called Cyclone brand which is being sold here by PP Fence

    -Goats need care while delivering babies and with regular vaccinations

    -On average a goat takes about 2 kg of freash grass and 50 grams of CP feed as well as hey and water at all time

    -We just installed an elevated floor from The Bigdutchman to keep the goat safe during rainy season

    -So far the most important thing we belive we have done is was Fencing, it has helped us a lot by all means

    -Main trouble we have faced so far is not planting required grass in time for the goats and our own water system

    -To keep goats healthy, we are feeding them oat waste from beer factory and cassava waste along with molasses untill we have our own grass

    -Average feed cost is pay 5-6 baht a goat

    -Average per kg live goat price is 100-110 baht

    Average live female price is 150 baht

    Average live billy goat price is 250 baht a kg

    best regards



  13. just looked at there site,, thank you so much for that,

    i owe you a bear,,


    I got my fence from PP Fence (it is made in Newzeland with 80 year gurantee), they are based in Nakhon Pathom, the person u need to ask for is Jacky and he is good in English. You can PM me for his detail. Price depends on your area to be fenced. Let me know if u need any more info regarding import from China as I have been to visit China to buy this fence and can help you import it as well.

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