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Posts posted by thaipak

  1. Infect a Muslim and Christian can merry without anyone converting. People of the books can have no problem as long as they believe in one god and Muhammad as the last prophet. Teachings are the same for both religion. Anyone who has sinned is forgiven provided one repent on his or her sins.

    Your first sentence makes no sense.


    That's not the problem; it's when they have children that the problems begin.

    If a person is that much in love to merry someone from another religion he should be prepared for the same when he or she has a sibling. Were their parents ever thought that their offspring will be merrying into another religion? It is a vast subject but I do not think the problems emanting from such unions are any different from other. If that was so, we would not have such a huge divorce rate in the western world at large. Problems are part of a married couple life. Some like to live with them some runaway and some try to find a way from TV friends.

    And thanks for the correction.

  2. Infect a Muslim and Christian can merry without anyone converting. People of the books can have no problem as long as they believe in one god and Muhammad as the last prophet. Teachings are the same for both religion. Anyone who has sinned is forgiven provided one repent on his or her sins.

  3. Belhaj was detained by the CIA in Thailand in 2004 following an MI6 tip-off, allegedly tortured, then flown to Tripoli, where he says he suffered years of abuse in one of Muammar Gaddafi's prisons," the Guardian reported.

    Does anyone else find it interesting that following the alleged tortue he is sent to Tripolli by the CIA who if you believe speculation were supporting Gadafi at that time and now this guy is a high up in the overthrow of Gadafi once again speculation says The CIA are supporters of the Gadafi overthrow. It all boils down to "if we the minions were to ever find out what the governments of the world are really up too it would blow our socks off.

    It's not that interesting at all considering both British intelligence and the CIA have been backing the armed rebellion in Libya from the get go and most prominent rebels are either admitted Al Qaeda fighters or have been otherwise associated with western intelligence. Once you start looking for the links, you often find that the key figures are often linked somehow to western intelligence agencies; either working for them fighting an "enemy" (like Al Qaeda fighters under Osama Bin Laden fighting off the Sovjets) or being captured/hold/brainwashed/whatever and then let go... They're then considered an intelligence asset and can and often will be used again in the future.



    Latest in the list is Haqani net work in Afghanistan an ex-blue eyed net work of CIA now being targeted due to differances.


  4. Try www.tamc.or.th

    This is Thai Assest Managment Compnay. All info available in Thai but use goggle translation pretty good.

    Make sure the land or house is not accoupied or under any disputepresntly.


    We bought our house by accident - went to look at one in a Moo Barn (housing estate), that I found/saw on "the net" and fell in love with the house next door, which luckily for us, the owner was into the bank for in a big way and needing an urgent sale before the bank repoed it on him - we acquired a 6.5 mill place for 4.5 mill plus cost of change over. That was a bit over 7 years ago and it is now valued at 8.6 mill. The best deals that I have come across since then though, are from or through the "Narcotics Police" auctions. They are held every one or two months - not sure on that - but you can inquire at their head office over near Don Muang airport, or at their main town office near Victory Monument. Unless you speak very good Thai, I suggest you stay in the background. Shouldn't say this, though it will not surprise anyone I'm sure, but the place you decide on, or the car or what ever, can be "price arranged and guarantied" before the auction. by means of the usual "suitable donation" to the right person. When it comes time for the auction, the property is on the books, but just doesn't get bid on etc. This is not a "fairy tale" and I know this from personal experience. PM me for a very helpful name at the town office if you wish. My wife and I did all the math on buying new, as opposed to 2nd hand when we bought ours over 7 years ago. We went to several "new housing estates" and were shown the display house/houses which looked beautiful, but when I - much to the consternation of the very sexy sales girls, who were there to be looked at, not the condition of the houses - walked further into the estate and looked at the "undressed up" houses, they all had lots of ugly cracks in the walls that hadn't been plastered over, also I could see where the "land fill" had sunk a bit under one side of the house from the several days of rain - all this and only 6 months or so since they had been built. Don't think this was a cheap estate either, as the lowest price house for sale, was a bit over 8 mill and built by a so called "well reputed" construction company!! Trust me on this when I say, that a good quality 12 year old house, that's not going to suffer from land fill subsidence below the foundation, causing ugly cracking in the walls to say the least, and doors that will stick, which in many cases happens in under a year, speed depending on the greed of the outfit which built it, and which in most cases will have walls twice as thick as your "new house" is a much better way to go. So you may have to decorate it, but that will take less time than building a new one and there are so many crews around now with little or no work, that are desperate to keep their people employed, that you can get the place painted for not much more than the cost of the paint (just make sure - ie. be on the job - that the paint is what you ordered and paid for!) or the gardens landscaped and planted at a very good price. A house that is up for auction by the "Narcotics Police" will always be sold for far less than a bank could possibly do it, as they can't lose and don't have to recover any investment such as a bank would. I Don't think these auctions are advertised - I may be wrong - so you will need to go and ask them when the next one is, and what is up for auction. There are always plenty of photos to look at. They make so many drug busts just around Bangkok and confiscate so many houses along with their contents, land lots, vehicles etc, that auctions are regular. Good luck anyway.

  5. Is there oil in Pakistan? There's certainly a credible excuse to 'liberate' them (and maybe even some of their people) now.


    I thought noone will ask for it, There is certanily lot of oil as well as other mineral in Pakistan as well as access to Central Russian States through it including Afghanistan. But here are few facts.

    1- World Biggest Proven Untapped Coal Reserved (China Working on It)

    2- World second Biggest Gold and Copper Reserves (China is there for the last ten years)

    3-World Socond Biggest Deep Sea Port (China Built it USA wants it)

    4-8 of the Top Ten Highest Mountains in the World

    5-Only Viable and Operational Route to Central Russian States

    6- Only Country with a functional road link to Afghanistan's Nato Military Supplies.

    There is a lot at steak then just the terrorist threat. Afghanistan has more mineral reserve then any other country which include Copper, Lead and Tatanium etc.

    This war was started by Neo Con like Bush and Rumsfield with the help of Dr. Rice who had a oil ship named after her by an oil company, what else we need to know. It is all there.

  6. Is there oil in Pakistan? There's certainly a credible excuse to 'liberate' them (and maybe even some of their people) now.


    I thought noone will ask for it, There is certanily lot of oil as well as other mineral in Pakistan as well as access to Central Russian States through it including Afghanistan. But here are few facts.

    1- World Biggest Proven Untapped Coal Reserved (China Working on It)

    2- World second Biggest Gold and Copper Reserves (China is there for the last ten years)

    3-World Socond Biggest Deep Sea Port (China Built it USA wants it)

    4-8 of the Top Ten Highest Mountains in the World

    5-Only Viable and Operational Route to Central Russian States

    6- Only Country with a functional road link to Afghanistan's Nato Military Supplies.

    There is a lot at steak then just the terrorist threat. Afghanistan has more mineral reserve then any other country which include Copper, Lead and Tatanium etc.

    This war was started by Neo Con like Bush and Rumsfield with the help of Dr. Rice who had a oil ship named after her by an oil company, what else we need to know. It is all there.

  7. I agree with the decision to not release the photos. I personally think it's sick and disrespectful of human life to show photos of dead people. Any dead people. Whatever closure the victims need will not come from seeing the result of more violence. It is perfectly human to want revenge and cause suffering to those who cause suffering to us, but we have laws aimed at balancing our human passions. If we claim to be civilized it seems to me we should be held to a higher standard. There are enough people in positions of trust who have seen the photos that there is no need to make them a political football.

    Having said that, there is no doubt that they will come out eventually. I'm sure there are lawyers at this very moment preparing a case that will eventually decided by the courts.

    I think that the west has to take some responsibility for the current level of violence in the middle east. If we only focus on the fact that these people want to kill us without recognizing the "why" than we will be locked into killing them all. This approach is stupid IMO because we are generating hate at a much faster pace than we can extinguish. Let's admit it; we are a violent society. We are addicted to it. We are a sick society. 911 happened because the CIA was asleep at the wheel and the orgainizations charged with protecting America failed us. Nobody got fired, the policy that produced all this violence was stepped up and the result is more violence, endless violence.

    It begs the question, will we have to live forever with this violence? It is not going to go away. OBL told his operatives to forget about big attacks after 911, he said they can create more terror by turning the propane on in peoples homes. It will never stop until the violence stops and it's just a matter of time until they get their hands on a dirty bomb or even a nuke. The intelligence agencies have already demonstrated their incompitence. Why would I trust them?

    We have met the enemy and he is us.

    I agree to what is said here, but my point is will the world be a safer place after OBL death. How many people alone have been dead in Pakistan just because Inter Services Inteligence and CIA have been using their respective governments to their advantage. I lost a friend in Pakistan in a suside bomb who had nothing to do these things. How long we will keep on paying in blood.

    John Penta the CIA chief said other day it was incompetence or negligence of ISI (Pak Spy Agency) that it failed to detect the presence of Osama who was hiding next door to Pakistan Military Academy. In other words he implies that probably ISI was hiding OBL. My question is if that is the case should we think that CIA was either incompetent or part of 9/11 as many theories so far have come up. No one so far believes that people like Osama or Mullah Omer can execute such highly profiled opeartion specially in USA. Also why still Shiek Saeed the alleged master mind of 9/11 kept at Guantanmo Bay has not been brought to justice, what is stopping this Oxford Trained Economist and ex-M16 spy being put to trial.

  8. it is people like that, together will all the illegal workers (pakistani, idian, nigerian scams) that makes it harder for all of us and makes immigration toughen up laws...

    Strange coming fom a person who is supposed to be senior member of the forum. I think there are more white skin over stayer and drunk on the roads in main tourist attraction in Thailand than Pakistani, Indian or Nigerions. Color or Nationality cannot be used to describe a persons misfortune.

    As for illegals worker, do not we see many foreigners working as teachers without any work permit what so ever. What should we call them legal workers?

  9. I have a Cambodian friend who wants to study medicine. He sensibly rejects the idea of getting a Cambodian degree (which is worthless).

    He believes a Thai degree would be a better bet, if he wished to practise outside Cambodia one day. So he's thinking of coming to BKK for a few years to get one.

    But how internationally useful is a Thai medical degree?

    I assume he could practise in other SE Asian countries - but anywhere else? The West?

    Hi All

    As a matter of fact Thailand has one medical school in Rungsit University which advertises MBBS in english language. The price is quite high and standared is not very high. On the other hand I just got my Thai daughter in a top Chinese university MBBS english language program and this university graduates are allowed by by Singpore Medical Council to sit their exam. On the other hand none of the Thai universities are recognised by Singapore Board as english is not the medium of teaching in Thailand. As for working abroad any student from any country going into any country has to take medical council exam. In Thailand this exam is held in Thai language. So the student is question not only has to be good in English but also Thai language as well.

    good luck

  10. Dear All Goat Lover

    I also wanted to set up a goat farm for meat goat for long time. Hence, I visited a beautiful 500 goat operational goat farm in Muka Lek area this week. As most of you have some intrest in goat for meat or goat for milk farming, based on my visit I would love to answer any questions if you have as the owner of the farm does not speak English. You may send me email as well if u like on [please dont post email addresses here, have people PM you ]

    best regards


    I've been doing dairy goat farming for the past five years in Chonburi. We produce an excellent cheese which we sell to a few hotels and restaurants. We have captured a tiny percentage of the market. The potential is big. If anyone is interested in developing the business further I would be happy to get them set up with goats, know how and marketing.

    I am interested in the business. I am going to tomorrow morning(May 11,2009) to Pataya. How can I contact you. You can send an email: []

  11. Hi All,

    I am looking for advice really on irrigation and adding fertilser to two crops,which are fairly similar in their requirements.

    I have read all of Maize farmers notes,but does anyone have any pictures they can post?? be good to see system and what you think approximate cost would be for 50 Rai ?


    Hi Nick

    The person growing cane is Thai and is quite progressive in his farming. He is in Banphai Khon Kaen. If u r intrsted to see his operation. Let me know. I can take you to meet him.


  12. Dear TV Farmers,

    I would like to ask if anyone has either installed a biodigester to handle animal manures, or knows of a working installation.

    Most people use a pond system that I have seen but I want to make use of the processed effluent for a variety of uses. Any practical experience would be more than welcome.


    Hi Isaan Aussie

    See the attachment.If it is helpful to you let me know. I took it from 22nd September's some Thai newspaper.

    best regards



  13. Hi Bob,

    Were you successful in finding the goats and equipment?

    I am also in Laos and planning some small agriculture activities. What province are you in?

    Is the goat milk for export? I have never seen a Lao person drink it!!

    good luck


    Hi Richard and Bob,

    1. As far as I know, there is only one goat dairy in Laos – in Vang Vieng. I have never seen it myself, but I think many people in Vang Vieng will know it. They also do organic farming, mulberry tea, guesthouse, etc. You can probably Google and find it.

    2. Perhaps Lao people do not drink goat's milk but you can find expensive imported goat cheese in Vientiane supermarkets. I have been thinking for a long time that it would be a nice niche market business to produce goat cheese in Laos for the expat/tourist market; especially if you also tapped the agro-tourism potential of a goat cheese farm.

    3. Besides, cheese how about yoghurt and ice cream? (Though I don't know if you can make good these things from goats milk or not?).

    Good luck.


    Hi Bob

    try www.yanafarm.com

    Mr Pairoj Phumala (081-8069076) is the owner of this resort cum farm. They have planty of goat milk products as well. Around 800 head farm should be a good start to learn more.It is in Saraburi / Mukalek area. You may find the map on the website.



  14. Hi ia m Bob in Laos looking some good Milking goat in Thailand and milking equipment in Thailand

    Ho Bob

    U may find milking goats from Mahaban Krong Goat Farm. They already market the milk in Thailand. Some years bacl they had around 2000 milking goats. Best of luck

  15. Either way like I said I want to work on a degree... but I still need to work while I'm in school. :D My reason for starting this thread was simply that I had read several places that I may be able to work legally (i.e., get a work permit) in a government school even without a degree... and if I can work legally at all, then I can deal with the downsides of the government schools for a few years. And after all this, I'm still unclear on that point. :o

    I have some personal exp. to share here. Me and my wife run an english school up country, and I am the official teacher here. Anyhow, when we got the school registered I was ask to make teachers licence which became handy at the time of WP application. I was not asked for a degree even though I had attached one copy with the application. As for doing a degree here in Thailand yes you can do it as I have just finished mine master in English (MA). It took me 4 years even though the time mentioned in the begining was 2 years. Delay was on the University side not my side but I had to follow their routines. Mind you will be registered as a foreign studetns even though u r living here (even resident permit does not change it). That mean u pay twice as compare to Thai students. My suggestion to you is try getting your degree and paper work sorted out in Up country as there are less issues to handel and your employer can get lot of things done for you. Best of luck

  16. Hello all,

    [/size]I recently had a discussion with a copal of farang about eucalyptus plantation. The main consensus was that you can plant about 8000 trees on 10 rai of land and then after about 4 years you can sell the trees for about THB 100= THB 800.000. Once the trees have been cut they will regrow up to 3 times. The discussion went a bit further that if you use 20 rai and only harvest 5 rai a year you could have a steady income of THB 400.000 a year for 12 years.

    I am wondering what other people think about this? Are these figures possible?



    Amsterdam, the figures you quote is giving a return of 20k per annum per rai.

    If those sort of returns were available from eucalypt you would see 90% of rural Thailand under eucalyptus plantation.

    800 trees per rai is about 1.5m spacing both ways, it could be done but the growth rate would be abysmal and the fertilizer cost to get them to grow at all would not be cost effective. As well this leaves no access for maintenance or harvesting,so everything would have to be done by hand at greater cost.

    Trellis planting (1.5 m) is usually with rows 2-3m apart which only gives 340-520 trees per rai.

    Reasoning would indicate that if as your figures suggest ,eucalyptus would return 100-300% higher profit than most other crops , what the outcome would be.

    I have seen a few times where harvesting crews tell you they will be back in 4 years to give you 12-13k per rai for your timber but when they turn up in 4 years they offer 8-9k per rai.

    Look in on a yard selling nice straight 4 year old scaffolding poles for 75-80baht each and not to forget that price includes their harvesting,transportation and profit margin gives you an idea of what you will ultimately receive, whether it is by per tree or per tonne for wood chips.

    Thank you for the info. This makes me think that it might be better to stick to Rice. Looking at your figure of a return after 4 years of about 8K per rai. I think with today's prices after all expenses I should be able to clear 2K per rai a year with rice and that is similar to the trees.



    Amsterdam, I have some info that might help you.

    1- Planting this tree will effect the land but there are treatment for this.

    2- If you work in collabration with Siam Cement or AA paper group they can help from start to finish.

    3- As for rice if u r taking care of the growing rotation u may get a good return. I mean after u harvest rice and grow second crop such as tobaco it will give u better return. Again there are companies helping you do that.

  17. Hi Guys

    My Wife our daughter and I are moving to Thailand KK in about 6 weeks

    We are looking for a 3 bed Furnished house with AirCon to rent for a couple of months

    So we can have a good look around the KK and find a house we would like to buy

    We would be great full for any help

    Thanks in advance


    I have a house in front of Sirinakrin Hospital right behind Caltex pump. It is about 150 meter from Mitrapab Road and has two bed rooms (aircon and beds only), living room (sofa,TV), dining room (table and 4 chairs), garage, two baths and kitchen. I just had it painted and might sell or rent out. Any comment welcome.

  18. You can buy fertilizer and diesel but you can't buy water. Water will be the biggest problem. Shallow dug wells are normally not that strong and many go dry during the dry season. Bore holes are not really that dependable either and if they are deep, it takes a good pump to draw the water up. Small self priming pumps powered by the iron buffalo are the most efficient method but you have to be careful to choose those that are designed for the depth of the bore hole.

    It sounds like you can find enough labor so I'd forget about a larger tractor. A larger tractor will cost somewhere around 700,000 baht. You can buy ten iron buffaloes for that price. The new generation are very fuel efficient and nearly bulletproof. A large diesel pumping station is also worthless if there is not enough water to pump.

    The bottom line is that it's all about water.

    I think you have got a very good yield as compare to Thailand. New Small Kabuta 80 HP tractors (about 300000 baht) are being made and marketed in Thailand by SIAM CEMENT GROUP. They are two wheels and four wheels as well (parts are available easily). You may add many attachments with them, as a matter of fact we have it here in Khon Kaen and use it on our farm which is quite handy in all seasons. I spray chelated fertilizer on rice after booting stage and use the same tractor for spray. It is good and user friendly. Try one in a shop and see for yourself. There are people who import / export with Mynamar and can deliver u as well.

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