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Posts posted by carib102

  1. PM urging public to trust legal system


    He encouraged them to prove their innocence before the court instead of doing so outside the justice system.

    more proof that he understands nothing of a free society and real justice... no surprise there... coffee1.gif

    Try take the comment in context, rather than spinning it to what you'd like.

    Seems like he's suggesting some people who keep protesting their innocence, to absolutely everything, but offer no evidence other than denials on social media or through press releases, may care to answer the charges, with evidence in their upcoming trials.

    A little different from changing to say the French system where you're considered guilty as charged and must prove innocence. Or perhaps you don't consider France a free society with a real justice system.

    I don't consider France a free society. I consider it a socialist republic bordering on communism. Really rather far from a democracy of free individuals.

  2. They will find their lunches in the canteens, which are now being recommended and will later be required. Indoor street food "markets" such as you find in Singapore would not be a bad thing here. Truthfully I love Thai street food, but am not really all that crazy about eating on the street. A similar solution to the one implemented in Singapore would allow vendors to make money, customers to enjoy the food, and everyone to avoid the pollution and garbage of eating by the roadside. Thailand is a civilized country, right?

    But can the average office worker afford the 90 baht price tag of many food courts compared with the 30 baht food stalls?

    Yes they can. And there are very few 30 baht food stalls around Asoke any longer; or anywhere in the CBD for that matter. The building my wife works in has a food court and it is jam packed with office workers every day, despite the fact that there are loads of rubbish street vendors just outside the building.

  3. I avoid any place that is considered a "tourist" destination, unless I am staying at a hotel that is expensive enough to keep the rabble away, and is also removed from the center of tourist activities. We have had very quiet and peaceful vacations in Hua Hin, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi, and Samui. Though we live in Thailand, we are the quality tourists that the TAT desires...stay in expensive hotels, spend thousands of baht per day, and would never EVER consider infringing on others, including littering, verbal noise pollution, queue jumping, or any other uncivilized behavior. Though in point of fact, many of these behaviors could be discouraged if the Thais got their act together and put an end to them.

    Other countries deal with similar amounts of tourists and don't have this kind of crap going on. I well remember our first trip to Playa del Carmen (the Mexican Riviera). They have a walking street...it is truly a walking street with no cars, motocys or even bicycles. Tourists are civilized, shops are organized, there are no touts, restaurants are clean and when you order something you get what you ordered. Even at 2am things are relatively quiet and civilized. My wife asked, "Why can't Thailand do this?". "Because they choose not too" was my response. Until the Thai government chooses differently this is what they get.

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  4. Seriously? How does an understanding of Thainess (whatever the f**** that is) help n teaching English? Maybe the Junta should take a course in international relations? I can't wait to see how this plays out in the ASEAN. Thailand was wonderful 20 years ago, but now it is heading the route of Laos, Cambodia, or Myanmar circa 1975. Damn idiots.

  5. Kinokuniya in Siam Paragon is pretty much the top when it comes to overall selection. Yeah you might come across some gems when browsing the second hand shops, but I never come away from Kinokuniya without several books. I was especially impressed at my last vist when they gave me a small rucksack along with my books (I think I spent 2500 baht or so). The wife freaking loves it as it is the perfect size for her gym clothes and shoes LOL. If you don't have to have physical books though, them Amazon + Kindle is the way to go. Heck they even have a downloadable Kindle reader for your desktop, or you can read the Kindle books online. Personally I prefer having a physical book in my hands, but for titles I MUST have that aren't available in Bangkok I use Amazon + Kindle.

  6. You name it and my wife will eat it...I've come across very few things that she's turned her nose up at. In fact, off the top of my head I can't think of anything she won't eat and that includes every type of cuisine. Her family though...strictly Thai food. In fact, I believe her mom lives on sticky rice and vegetables, though I can't be positive about that as we only see them for maybe a total of 10 days in the course of the year.

  7. Stop buying cheap clothes at Thai markets and get some proper clothes made to Western standards. Like the poster above said, the clothes sold in Aus, UK, US are probably made in the same Chinese factories, but to higher quality standards. I actually buy almost all my clothes on our yearly trips back to the U.S. and have had no problems even when I send them out to be washed and ironed. And they are far cheaper in the U.S. as well thanks to sales and outlets and such.

  8. My wife and I had quite a few discussions about this when we first returned here from the U.S. and she said the same as the poster above...if you aren't facing the traffic it isn't your fault if you get hit. Took me nearly 6 months to finally get her to agree that it was better to see a car coming at you and get out of the way and then there is no blame since no one is hit :)

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  9. I too have had problems getting milk to curdle at lower temps, though if I go above 120F it curdles somewhat...enough to make fresh cheese types such as mozz and our favorite queso fresco. I'd be interested to see if anyone else has any input on this as none of the brands here in Thailand have worked well for me. This is despite the addition of calcium chloride and doubling or even tripling the amounts of rennet and enzymes. We were at Chokchai farm several months ago and they do not sell raw milk. Goats milk I think is available, and you could also try using buffalo milk for hard cheeses (should work well though you may have to make adjustments for the high fat content when aging)...we got buffalo milk from here http://www.murrahfarm.com/ (outlet on Ramkamheng soi 112).

  10. I don't understand what everyone is so worked up about. After your Thai monkey steals your "bag" you will have plenty of options. Chances are a kindly Thai lady will find you and bring you to a place where you can sleep for free in a 3x3 meter room with mosquito's swarming around you, you can arb nam with a bucket shower, you'll learn Buddhist principles and teach English to wayward children. Your lady will not be beautiful...instead she will be na rak...keeping with Thainess of course, since beautiful is a Western concept. At the end of everything it is still possible that you will recover your "bag" from the Thai monkey...and which point your na rak Thai girl will introduce you to another aspect of Thainess as she takes you back to the village to buy motocy's, trucks, tractors, land and a house...and the cycle can begin all over wai2.gif Just remember mai bpen rai!

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  11. The United States is still the largest economy in the world last time I checked. And what makes you so sure the numbers are fudged? You have a top position at the Department of Labor Statistics? The Department of Commerce? The Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs maybe? Bear in mind as well that it isn't all about employment data. Oh, and the Fed has stopped buying assets in case you haven't noticed. In contrast, the Japanese are just beginning down the road to quantitative easing, and the ECB is primed and ready to step on that path. You've seen what QE did to the value of the USD relative to world currencies in the last six years (less actually as the USD has been in an uptrend since May). Now imagine the reverse scenario where the U.S. is NOT buying their own assets, but the rest of the world is. What do you think will happen to the USD (which also happens to still be the reserve currency of the world). Oh, and as to all the big wig cronies or whatever you want to call them...they can still make money if the the USD strengthens. The stock market is hardly the ONLY game in town.

    Let's look at the numbers from the rest of the world shall we? Japan has been stagnant for over 20 years and is doing anything and everything to boost their growth. The European Union has far greater unemployment relative to the U.S., no growth to speak of and the possibility of deflation on the horizon. China is no longer growing in double digits, and in fact there is a good chance that their own 7.5% growth level is fudged. Not to mention the possibility that they are sitting on trillions of dollars of bad real estate loans.

    Say what you wish about the U.S. economy, but it is the best choice in a bad set when looking at the world's developed economies. Australia or Canada might compare favorably, except for their pesky reliance on commodities and the fact that said commodities are falling in value as the USD strengthens.

    And say what you will about gold and silver being currencies...I challenge you to go out and buy dinner, a tank of gas, or groceries with any gold and silver you may be holding.

  12. Stronglifts 5x5 is the best routine I have ever done for strength and mass gains. For fat loss and increased definition though I think the OP needs a program that emphasizes a higher rep scheme and minimal rest between sets.

    OP, as others have said there is plenty of information available for free on the internet, just need to do your research. I've found that the only real benefit to having a personal trainer is for motivation. You can get the same motivation if you find a training partner who has similar goals as yours.

  13. $1.220 was the price as recently as 2 weeks ago. It is not only possible, but even likely that gold could bounce on some as yet unknown factors. Political instability, some weak U.S. economic data, a new war breaking out...all of these could cause a safe haven rally in gold that would send it higher. Khun Pornpaisalvichit is likely setting the upper limit at $1,220 because it is the next major resistance area above the $1,175 level. It's even easy to say that if gold were to break above $1,220 an ounce it will head to $1,245 as that is the next higher resistance level. Given the current world fundamentals though, if gold were to see a relief rally that takes it back above $1,200 an ounce it would be a great selling opportunity as the strength of the USD, which is very likely to continue (possibly for as long as the weakness of the USD persisted), is a drag on the price of gold. $1,000 an ounce or lower in the coming year is certainly not out of the question. Compound that with the USD/THB heading higher (say to the 35-36 range) and I imagine that gold in Thailand will be significantly lower than Bt15,000 per baht-weight at some point next year. That's just my considered opinion though. Personally I will be waiting for Bt9,000 to Bt10,000 per baht-weight before beginning to buy gold.

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