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Posts posted by yabbit

  1. all above said, i find that in bangkok there far more feminine gay boy than in other countries. compared to gay clubs here with those in europe there are far more feminine gay boys here than in other place. or at least those are my observations.

  2. Well, I would say that your source is poorly chosen on 2 counts- one, she's a woman

    Well she was a ladyboy but for me i say girl since i don't see a difference, i did not chose the source it rather did choose me :o

    and two, she hangs out on Silom.

    i don't get what is has to do with Silom?

    From my experience- directly of people I have dated and from observation of couples that I know- there is a broad variety of gay men out there of every main type. I don't see any reason to claim there is a shortage of 'top' gay men or that anything like 95% are 'bottoms.'


    i would tend to agree with what you said, it is just that the number surprise she gave me surprise me so i wanted to know if she is the only one thinking like this.

  3. Just come back from DJ station.

    a girl i met their did tell me that 95% of gay people in thailand are gay queen and the rest gay king. while i can beleive there are more gay queen that gay king in thailand the 95% figure surprise me.

    what are your thoughts? you agree or disagree?

  4. Another thing to consider is that many lady-boys are really cute and super-sexy in their late teens and into their twenties...but after that, they don't age well. Basically, you have a man aging in a women's body, and trying to manage that is a real nightmare. Have you any seen a hot lady-boy over 30?

    We humans aren't perfect idealistic creatures- if she starts looking like a guy in 10 years or losing her hair, I just don't think I can tolerate it. She can still always be my closest friend, and I'd have the utmost concern for her well-being. I just don't know what happens to ladyboys when they get old, anyone know? Do a lot change back to men, or do some just keep on with everyday life as a lady?

    They do age like ladies and not like men, hormones is what makes one age like lady or like a man.

  5. Kaez,

    being transgender should an enough torture, and confusing for your brother. I would say does it matter if he likes men or women or both?

    just leave it to time.

    I agree, it cant be easy. I also agree that it does not matter who he likes, but the fact that he was not sure did bother me.

    why does it bother you?

    let me put it like this, if you have a terrible back pain do you care if the hair color of the doctor you will see is black or blond?

    did you ever go to a restaurant and was not sure if you should order a pizza or a pasta dish instead?

  6. Like I said, he thinks he could be attracted to men. This was unsettling for me, as I would feel better knowing that he was for certain about what sex he was attracted to. Are there any gay men that were not sure if they were attracted to men? The fact that he has never really been with a women is also another issue I have. I have heard of a gay man that has never been with a women, but is sure he prefers men. I guess its just his uncertainty that is unsettling for me. If he is bi, thats fine, but he has not expressed that he is.


    being transgender should an enough torture, and confusing for your brother. I would say does it matter if he likes men or women or both?

    just leave it to time.

  7. I just found out that most gays are not attracted to TG's. This I did not know. And I do not know what sex most TG's are attracted to either. When I asked my half brother if he was attracted to men, now that he was becoming a women, he said he was not sure, but he "thinks" he might be. This worried me, as I was hoping he knew more about what he was attracted to. Is it normal not to know what sex one would prefer while transgendering?


    Kaez, gender and sexual orientation are two different things not related. you have transgendered people attracted to women as you also have transgendered people attracted to men. their is no correlation about one gender and sexual orientation

  8. Then the principal should be held personally responsible for anything that happens to the students.

    i really feel sorry for the students that had their name published, my guess is that their life turned into an unsupportable hel_l. don't know why, but i felt scared when learning about this.

  9. If you know of other countries that allow this, Yabbit, I would be most interested.

    you might want to read this


    according to this web site http://www.transgenderzone.com/library/legal/7.htm it is possible to obtain new documents including passports, National Insurance cards and driving licences in a new name and gender.

    i did not read every thing in details, it seems it is not 100% clear.

  10. Does Bush plan to retire in Thailand and happily live with a thai ladyboy? :o

    He'll just wind up as one of those old, wrinkled, just realized he likes young boys, practicing/pretending/acting gay, farangs hogging up the gay community in Pattaya.

    wouldn't the world be a better place if he had a lady boy as a girlfriend? he would be more peacefull instead of launching uncessary wars

  11. Hi everyone :o

    i would be intresting to know some people experienes, how long were you closet? why and how did you come out?

    also when hiding did people suspect you were gay and what makes you think they thought you are gay?

  12. juts thought i'll contribute my 2cents.

    am I a closet case? yes

    but why should i come out, and give people the pleasure or chance to other accept or reject me? I learned from life not to put my nose in other people business and neither share my business with others.

    The latest thing i would like is to give people the chance to judge me, when i was a child a had many people tell me that when shaking hands i needed to do it like a man. i am just sick of those type of judgments.

    to make things better i am more under the queen/transgender category, which mean most of the world will look at you as a pervert. some times when i go to go clubs i would go as a queen but once outside never. i would change back to male cloth inside the club.

    even in bkk i wouldn't be comfortable to go out as a queen or with make up on me, maybe i care too much about people knowing me seeing me in such a situation?

    can you really hide it? you can not, it bothered me at school and university the amount of gossips spoken behind my back despite that i never opened my mouth. sometimes people while laughing and joking they will say something about you that makes you think, why the fuc_k did they say this?

    am i a coward? yes i am, but society plays a role in defining who you are.

    another lesson i learned from life, never ever dare to assume any thing.

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