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Posts posted by losworld

  1. The reality is they are never leaving, the meat grinder will continue to turn. Never mind, Obama got his laughable Peace Prize already.

    In fact see the US has just reduced the fitness requirements for Marines, overweight women are now welcome, no more chin ups required to get on the front line. But at least equal opportunity to die for corporate America, their families consolation prize will be a cheap nylon flag probably made in China. Who wouldn't be delighted to swap their kids for that?

    They should demand he return it. Absolutley ridiculous.

  2. For those that appreciate sophisticated writing:


    He growls, rants, shouts, digresses, careens from shtick nugget to shtick nugget, rhapsodizes over past landslides, name-drops Ivanka, Melania, Mike Tyson, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Knight, Bill O’Reilly. His right shoulder thrusts out as he makes the pinched-finger mudra with downswinging arm. His trademark double-eye squint evokes that group of beanie-hatted street-tough Munchkin kids; you expect him to kick gruffly at an imaginary stone.

    Another ridiculous heavily biased prejudiced piece. Let's deal with the issues. Many anti Trump supporters are really behaving like neo nazis with this type of propoganda. One must ask why are the powers that be so afraid of Trump? They are very worried their game is being exposed.

  3. Finland has only 5 million people.

    If Russia chooses to try to invade Finland, it will soon notice that 5 million highly educated and motivated Finns are very difficult to handle.

    Moscow would soon see a lot of 'terrorist' acts which are aimed to crumble down Russia. These acts would not be anything like what we have seen before.

    Just saying, Finland is really not worth of even a try.

    I guess courses to learn a Russian dialects which are not widely spoken in Moscow are going to be in demand soon.

    Russia has absolutely no interest in invading Finland or anywhere else at present I am sure. Quit believing any of the verbal diarrhea from the mainstream media, the make war companines or those with poltical gains from such stupid talk.

  4. I'm totally guessing here but,

    Thai girls are looking to live a lazy life in Thailand, so foreign partners need to be rich or retired.

    Filipino girls are happy to live anywhere in the world and contribute to the family income.

    I think it comes down to cultural work ethics.

    Thai women are lazy? Cultural work ethics? You don't get out enough. From what I've seen Thai women carry this country

    Thai working women are generally in families and have commitments and not enough time to go on dating sites. The gals in Tland on the sites are mainly gold diggers and hookers looking for a quick score with a benfactor.

  5. Congrats UK... Time for Cameron to resign. You are on your way to better times if this actually happens in reality. I hope so for your sake. This also reveals that many of the polls are created to obtain the results they want. I think they actually thought they could tilt the vote in favor of stay. I think Clinton supporters should take her current poll results with a grain of salt.

    "This also reveals that many of the polls are created to obtain the results they want."

    No, this reveals that the polls are not 100% reliable, hence the margin of error.

    So you don't believe polling can be manipulated by the questions asked, sample size, demographic breakdown etc? If you can't see this you are woefully ignorant of the process.

  6. Department of Homeland Security is on record that the maximum of mass deportations it could conduct annually under present resources is 400,000.

    With 11 million the raw number, either everyone endures 20 or more years of ongoing mass deportations or the US cranks up a deportation police state as has been presented in the thread above.

    Nothing like this has ever been done because it is beyond severe and drastic. Scotus has done nothing to authorise or encourage any such actions to include in its stalemated non-decision of today.

    The far right and the wild radical Donald Trump driving the Republican party nationally would reduce the Constitution and its Bill of Rights to an honorary document at best, if not just shred it outright.

    BS Eisenhower deported a huge amount of illegals. About 1.5 million in no time. He also made prison sentences to anyone employing them. It can and should be done.

  7. Trump has already chewed up the 17 other Republicans. He's doing the same to Hillary right now. If David Cameron and his backwater little country think they have the slightest chance to emerge victorious in this power play, they had better look at the dog meat Trump has already left in his wake.

    No, he isn't. Hillary Clinton is strongly favored in November. Cameron is right. Trump is a horror show. Don't worry ... he won't happen.

    Same kind of bs polling used to try to tip the British vote is being used to try to tip votes to Hillary but it won't work. Hillary is a walking time bomb with her criminal history and Bill and her corporate payoffs.

  8. Congrats UK... Time for Cameron to resign. You are on your way to better times if this actually happens in reality. I hope so for your sake. This also reveals that many of the polls are created to obtain the results they want. I think they actually thought they could tilt the vote in favor of stay. I think Clinton supporters should take her current poll results with a grain of salt.

  9. Whilst always impressed that the cops can make sizeable busts, I've noticed these massive busts increasing recently and wonder whether 'pressure' is being applied to one of the groups alleged to be behind a lot of the drug trafficking here.

    It's incredible to think these sized shipments no doubt go on every day, every year, largely undetected, and seriously enriching those behind them - who are never caught. Amazing.

    What amazes me is how it is all distributed without catching the distributors. Why not let the carriers deliver the goods and bust those below the chain if they can't get the ones above which I think may be in Myanmar, Laos and China.

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