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Posts posted by jkdenver

  1. Can’t even comment.


    do they draw these laws in kindergarten.


    the language I would like to use to describe these halfw I can’t just truely unbelievable kill mane and do as you will but anything to make a quick buck and we are in it.


    drive drunk no licence no insurance no problem sorry will do


    if no one is killed we will sit in our lower half but smoke and we are onit


    truely stupendous the idiocy of the law makers here

    • Like 1
  2. I find it hilarious that TAT and all others think its fine to penalize others for their own failures, how to criminals sneak back into Thailand if as we are constantly told the Thai immigration on all boarders is so Ace. Just another way to make all visitors feel welcome. Complete and utter joke.


    "Let just mess things up, not think of the consequences or the future cause we all wear blinkers, cause that's what we are so good at and make idiotic rules up as we go cause we have no idea. The new mission statement of TAT.

    • Like 1
  3. The guy is an absolute clueless a234

    of course they are bad for you but are they as bad as normals no not by a longbway

    thailand should be moving to get smokers off normal and intone-cigs


    jyst proves again and again how little capacity these coconuts have in them


    letsnignore all the research and all the evidence that show there is at least a 95% healthier option than normal fags and let’s just keep ensures our people only have the option to take the more deadly route


    when will this place learn Tortola bs as always

  4. Quote

    Swiss1960 said

    From just one website:
    "To use an e-cigarette, you load the liquid and apply electricity, heating the liquid until it vaporizes. At this temperature, the chemicals inside the fluid undergo a breakdown process and are converted into other chemicals. Using an advanced measurement system called nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, scientists examined the new chemicals, and in the process, found a particularly concerning result.
    When the e-cigarette liquid broke down, it produced both formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing agents, a troubling result when you consider that formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. In fact, the recent article compares the risk of developing cancer from this e-cigarette toxin to the risk of cancer from smoking traditional cigarettes, and states that that the risk with e-cigarettes may be up to 15 times higher."

    And you forgot the stinking and annoying part also...

    As has already been suggested to you when you know nothing better to be quiet.


    You are obviously bias and have no clue what you are saying or quoting.


    Yes its annoying no doubt but as for the rest when you have read the correct studies not just those by idiots with agendas then come back and start qouting.


    Its people as you with limited knowledge that cause confusion and don't help any one.


    Read your studies and go to sleep.

    • Like 1
  5. Pieces Of shit like this should, as soon as proven be taken out the back and shot like the rabbit animals they are. So sad they the gene pool has not evolved enough to irradiate these animals from the planet, and you wonder why thai's now pretty must have distain for farags. if we dont want these animals gone, then the other solution would be chemical castration, stop this shit from birthing another shit and so on.


    I hate seeing things like this just animals, farag or local all the same nothing more to say.

    • Like 1
  6. As someone who has lived in Thailand and traveled all over for many years I am tired of the constant attacks this place gets. Anyone who have been around knows of far worse places that just because of their affiliations are ignored.

    Don't get me wrong we all want these majestic creatures back in the wild and no one want to see acts of cruelty, but

    1. Would you prefer the animal dead or alive?

    2. I have never seen evidence of drugging here and I have been many times and while I am no expert it does not take one to see when an animal is drugged, and I grisly believe they are not

    3. We all know bad press is better than good

    4. I cannot believe the vast number of European volunteers at the temple would allow cruelty to prevail

    5. I would imagine most of those posting here have never even been

    6. It appears to me as with 90% of the posts on here it's another opportunity to skate the country. To those I say if it really is as you say then please go home and let those who understand and enjoy the life here live it with out your sour mouthed comments.

    As far as I can see from my many visits to the temple things get better every time and it's about time the sandals touting hippie community found something else to moan about if you don't like something don't do it

  7. thanks for the response.

    That is going to help a lot. Just to add there has been an access road from the soi to our house for around 7-8 years I have been told even though our house is only 2 years old now.

    So I guess which ever of the points apply I should still have nothing to pay for as no damage is being done now and now road need to be made.

  8. Hi,

    Firstly the appologies:

    If this topic has been covered somewhere in the forums, I am in saudi and my access does not allow me to fully browse the forum, a quick scan did not reveal anything.

    If this is the wrong forum, Please point me in the right direction.


    I am working away from home at the present and my wife has called me today to inform me that we have a letter from some company or other requesting payment for road access to our house. I don't think its for the main soi from the sukumvit I beleive its from the access road off the soi.

    When we bought the house it was sold with access, as was the original land the house was built on.

    So the questions:

    1. Is this legal in thailand i.e. to charge for access in this way.

    2. can I find out the name of the director of the company, as I have a suspision who it is but need proof.

    3. If it is legal are there any limits to the charge we have been asked for 200,00 bht which is definately not going to happen.

    4. How do we go about legal oposing this. and how can the originator actually impose this themseleves.

    I hope some one can advise me so that I know the right action to take before I return to thialand in Sept.



  9. Hi guys,

    I know a lot has been posted about this already with the things that are going on right now but

    here goes.

    If the problems in bangkok persist is it possible to fly from either changmai or puket to trat as this is

    the closest airport to my home in pattaya.

    and if so can you book the flight online.

    I am due to fly on Jan23 and I hope that this will all be ironed out by then but given how long they

    stayed in goverment house I am not sure that will happen.

    as a foot note if these poeple up there really are the middle and buisness class of thialand surely they

    understand the impact this is going to have on them.

  10. Hi all,

    Does anyone have anywhere that I can find the diamond jubilee ipod. I know its a little l8 but I just seen and I would really like to buy for my wife for xmas.

    Anyone with any lead would be fantastic. Internet sale would be preferable as I am in saudi at the min and not due back until jan.

    Thanks again.

  11. Hi all,

    I guess this has been asked and covered in the forums but I can't find where right now so bear with me aqnd I will ask anyways.

    I have a US Ford Mustang GT currently registered in the UK. It manual 4.8 V8 and I really want to bring it to thailand as I am now living here.

    Does andyone have any idea how to do this, who to contact, and what the likely cost will be.

    I have tried to find out but it seems that like most things in Thailand getting a straight answer is nigh on impossible.

    andy help would be fantastic.

    Thanks all

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