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Posts posted by DaraRai

  1. Even though I'm a woman, I support the legalization of prostitution everywhere, since no matter what, it will always be there. The only difference would be that, with it legalized, the women who are involved in the industry would be safer, since they can be more out in the open, resulting in their gaining more knowledge of safer sex practices and a decrease in their murders, etc.

  2. Does anyone know where I can buy traditional Thai musical instruments (I live in the USA)? I'm particularly interested in the ranat ek. Also does anyone know if it's similar to the violin (as in musical notes, etc.), or similar enough that I could learn to play it on my own?

  3. Has anyone been to Vejthani Hospital for cosmetic surgery before? I'm thinking of going there -- the interior looks so amazing (more of a hotel than a hospital!) -- but I would like to read some reviews of the doctors, particularly those doing the cosmetic procedures.

  4. It's great to see the workers rallying together to better their conditions. Too many people focus on eradicating prostitution altogether, but the fact is, prostitution will probably never be completely eliminated. Those who call for the elimination of prostitution often claim to do so in the interest of the prostitutes, but if that is so, then they should focus on cleaning up the workers' environment; the main concern should be to make the workers' conditions safer.

  5. You shouldn't keep your thoughts to yourself about this; you should discuss it with your bf. Maybe you could work something out (such as viewing them together). I understand that it isn't really the porn that bothers you, but perhaps, it's the secretive nature of how he's viewing them; he hid it from you and that's what's causing the sense of betrayal, right?

  6. I do not care for the blood in anything but to each his own.Here are a few photos of chicken blood made to eat.First you have to get the blood then you place the bowl of blood in to the boiling water carfully.After it sets you have your finnal product.In the cooking photo you can see that the bowl has turned over,it was already cooked at the point.

    Pig's blood, cow's blood, and chicken's blood are all delicious, especially in rice porridge with some herbs and all, but I prefer not to see it made...

  7. Thailand used to be very biased towards "look-kreungs" (mixed children), but in the past decade or so, Thai culture and society has become very accepting of mixed children. Even in the Thai entertainment industry, which used to be very closed off to mixed individuals and heavily concentrated in full Thai individuals, look-kreungs are everywhere, composing about 80% of the entertainment industry. So the culture has grown very acceptive of mixed children.

  8. When I was still living in Southern California a few years back, there were a bunch of Thai restaurants -- at least 20 in my city and several more in the surrounding cities. Now, in NYC, Thai restaurants are quickly popping up.

  9. Have you received medical advice on this issue from multiple doctors? If not, then I suggest you do so; doing so will give you a better idea of your choices, which would, in turn, allow you to decide more assuredly. I, however, would decide on the C-section. Actually, even in the states, it is becoming a more popular choice with women, and more are opting for it now than in the past.

  10. Working in a bar isn't exactly a negative thing. If she is just waitressing or being a cashier, then there isn't anything wrong with that -- it's decent work. However, I sense that you're worried that she isn't just waitressing, and/or her work may be unstable/slightly dangerous. You should really discuss this with her and get your concerns across to her. Ultimately, however, it is still her decision (afterall, she is 18), but you could broaden her view on the situation by alerting her of your concerns for her safety, and you could get her to perhaps reanalyze and reconsider her work.

  11. Thai iced tea is absolutely delicious -- I completely agree! Well, what I do is I use jasmine tea and then I just add condensed milk and sugar, and pour it over ice. There are some instant mixes, my favorite being DeDe Instant Thai Tea.

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