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Posts posted by orpheus454

  1. Carabao really are a Thai institution - a band who have stood for Thai citizens rights, democracy and anti-corruption. Some of the older following didn't like it when they got "commercial".

    Aed is the only member to have remained in the band throughout their career.


    kŭn john sà-làt man bplôn rao

    Pirates rob us


    láew yát rao maa reua sĭn káa

    and devour us coming with merchant ships



    playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek

    This song of removing the yoke


    playng hàeng gaan bplòt àek

    This song of removing the yoke

    What's with the silly English translation?

    Why not just give Bob Marley's lyrics which Aad translated into Thai?

  2. Also known as dugongs. Here's a sobering article about manatees, though it's from 6 yrs ago.

    How to get Asians to view manatees for what they are (fascinating, peaceful, vegetarian sea mammals instead of a source of money, talismans, meat and voodoo cures - mostly for Chinese.

    Are there any manatee sanctuaries in Thailand? If not, I'd be willing to do what I can to help start one - though I'm based in northernmost Thailand.

    On a side note: I visited Sri Lanka recently. I only traveled a small portion of their coast, but noticed quite a few sea turtle hatcheries, about one every 50 miles. The hatcheries also attract some tourist money. The one I visited, focused on 4 main types of sea turtles. The manager said that he offers to buy eggs for a bit more than harvesters can sell the eggs to local markets - but it's a constant challenge.

  3. All non-galvanized steel needs to be costed in oxide paint, otherwise it will corrode. In some of your photos you can see patches where it has not yet been fully covered. These need to be finished properly.

    This is just rubbish.

    Oxide paint will protect beachside steel for about 15 minutes.

    Minimum hot dip galvanised.

    OP, you have some seriously sub-standard work there, requiring major re-building.

  4. Actually when you're as close to the equator as we are the tilt becomes a bit more complex sad.png

    One of the many calculators on the net http://solarelectricityhandbook.com/solar-angle-calculator.html

    Or don't tilt at all, and use the budget for angling brackets for extra panels.


  5. I have 2 Panasonic wall fans, and both vibrate perceptibly. Not enough for me to replace the blades, but it's quite noticeable, unlike a couple of cheapo standing fans.

    I used to be someone who bought Panasonic everything, not so sure now.

  6. OK - i'm not an authority on the convenience stores but I'm sure I've seen people buying alcohol from the Big C on Klang in the afternoons.

    Don't know the exact words of the law, but I think only retail sell is forbidden in these afternoon hours.

    It is still possible to buy alcohol (even in 7/11 or BigC) if in quantity enough (in bulk).

    Thanks - that was the blogger's assumption too and as he indicated he was very surprised that the bar owner was nailed for something which anyone walking down Suk Soi 4 (the main focus of his lens over the last two decades) in the afternoon would assume doesnt apply to bars and restaurants. I didnt know about the bulk ruling in supermarkets, but for me its not something I'm willing to lug back from Big C. If I do become that keen on alcohol I'll just move to Cambo and be done with it biggrin.png

    If ever you decide to go to Cambodia, can you leave your avatar here, please?

    She's the best thing on this forum...

  7. For example, there are something like 32 different words, with very different meanings, that could all be romanized as 'sai'.

    32? Really. I could only think of 19 (ซ้าย, ไซ, ไซ้, ไซซ์, ไซด์,ไซต์, ไซท์, ไซน์, ไซร้, ทราย, ไทร, สาย, ส่าย, ใส, ใส่, ไส, ไส้, ไสย, ไสร้). Which ones am I missing?

    ศรัย (ใส) น. ที่พักพิง (พจนานุกรม ฉบับเฉลิมพระเกียรติ พ.ศ. 2530)

    I took your challenge and opened that dic for probably the first time in 10 years.

  8. if the good old U S of A is that good whay are so many here, ? and then moan that the think there not being tret as they think they should be

    no one going to kiss there a## just because there american

    They aren't in Thailand, Jake. There are four times as many Americans in the world as there are Brits and Aussies combined. Are there four times as many American expats in Thailand as there are Aussies and Brits? Of course not.

    That's because most of them don't know where it is...

  9. Totally believable. I "taught" in a kinder out beyond Yasothon last year and what bowerboy is saying I would concur with. The kids out there were . . . hopeless, compared to what I have seen back home (AusTralia).

    The kinder did nothing to improve the situation I hasten to add.

    Your experience "teaching" in Australia?

    I'll wager it's zero, you have no teaching qualification, and you have never taught in an Australian school.


  10. Back in the '80s I taught in an experimental Individually Guided Education school in the inner city of Milwaukee.

    Instead of busing the "minority" children out of the ghetto, the white kids were bussed in from the east side.

    About 50% of the student population was made up of children of university professors, lawyers, and other professionals from the wealthy east side.

    The other 50% lived in the ghetto neighborhood.

    It was clear to me, as a specialist walking into the classrooms starting in Kindergarten that nothing could be done to lessen the chasm of difference in the lives of these young people.

    For example at the age of 5:

    Half of the children could read and half did not know the alphabet.

    Half of the children could add and subtract and half did not know how to count.

    Half of the children were sitting quietly listening to the teacher and half were fighting and urinating and defecating in their pants almost oblivious to the teacher.

    You can guess which half was which.

    The differences only gained with each progressing year.

    The only ones who were affected were the little white kids who didn't try as hard as they learned to mimic the ghetto culture.

    What can we do? Am I racist to just observe and report?

    Yes. What you observe and report indicates that you are a racist.

    If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and swims like a duck, then in all probability it's a duck.

    In all probability, you're a racist.

  11. >We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up.

    I feel sorry for your child. It's beyond my ken why someone would set his child up for failure by raising him this way.


    Why the OP liked this post is a little perplexing. It's stating that, as a father, he's a loser...

  12. I said to her from the very beginning that the problems that arise from all this (sleepless nights, anarchy at feeding time etc etc) will be her problem and not mine and indeed I stick by my guns....after 8:30pm (way past bedtime for a toddler anyway) I a retreat to my man cave and the rest is up to her and same for most things...when it starts getting out of control (for reasons that are claerly attributable to the Thai parenting style) i walk away.

    Then you'll reap what you sow. You clearly know nothing about parenting. As a father, you're a loser.

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  13. I meant a tiny minority of foreigners compared to the number of Thais not a tiny minority of foreigners. Foreigners did not make Thais who they are today but rather they did that to themselves by their greed and selfishness which is a somewhat Asian trait that Thailand has honed to perfection. Westerners have lost a lot of what was honour too and is changing greatly and partly through immigration which is far more far reaching than a few hundred thousand foreigners bugrudingly allowed to live here

    Must have cracked the first bottle reasonably early today...?

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