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Posts posted by MrHammer

  1. In my experience the difficulty in meeting a 'quality' Thai girl isn't charming the girl herself, but actually being in a position where you're able to do so, because Thai girls more than western prefer to meet guys through their social group. Yes, I know most girls prefer that, but it seems much more so in Thailand. Call it face or what you want. Put that same girl in a holiday spot only with her girlfriends and it would be a much different story.

    The difficulty is getting into social circles in the middle class without a proper in, like studying in a university or working in a mostly Thai company. It's night and day, when you go somewhere and if you know a local Thai dude or one of her friends. The girls practically throw themselves at you if you know someone who is popular. Go with yourself and a couple of foreign mates and you're mostly going to get ignored.

    Now if you can't speak Thai, you can't just chat up a girl at the bus stop either. Don't have a job, can't be introduced through work either.

    My advice, which I should take myself, is to learn Thai, join a university course if you're young enough, join some local hobby organisations, get a job, try to make local friends who aren't party girls.

  2. I can't help but think that a third tier asian low cost airline can't have very good or experienced pilots and mechanics. Lets say the best are picked by the airlines like Thai Air, Singapore Air and Malaysia Airline. The second best are picked by malaysian and singaporean low cost carriers like Air Asia, Tiger Airwars and so on. Only then can a company like Lion Air probably compete. The fact that it's an Indonesia airline is not very comforting as most carriers from there are barred from flying into Europe.

    I think I'll stick with Air Asia for now.

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  3. I believe the correct term for such a situation is to be cuckolded. The father is there, why doesn't he pay? Can't you see how he has struck gold, fathered children, some clueless other guy pays for them?

    And your friend met this woman for two weeks only and you call it a 6 month relationship?

    Sometimes, I can't take the naivety of Thaivisa posters. It boggles my mind.

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  4. She has no idea you are taking offense at her joking around about the truth.

    Pure bs.

    Of course she knows unless she is a low class retard.

    As someone said, try backhand complimenting her on how nice a tan she has, does she spend much time in the sun to get that brown? Lets see if she finds that funny.

    And btw, "By their friends shall ye know them".

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  5. avoid at all costs: peanuts, white rice, white sugar, palm oil, deepfried food, ALL snacks especially here in thailand.

    as for alcohol: for every glass of alcohol drink one glass of WATER.

    as for fruit: 1 piece a day is healthy, many pieces a day is not recommended.

    as for vegetables: no limits, eat VEGGIES, loads of them (and may the fart be with you!)

    I strongly disagree with you about peanuts and all kinds of nuts. Eating a moderate amount of nuts is associated with losing weight and preventing obesity. Emphasis on moderate amounts. I agree you have to watch to not overdo fruits, but you should eat some fruits, and the actual fruit NOT JUICE. Vegetables avoiding cooking fat, of course, go crazy!

    The best nuts available in Thailand are almonds. The only problem with nuts is that they are very calorie dense and it's easy to oversnack on them. But one or two of those small 7-11 packs a day does no harms.

  6. Here's a real protip and definitely not sponsored, at HotelsCombined.com you can search and compare across all the other hotel booking sites and then just choose the one that is the cheapest, which is often less known such as otel.com or onhotels or others.

    I have begun to really dislike Agoda due to their withholding of tax and fees. It is a low ball marketing scheme that unfortunately is typically Thai. They also haven't accepted my reviews because doing so would give me the last couple of points I need for a free $25, again just very low way of running a business. If you think I am making the missing points for reviews up, try giving it a Google.

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  7. I saw the little devil for the first time yesterday. It sat on top of a tree and I could see its evil red eyes from afar. I really wished I had some kind of projectile weapon, but no such luck.

    oooOOOO oooOOOOOOOO.

  8. OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

    I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

    It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

    Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

    indian man's burden? did you read his story. None of them were racist at all even the one referring to him as an indian.

    Want to see real racism in action just go to a western country and get slurs yelled at you from a car and have things thrown at you.

    I can guarantee you that in my country in scandinavia, that the only ones doing the yelling from cars and being racist are the immigrants.

    That is after they have received free schooling, free healthcare, monthly living allowances from $1500-$5000 a month, free language lessons and so on.

    Very ignorant comment from your side.

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  9. OP, you probably do know the answer to your question. Yes, the Thai are racist and ignorant, those who are better educated are not so much racist as they are just xenophobic.

    I would encourage you to send this well written post to Bangkok Post as a debate piece, I think it could get in as is.

    It really is about time people start putting aside the false, pre-internet assumptions of Thai people and start let them know when they are acting like third world nosepickers.

    Yes, the sad white man's burden or in this case the indian man's burden.

  10. Ok, I understand that, but then there is no need to claim nutritional reasoning for being a vegetarian when it is clearly and ideological choice in that you don't believe in killing animals.

    Which of course is quite ironic as most animals in the world would happily eat you if they could even grass eaters would chew on your corpse if they go the chance as do cows with dead rabbits for example.

    I can't say I agree with the vegetarian standpoint.

  11. Have a look at the Thai soap operas and movies:


    I quite honestly found the all Thai looking girls in that video more attractive than the mixed ones, I am not sure why the Thais have this fascination with mixed ethnicity. I find it a bit weird to worship celebrities as examples of Thai beauty, when they are in reality as much white as they are thai. Quite a strange self hating concept.

  12. If we wouldn't meant to eat meat it wouldn't taste so good for us....If we are meant to eat only grass and vegetables these would taste good.

    But in fact only the high calorie vegetable taste good....and by tradition they are only a side dish to fill up our too long intestine....

    I rather like most veggies, regardless of the caloric count of each one. I hardly think it is a "fact" that only high-calorie veggies taste good.

    I also think it is rather simplistic to state that we are omnivores and need to eat animal proteins. The Adventists are one of the longest living demographics, and they are all vegetarians. I think it is very possible in today's world to remain vegetarian while never eating any animal proteins of any kind and live a long, healthy life.

    This may not be true in all countries or all societies. In the US, though, and in many other countries, the breadth of foodstuffs easily available now makes it quite possible to eat well as a vegetarian.

    Having written that, though, I am not a vegetarian, nor do I think I will ever be. I am a hypocrite in that I won't kill, and I deplore how animals are treated in the food industry. When I see pigs crammed into a pickup and on the way to Klong Tuey to slaughter, I get sick to my stomach. But I eat meat. I love it. And maintaining a healthy diet that includes animal proteins is so much easier than maintaining one without animal proteins.

    The fact is that those studies had the health bias.. vegetarians are more likely to be involved in other healthy activities as people who consume a lot of meat. However if you take people who consume a lot of meat and exercise sports and stuff like that the result might be totally different. I am 100% sure that eating healthy + eating meat and doing loads of sports is as healthy or healthier as doing the same.

    That said vegetarians need loads of supplements for vitamins and minerals that normally come from meat. That means powders and pills, recently I started juicing vegetables and the result of those extra vitamins has been much better as the store bought ones. Because of that I am not as sure if pills work as good as the natural thing from meat.

    But if you take people who eat a lot of meat and those are the ones eating the wrong kind prepared the wrong way then sure in any equation the meat eater will loose out. But i doubt its the same if you take those that eat the right meats prepared the right way.

    Facts don't lie there are hardly any vegetarian or vegan bodybuilders (some but not many and you never know how big and strong they would be with meat) Find me some of the top athletes that are vegetarian / vegan and then look at those who are not.

    I never wrote that I thought that eating a vegetarian diet is healthier than a balanced diet because I don't think it is true. I just wrote that it is possible to have a healthy diet even without eating animal proteins. I will say this, though: I think that if a person is going to one extreme or the other, a vegetarian diet would be healthier than a meat/fat only diet.

    As far as high-level vegetarian athletes, instead of listing them in all the sports, how about Robert Cheeke, and Luiz Freitas?

    And then again, inuits aka eskimoes in places like Siberia and Greenland eat a diet that traditionally consists almost entirely of animal meat and fat, yet they are very healthy. This has had many puzzled which is why there have been studies done and even a tv show.

    Again, I do not believe we all have the same genetics when it comes to food. It is only natural to think we would adapt to whichever food source was healthy and available in our enviroment.

    Why can the Thais eat a diet so full of empty carbs and not get fat, while westerners seem to struggle with it? There are clearly genetic differences in how our bodies uses food.

    One thing I think modern man of most cultures eat too little off is fish. Up until recently, historically speaking, it would be much easier to catch a fish than kill a deer or wild board. Archeology in most european stone age settlements show that marine life, fish, shellfish, shrimps, bird eggs were a big part of that diet. I've also had whale and while I generally don't think whaling is a good idea, it is incredibly tasty meat that fully rivals high quality beef.

    if you were to go vegatarian - for nutritional reasons, not ideological - then I think it could be done if you ate a lot of fish. The major problem I have with vegans are that it is an ideology and not so much nutritional science.

  13. You could say that being gullible is the other side of the coin to trusting other people. I've heard many 'experts' say that the reasons for why northern european countries, and likely many smaller american towns, are so succesful and with little crime is because people there trust each other.

    When I believe I can trust my neighbor is when I can stop building a huge wall and instead build something more productive.

    The ability to trust others and therefore work together is to some degree a prerequisite for functioning society. Some people don't get that and would rather stuff their face today from swindling someone instead of eating well for the rest of their lives.

    Perhaps the poor are poor because they have poor morals.

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  14. I disagree that Bangkok can't be made more pleasent. A good beginning would be to dig down all the cables that are currently cluttering. When they are gone, trees can be planted everywhere and give them 5-10 years and you will have good sized trees that block the sun and make for good looking boulevards. Next up would be digging some tunnels for cars passing through Bangkok to lessen the traffic on Suk and the various Ramas, Ratchada, Lat Prao etc. If they really wanted to, they could convert some government owned buildings to parks and move out of the city. There's a project where rich Thais and royalty could score some brownie points, but instead they insist on adding another 50 story condo to a soi that is 3 meters wide.

    It is not impossible, they did manage to build a pretty decent skytrain and metro system after all which is a much bigger project.

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