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Posts posted by faranglandoz

  1. I'm sorry if its been mentioned earlier in this post. What I would like to ask, does everyone think that allowing ladies to sit around and accost passers by on the beach front road is a good image for Pattaya. At least what happens with the bar girls is far more discrete, and not in the face of family members taking a stroll. I think most people will say the families should'nt be there, this is our sex town.

    Faranglandoz :o

  2. Think it's faranglandoz that jumped the gun there. Many thanks for the clarification.

    At least it gave me a legitimate way to promote La Roylale in a round about way!!



    Sorry about that, I did'nt realise there were several condos with similar names in that area.

    At least its cleared the air about La Royale.

    Faranglandoz :o

  3. La Royale has been delayed for various different reasons but most out with the control of the developer. Not really unusual for Thailand. Funny thing is the first unit was transferred to a purchaser today at Sattahip land office. Hopefully over the coming weeks/months most of the main building will be transferred. The beach front apartments should be finished and ready to transfer next year.

    We were the sole agents for the development and sold over 85% of the tower (1,500,000,000 Bahts worth of units). It is one of the only buildings I have bought in and intend to keep as a long term investment. With the price rises in construction, already these units look incredibly cheap. Where else can you get direct beach front units from around 70,000 Baht per sq.m+ in a new, high tech building. Look at the prices of other new buildings that aren't even on the beach!!

    Not sure what WCR is trying to insinuate or even if it is La Royale he is talking about?? Maybe you could be more specific......



    East Coast Real Estate

    Thanks David for your explanation.

    Faranglandoz :o

  4. Invest in property in Pattaya and Thailand generally at your peril.

    And that from the former owner of a Real Estate Magazine published in Pattaya....now that is scary!!!!

    And thats why I can say it!!!! But it goes for other places in the world also. Just in Thailand your protection in law is pretty poor against bad developers. Just ask the people who invested in Royal Condominium on Jomtien Beach last year.

    What happened to investors of LaRoyale Condominium, last year?

    Faranglandoz :o

  5. PAD - Counterbalance of what has long been out of balance!

    The public voice to be heard on the streets!

    I don't support the PPP or the PAD, as I have only lived here a year. What amazes me is how this PAD party has been allowed to shutdown streets in Bangkok for the last two months. These demonstrators are suppose to be nationalist, but do they realise what damage they are doing to the Thai economy, or do they really care.

    No other democratic country in the world would tolerate this situation.

    Faranglandoz :o

  6. What would be the reactions in your homecountry if thousends of more or less old, rich foreign man would come to your country and marry with more or less young, poor girls from your country?

    How would people look at this?

    I don't think many "poor" Australian girls would be interested. They have other dreams and other options and would see many disadvantages to marriage with a much older person, if financial gain were the only motive.

    One exceptional group might be girls living in extremely disadvantaged indigenous communities. This would soon produce some interesting reactions.

    You think rich old fat Poms would come and marry our beautiful young Aboriginal girls

    Faranglandoz :o

  7. Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

    Sure, a ligitimate question.

    I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

    No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

    I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

    That good enough for you?

    Mate thats great, you don't have to justify yourself to these people. Sounds your doing really well. I personally would start looking again on Thai Lovelinks, there must be many attractive girls in Thailand who are not all after money.

    Faranglandoz :o

  8. "I met a farang who was in prison with Martyn, and evidently it was his Thai wifes brother that did the killing, but he got the blame. Martyn obviously changed the story for his book. Some of the conditions he described are quite true, so I have been told, so I believe the book is based on fact."

    Yes its based on facts - there was a murder, there was a guy who fiddled a lot of British workers out of large sums

    There is a lot to fill in though

    I thought they were travelling in a car from Pattaya to Bangkok - three of them in the car - the Kiwi, Martyn and the body guard - never any mention of the brother

    I also (please correct me if I am wrong) also seem to remember it was a random piss stop - where was the brother hiding?

    Condition described - yes i can well accept that - its the other <deleted> I am not convinced about.

    I don't think the part about the car trip, and the 'piss' stop is true, a bit of hollywood for the book.

    Faranglandoz :o

  9. Any proof of this ?

    It is a non-fiction account. You would have to believe the author. I find him very credible.

    Sorry but I do not - there are so many holes in his account.

    He never admits killing the bloke when they rolled down the embankment - who did?

    Why would the Tourist Police be involved in this type of criminal investigation - it wouldbea matter for the ordinary police.

    Another thing - he is allegged to reurn to Thailand and is seen in Pattaya according to reports - how does he get back in and why not PNG - and more to the point after all that would you return?

    This book belongs alongside Warren Fellows and "hel_l's Prisoner" in the book of south east Asian prison fairy tales.

    I met a farang who was in prison with Martyn, and evidently it was his Thai wifes brother that did the killing, but he got the blame. Martyn obviously changed the story for his book. Some of the conditions he described are quite true, so I have been told, so I believe the book is based on fact.

    Faranglandoz :o

  10. I have 2 very high floor units in LaRoyale Beach Condominium for sale, Na Jomtien. One is 'A' type,3 bedroom unit, 268m2 and the other is a 'B' type, 2 bedroom unit, 148m2. I would like to keep one of them, preferably the 2 bedroom unit, but am willing to sell either or both.

    Completion of the project is November-December. Anybody interested would only have to pay the 40% now, and the 60% when finished. I had planned to live in one of the units and rent the other out. In the meantime I have put my money into the OZ share market, and its gone down, down, down.

    If anybody is interested I can offer a really good discounted price, due to the fact you will be dealing directly with me.

    Faranglandoz :o

  11. I know Thailand does not want to lose land, as it has to other neighbouring countries, but what use is it trying to retain these three provinces. Does this area have rich minerals or potential oil wells? If not I think it would be better to move all the budhists further north, and rehouse them. Then I would give these three provinces back to the muslims. This area can either revert back to Malaysia or they can become totally independant. By that I mean that Thailand should not give them anything, just leave the present infrastructure for them, then see how they go on their own.


    How are things in dreamland ? To take your logic to its conclusion

    the USA should move everyone out of New York City and turn it over to Bin Laden. Chok Dee. :D

    I did'nt know that New York City use to belong to Bin Laden


    Well now your true colors are showing. It did not take much to smoke you out of your rat hole. You are a Jihadist uncovered. I only hope that the Thai authorities are reading this thread and pay you a visit.

    Yuo really are a stupid, uneducated, sceptic tank

    Just the reply I expected ! Uneducated ??? please check your spelling :D I can always tell when the truth hurts ! chok dee

    If you cannot detect my computer keyboard error you are more stupid than I originally thought

    Faranglansoz :o

  12. Faranglandoz: I think the idea of just giving them up, just doesn't sit well with the idea of nationhood. Few countries willingly give up territory, anymore than few of us would give up a chunck of our yard/garden to the neighbors because they really wanted it.

    There are a whole host of problems created when you move the Buddhists out of the area as well. First of all where will they go? What will they do? What about their land, property and businesses in the South? When you have a movement of people into another area, the local inhabitants are usually not very happy. If they are given settlement payments of some sort, there is jealousy and other problems in the areas of relocation.

    Another significant problem is what happens to the provinces. Do they become independent? If so, what type of gov't and who will be in charge? If the insurgents are in charge there are likely to be reprecussions for the moderates and those who backed the gov't or were seen to back the gov't. This could end up with a lot of the Muslims leaving the area and going further north or to Malaysia, creating further stress. Now if the gov't has paid the Buddhists to resettle, but doesn't help the Muslims, we are back to square 1.

    Scott I know what I proposed was'nt a great position. I can't see anything else working. How many people have to die before a radical solution is found. If the muslim majority don't want to be a part of Thailand, (before 1902 those southerly provices were a seperate sultancy) what do you do.

    Faranglandoz :o

  13. I know Thailand does not want to lose land, as it has to other neighbouring countries, but what use is it trying to retain these three provinces. Does this area have rich minerals or potential oil wells? If not I think it would be better to move all the budhists further north, and rehouse them. Then I would give these three provinces back to the muslims. This area can either revert back to Malaysia or they can become totally independant. By that I mean that Thailand should not give them anything, just leave the present infrastructure for them, then see how they go on their own.


    How are things in dreamland ? To take your logic to its conclusion

    the USA should move everyone out of New York City and turn it over to Bin Laden. Chok Dee. :o

    I did'nt know that New York City use to belong to Bin Laden


    Well now your true colors are showing. It did not take much to smoke you out of your rat hole. You are a Jihadist uncovered. I only hope that the Thai authorities are reading this thread and pay you a visit.

    Yuo really are a stupid, uneducated, sceptic tank

  14. I know Thailand does not want to lose land, as it has to other neighbouring countries, but what use is it trying to retain these three provinces. Does this area have rich minerals or potential oil wells? If not I think it would be better to move all the budhists further north, and rehouse them. Then I would give these three provinces back to the muslims. This area can either revert back to Malaysia or they can become totally independant. By that I mean that Thailand should not give them anything, just leave the present infrastructure for them, then see how they go on their own.


    How are things in dreamland ? To take your logic to its conclusion

    the USA should move everyone out of New York City and turn it over to Bin Laden. Chok Dee. :o

    I did'nt know that New York City use to belong to Bin Laden


  15. please add another poll

    are you ugly or attractive... i bet there are more attractive people than ugly people.

    Why do most attractive Thai ladies like old fat ugly foreign men. Do they feel more secure with them. Never see many Thai ladies with anything else. I think Pattaya has the biggest selection of fat ugly men in the whole world.

    Faranglandoz :o

  16. My name is David Gray from East Coast Real Estate in Pattaya. We have just launched a new website at www.thaiproperty.net. Hopefully it is a medium that will be used by both agencies and private individuals to sell or rent their properties. The site is absolutely free for all listings outside of the Pattaya area which we cover. We would love to get some feedback from you guys as to how easy it is to enter properties, register as members, find properties, speed of download etc. All constructive criticism is appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    Hi David,

    If a private individual advertises on this new website, does he pay commissions to East Coast Real Estate at 5%. You still advertise property on your East Coast Real Estate in tandem with thaiproperty.net


  17. North pattaya is full of beer bars.I would agree that shutting many bars would result in the other bars being more profitable but maybe prices will go up.The good part of too many bars is competition.I dont accept that having too many bars results in less tourism for families.The beach road katoys and gangsters stop tourism,the corrupt police stop tourisam,the necklace theives stop tourism,shall i continue.

    TOO many beerbars means TOO many competition and that's never good: Too many beerbars, too few customers with fixed costs. The few customers have to pay for these fixed costs, so high prices.

    A few too many beerbars, a few too many competition is better: Competition is always good, and the nuber of customers mut be divided over the few too many beerbars; fixed costs are same same, so the prices are normal, because there enough customers to pass the break even point in a healthy way.

    Just a few beerbars: not good at all: the TOO many customers have only a few beerabrs to visit. Since there are always customers, the prices will go skyhigh.

    So basically, shut down half of the beerbars would be a good idea.

    The beer bars is only a small part of the clean up as far as I'm concerned. I would like the beer bars at the same level as Patong. If you are looking for a girl in a bar you can find that at Patong. Also if you are not looking for bargirls there are things for the family as well. I dont really think the beer bars in Pattaya are the main problem, I think the ladies that line up along the beach road are the main problem. Why the police don't try to clean this up, I don't know. I expect they get money from the pimps that contol these ladies.

    Pattaya as far as I'm concerned, wether you like it or not, is for the family as well as foreign sex tourist. When I say Pattaya I include Jom Tien, Naglua and other adjoining areas. They all come under Pattaya. People would not invest in expensive condos if there was nothing else to offer other than sex shows and beer bars.


  18. I know Thailand does not want to lose land, as it has to other neighbouring countries, but what use is it trying to retain these three provinces. Does this area have rich minerals or potential oil wells? If not I think it would be better to move all the budhists further north, and rehouse them. Then I would give these three provinces back to the muslims. This area can either revert back to Malaysia or they can become totally independant. By that I mean that Thailand should not give them anything, just leave the present infrastructure for them, then see how they go on their own.


  19. Only complaint I have is that her massages she gives me are just too soft, feels like nothing is happening.

    Once I came home from work I thought I would be a smart ass and say "where the fuc_k is my dinner" she got really shitty and looked like she wanted to punch on. She doesnt take jokes that are directed at her very well

    Did you spinkick her Donk :o

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