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Posts posted by Swanky

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your dilema, divorce is never easy. Just a couple of questions.

    Who is your daughter living with now? Also what prompted your wife to 'disappear' like this? It seems a little strange. I'm not sure how divorce works as I've never had the experience but getting legal advice seems to be the obvious first step. Good luck.

  2. Hi, I have been reading Thai Visa for some time before joining up. This place is H-U-G-E and offers a wealth of information just getting to know my way around. Some interesting posters here, like one big happy family, looking forward to giving my two satangs worth although I've only been living here around three months.

  3. I got food poisoning eating BBQ squid from a street vendor on my first trip to Thailand years ago. It landed me in hospital for three days, I dehydrated severely, couldn't keep anything down. As a general rule, the busier the place looks the safer it is to grab something to eat there, since that isolated incident I've never had any other problems with street food.

  4. I will ask another silly newbie question. This is only my third post but what is the difference between 'tracking' a topic and 'subscribing' to a topic, sorry maybe I will just have to play with the controls a bit more. Just tried it and it says it will send an e-mail notification but if I subscribe to many threads that means my inbox will be blown out, can I see what I have replied to without e-mails?

  5. Forums are just cyberspace, sure people develop good friendships online and meet in real life, those people I have on my hotmail and Messenger accounts. Leaving passwords in your will is a good idea and those friends can post a death note on a forum you are an active member of I guess.

  6. I think it is very unprofessional to display over the top outburts of anger in any country, especially in Thailand.

    There are far better ways to reprimand someone who is not getting the job done or is not up to standard. Not only do the employees lose face but you also lose face and thus respect of the employees. If they still don't get it after numerous attempts to steer them in the right direction, summarily dismiss them.

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