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Posts posted by cashill

  1. NOT :o

    Looks like the OP hit a nerve. I think they spend all day on Thai Visa and make themselves feel better by berating people.

    Other options might be that they wait for the unemployment/pension or disability check to come.

    Misterbunny....I havent stopped laughing since I first read this pathetic post....he is far from striking a nerve...unless one tingles with you?

    I already know that I'm a washed up farang, whats your excuse?

    For your information, he didnt see me under a bridge drinking beer, i don't do alcohol & I am clean shaven. What amuses me is this twirp actually thinks that just because he saw a couple of guys having a beer that they are washed up, he should take particular note of Kiakaha post.

    Mate, two white tatooed, probably brits drinking beer from the bottle under a bridge in the middle of Bangkok wearing wife beaters sounds quite washed up to me.

    where ever you got that information they were drinking from the bottle??

    they could be drinking from a can ore even a bucket (that would make them german?)


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