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Posts posted by cashill

  1. A mate of mine lives on over 200,000 baht a month here in pattaya.

    he drinks every night at 120 baht for a drink X 30 average X 7 days = 25,200 baht a week without st/lt

    are you telling me i am envious of this guy who could be dead if he continues to drink to excess.

    i know this is only 1 example of how not to live,but the point is,if you had more money would you go out more,eat at more at expensive restaraunts,have a bigger house,maid.

    all bullshit

    to be happy the first thing is good health then everything else is a bonus


    nobody knows how much i am worth unlike some of my boastful mates.

    i would go for a bigger MAID :D:o

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