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Posts posted by panadolsandwich

  1. Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

    If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

    The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

    As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

    You seem to be quick to point the finger at the Thonglor police. Your so called irrefutable evidence I'm prepared to accept on your word, but by your own admission you have bribed police. You don't even appear to be aware that your very own bribes are part of the reason the police are in your own words "notoriously lazy and corrupt". Corruption will keep this country poor, and whom are you by the way to give such ill advice? Where do *your* interests lie, hmmm?

    I can understand that between the cultural clash and the law, it is best to be pragmatic in some situations. However, this gentleman has done nothing wrong, and is within every perfect legal right to take this further (I,e. if he ignores your catch all ignorant advice). If you want to be helpful, why don't you stay well away and let the wiser heads that are giving more sensible advice have ago?

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