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Posts posted by JatujakShopper

  1. First off my thanks to Andrew Dwyer for the Med Park walk through, good to know what to expect. 


    Unfortunately, he also brought up a concern I have- high blood pressure. Has anyone with high blood pressure been denied the shot? 


    I am 55 years old. My blood pressure ranges from 190/109 (usually in the AM) down to as low as 143/95 (afternoon/evening). It is a bit random despite being on prescribed medications. Diet and exercise have helped but I am still far from a stable 'normal' reading. 


    My doctor wrote me a medical certificate yesterday but also warned me of the possibility of being refused the shot if it came out high- does anyone know the criteria for the limit? How high is too high?



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  2. My wife and I started the process a week ago and have received the "PENDING" PDf back. Since then we have been waiting to hear back, but no confirmation email (it worked a charm last time) has been sent. Today is the due day and still nothing, so we started checking the sites- These are the dead links we arrived at- https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online  and  https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do  - the first page says- 

    Failure of Web Server bridge:
    No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.


    The second says- 


    Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

    If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.

    No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.



    Also, most unhelpfully, the 'Contact Us' link goes here- about:blank#blocked  -lovely.


    Anybody have any ideas? Maybe we are doing something wrong, but I can't see what! I took screens of everything to prove we have been trying. We are on a trip upcountry all week so rushing back to Bangkok over this would be a real hassle, will probably just pay the fine if they aren't nice about it (even though the trouble seems to be on their end, sigh).


    Thanks for any help or advice you can give, we will keep trying daily to see if it resolves.





  3. Well, none of this will come as any surprise to most here. I live in the Jatujak area and yesterday (Sunday) around 2PM my ADSL internet went down. I restarted the router, no change. Tried again at 4PM, still no signal. The Wife got on the phone to TOT and we were informed that our service would be down until Wednesday (at best)! This was due to construction of the sky train. There was no warning whatsoever, no phone calls, no texts, no emails, nothing. I asked what compensation would be provided- none, of course! Not a break on my bill, no temporary alternative, nothing. Of course, we informed them that this was a hardship for us, I do all my business on the internet! Too bad, NO sorry. 


    So, my wife set up a temporary fix, a wifi hotspot from her Galaxy tablet. It works, barely, and this morning I missed an important Skype meeting because they couldn't add me to the call- I was showing up to them as having 'technical difficulties'- indeed!


    I hear that wireless is the next big, fast thing, and someone recently mentioned a monthly DTAC service as being quite good. If wireless is indeed a viable alternative I will gladly fire TOT and have them come remove their line from my house! If anyone has had a good (or bad!) experience with a wireless set up I would love to hear about it! Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give!  I would love to give those TOT dinosaurs the boot...



  4. How very sad, RIP. It's too bad people can't control their emotions and get so wrapped up thinking they need someone else more than they need themselves. My wife has a single friend in her 40's who has been pining ever since for a guy who dumped her twenty years ago! It's awful, she's a lovely woman and she has wasted her life wishing for the impossible. :( I have a young friend who in a fit of despair sliced up her arms with a knife over some stupid guy, when she got to our house my wife and I spent hours getting her straightened out (it's not like she could visit a psychologist here, we were all she had), in any case she is much better now and I'm pretty sure will never do something so foolish again.

    LOS seems like it's come under a dark shroud the last few years, I guess I was naive but it used to be a pretty fun place to live. Maybe I shouldn't have started reading these forums, ignorance was bliss!

  5. Pattaya gets 24 hour drinking whilst in Chiang Mai as things stand, all bars, hotels and restaurants are to be required, from 1st January, to comply with the law which prevents the sale of alcohol between 2 and 5 pm. This is unfair and unjust. Let's hope the mayor of Chiang Mai looks into the adverse effects on tourism of the alcohol restrictions here - although I'm not sure whether the Mayor of Chiang Mai has as much power as the Mayor of Pattaya - more likley to be the unelected Governor who is responsible.

    They have enforced that idiotic 2-5 law pretty religiously here in Bangkok since its inception, which has ensured that I stayed home more and saved money. Now they have made Jatujak Market a no alcohol zone, which is simply retarded, and once again I stay home and save money. I have never seen anyone raving drunk anywhere in Bangkok between the hours of 2-5 (and I do get around, well I USED to until I couldn't drink in those hours any more) ) even once in ten years so I just don't get what the problem is- its probably all the work of some hypocritical fossil of a politician who pushes through a backwards, meaningless law that inconveniences a lot of people and hurts a lot of businesses just so he can play the highly moral fellow to his wife's majhong club. :realangry: It's just stupid, I used to go to Zen for sushi at 4 in the afternoon, my dinner time and have a cold beer, I just don't get it. I'm sure they miss me.

    All I want to do is walk around quietly with a cold beer in my hand and enjoy my afternoon despite the godawful heat, but no can do. The last time I went to Jatujak (which sadly just may be the last time I went to Jatujak) the vendors who knew me all sold me beer hush hush and wrapped the cans in paper towels for me- I feel sorry for them.

    Anyway, congrats to Pataya, guess I'll take some of that money I'm saving not going out in Bangkok any more and head down there! leave the light on! :clap2:

    It's pretty sad that you can't do anything without alcohol. Haev you thought of getting help with your problem? Why don't you move to Pattaya? You can then drink 24/7.

    Walk around with a beer in your hand? Sounds not very civilized though...and one's life should not depend on the right to walk around and have a booze. If really needed there are more than enough places to get a cold beer....

    Funny, it seems like it's usually the non drinkers I see around the world that behave in the least civilized manner. It's obvious you and some others have absolutely zero sense of humor, lighten up a little! Come on, have a beer, you'll feel better!

  6. Pattaya gets 24 hour drinking whilst in Chiang Mai as things stand, all bars, hotels and restaurants are to be required, from 1st January, to comply with the law which prevents the sale of alcohol between 2 and 5 pm. This is unfair and unjust. Let's hope the mayor of Chiang Mai looks into the adverse effects on tourism of the alcohol restrictions here - although I'm not sure whether the Mayor of Chiang Mai has as much power as the Mayor of Pattaya - more likley to be the unelected Governor who is responsible.

    They have enforced that idiotic 2-5 law pretty religiously here in Bangkok since its inception, which has ensured that I stayed home more and saved money. Now they have made Jatujak Market a no alcohol zone, which is simply retarded, and once again I stay home and save money. I have never seen anyone raving drunk anywhere in Bangkok between the hours of 2-5 (and I do get around, well I USED to until I couldn't drink in those hours any more) ) even once in ten years so I just don't get what the problem is- its probably all the work of some hypocritical fossil of a politician who pushes through a backwards, meaningless law that inconveniences a lot of people and hurts a lot of businesses just so he can play the highly moral fellow to his wife's majhong club. :realangry: It's just stupid, I used to go to Zen for sushi at 4 in the afternoon, my dinner time and have a cold beer, I just don't get it. I'm sure they miss me.

    All I want to do is walk around quietly with a cold beer in my hand and enjoy my afternoon despite the godawful heat, but no can do. The last time I went to Jatujak (which sadly just may be the last time I went to Jatujak) the vendors who knew me all sold me beer hush hush and wrapped the cans in paper towels for me- I feel sorry for them.

    Anyway, congrats to Pataya, guess I'll take some of that money I'm saving not going out in Bangkok any more and head down there! leave the light on! :clap2:

    It's pretty sad that you can't do anything without alcohol. Haev you thought of getting help with your problem? Why don't you move to Pattaya? You can then drink 24/7.

    I can do whatever I want without alcohol, it's just more fun with. How about you get help for being so depressing? :rolleyes: Maybe I will move to Pattaya since Bangkok has become the realm of self righteous bores.

  7. Pattaya gets 24 hour drinking whilst in Chiang Mai as things stand, all bars, hotels and restaurants are to be required, from 1st January, to comply with the law which prevents the sale of alcohol between 2 and 5 pm. This is unfair and unjust. Let's hope the mayor of Chiang Mai looks into the adverse effects on tourism of the alcohol restrictions here - although I'm not sure whether the Mayor of Chiang Mai has as much power as the Mayor of Pattaya - more likley to be the unelected Governor who is responsible.

    They have enforced that idiotic 2-5 law pretty religiously here in Bangkok since its inception, which has ensured that I stayed home more and saved money. Now they have made Jatujak Market a no alcohol zone, which is simply retarded, and once again I stay home and save money. I have never seen anyone raving drunk anywhere in Bangkok between the hours of 2-5 (and I do get around, well I USED to until I couldn't drink in those hours any more) ) even once in ten years so I just don't get what the problem is- its probably all the work of some hypocritical fossil of a politician who pushes through a backwards, meaningless law that inconveniences a lot of people and hurts a lot of businesses just so he can play the highly moral fellow to his wife's majhong club. :realangry: It's just stupid, I used to go to Zen for sushi at 4 in the afternoon, my dinner time and have a cold beer, I just don't get it. I'm sure they miss me.

    All I want to do is walk around quietly with a cold beer in my hand and enjoy my afternoon despite the godawful heat, but no can do. The last time I went to Jatujak (which sadly just may be the last time I went to Jatujak) the vendors who knew me all sold me beer hush hush and wrapped the cans in paper towels for me- I feel sorry for them.

    Anyway, congrats to Pataya, guess I'll take some of that money I'm saving not going out in Bangkok any more and head down there! leave the light on! :clap2:

  8. I'm gone overseas for four months, I come back, go to my favorite market and learn that I can't buy a freaking beer on a hot day while shopping. Welcome back to LOS! I'm going to have to change my dam_n handle now, and I won't be shopping in Jatujak (or Chatuchak) much anymore. :angry: Another stupid law where there wasn't a problem to begin with.

  9. Extending the curfew is completely retarded, all it's doing is hurting businesses which are already badly hurt, except for the taxi I had to pay a few extra hundred baht to to take me home at 10PM tonight, he is doing quite well. :)

    I supported the government during their waiting game, now that the violence is OBVIOUSLY over kindly let us get back to our lives. If they are worried about late night mischief makers maybe they could form a REAL police department that could stay up late and protect us from that instead of the useless brown-shirted beggars and bums we have now. I say fire them all and start fresh.

    -Pissed off in Bangkok, more than usual which is really something. :D

  10. i've to go to the italian embassy tomorrow ... anyone knows if the public holiday will affect it?

    This a joke?

    The Italian Embassy uses any excuse imaginable to stop working.

    It's not just the Italians. Last year the US Embassy was closed on the Consulate General's &^#$ing birthday which fell on a Tuesday (if I recall correctly)- not exactly a standard national holiday and for me a waste of a morning getting there for nothing plus I had to make the trip again the very next day. I was less than pleased. Happy #$^%ing birthday you lazy 'civil servant'. :)

  11. Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

    Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


    Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

    Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

    I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

  12. Just when I think nothing that happens here can surprise me...

    The Redshirt 'blood drive' was one of the most abhorrent, disgusting travesties I have ever witnessed. Whatever sympathies (and they were admittedly few) I may have had for them are dissolved by this sickening demonstration of mindless hate. Shame, shame, shame!

    Wow. :D

    Can you PLEASE look around you and realize you're in Thailand (you are, right?). It was a symbolic black-magic ceremony. These are very common in most parts of the country. A lot of this is just below the surface, but to be honest it's hard to live in Thailand and not eventually notice the importance and omnipresence of animist based rituals.

    You may at best call that silly, but then any expression of religion or spirituality can be called that.

    Consider for example that Abhisit, as most other people of his background, routinely offer pig heads to the spirits at least once a year. You might call that silly too, or you might embrace the notion that we live in a spiritual country with many interesting ceremonies and cultural and relgious expressions.

    Sheesh. Talk about "mindless hate" :D

    Excuse me, but if you are going to quote me at least get it right- never once did I use the word "silly", that's YOUR word and I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth, I have enough already. :D

    I did use the words "abhorrent", "disgusting" and "sickening" and I stand by them. If you want to condone such acts with the excuse that they are an "expression of religion or spirituality" you certainly can, but I still find it shameful, as I find all awful things done in the name of religion. Worldwide the destructive power religion can wield is plain to see, yet it always attracts apologists and believers.

    I find it disturbing that you can "embrace the notion" that the act of asking people to donate blood (which is in short supply in so many places experiencing real emergencies across the planet) in order to pour it over someone's doorstep in a "symbolic black-magic ceremony" was just one of the "many interesting ceremonies and cultural and relgious expressions" to be found in this country, apparently you are one of those sad blokes here under the delusion that Thailand (my home for eight years) is some kind of magic wonderland where everybody smiles and loves you and can do no wrong-

    -Sheesh! talk about "silly"! :D

    As for the "Mindless hate" you mention those are again YOUR words and they don't belong in my mouth, which is always clean and saintly. :D

    Any "mindless hate" happening here is in the minds of the redshirts and those that support them... What should they do next, burn a witch? :)

  13. Just when I think nothing that happens here can surprise me...

    The Redshirt 'blood drive' was one of the most abhorrent, disgusting travesties I have ever witnessed. Whatever sympathies (and they were admittedly few) I may have had for them are dissolved by this sickening demonstration of mindless hate.

    Shame, shame, shame!

    I encourage all decent people to donate blood to legitimate emergency relief efforts in response to this vile act, I will.

  14. My Thai wife just applied for a tourist visa to the USA and bought the PIN number ate the post office filled out the forms in the Internet. Then she tried to schedule an appointment on the website of the US Embassy. To our amazement there were no appointment dates available until the end of this year!!!

    So, we thought, that's it! No way we will be able to attend her sister's wedding in August. And is USA really absolutely not interested in tourists visiting ? Or just trying to make our life miserable?

    So my wife made some research in Thai websites and found out that these web pages of the US Government, where you schedule an appointment often update and mostly around midnight. So she stayed up all night and reloaded the page every 2 minutes.

    And what do you know? At 2 AM there appeared a green (= available) slot end of March. She took it and is happy. Now all we have to do is to repeat the whole procedure 3 more times for her mother, sister and auntie. Oh brother!

    But how is it possible that officially there is not a single appointment for a visa interview available for the rest of this year? Does anyone know what's going on there?

    First of all my sincere thanks to all who have posted info and encouragement here, much appreciated! :D

    We ended up having nearly the same experience dominique355 (quoted above) had, finally landing an appointment at the very end of March. One thing I did was right away go to the trouble of sending a hail of emails to the embassy (here in Bangkok) politely demanding to know what was going on?! They politely responded with the same 'Check and check again, particularly late at night' advice found on Thai forums and that ended up working, although I would have preffered to get this taken care of much earlier- now I need to check the refund policy of the airline I'd like to use and decide whether to buy the tickets now at the risk they will go up in April! Does anyone know how long they take to process a visa once she is accepted? We want to leave at the end of May...

    By the way, I recommended to them that they post that kind of helpful info on Their website to prevent worried emails like mine and they allowed as how they would consider my suggestion. :)

  15. Hey longball53098,

    Thanks for that information, definitely makes me feel better, sounds like there is hope. We will keep trying.

    I had a similar problem last year with my cousins aunt getting an appointment. I was so frustrated I called the service number and got some young lady on the phone and she seemed to say that it was very busy now(that time) and keep trying as there are cancellations. Magically in a day or so several times opened up and we got an appointment time. It is not easy but keep trying. Daily for sure and maybe 2 or3 times a day if possible.
  16. I'm hoping to get some advice from those who have experienced this. I'm a US citizen resident in Thailand.

    My elderly parents have been asking us (my Thai wife and I) to come for a visit for years now and we decided to do it this summer. We want to fly out the last week of May and return in early September. My wife purchased an 'Online Interview Waiting List Appointment' and we sat down last night to fill it out. To my astonishment NO appointments are available as far into the future as October! <deleted>!?

    She has been to the USA twice already and never had this kind of wait- what is going on? Surely this is a computer glitch? I wish she had bought the phone version (and shame on my country for charging for that kind of thing) and we may end up doing that next.

    Has anyone else run into this problem? Any advice on how to proceed would be welcome, thanks!

  17. having previously worked for the Thai government, I can safely say that no-one would be interested in what a bunch whinging of expats said. Even if they were interested, there is absoultely no co-ordination and follow through in most places in government, so if TV has ever been a website d'jour for the censors, you can be pretty certain of the fact that it would litterally be for one day and one day only.

    Every time I think "They're watching me!" (as exciting as watching a hippo bask in the water hole, most days) I'm going to remember what samran (who has the right of it I'd wager!) said here and laugh and continue about my silly business, boldly consuming alcohol between the hours of 2 and 5. :)

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