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Posts posted by Ifactory

  1. Hi Wackysleet is PSbio a machine? Or name/brand of the device as I have never came across it , maybe a foam fractioner or protein skimmer of some sort?I tried to google it but to no avail. :o

    Well yeah I'm an assessory junkie myself if it works well enough to maintain and manipulate water parameters to my liking 555 orp sensors , ozone you name it I've got it . :D:D

    But ultimately what were are trying to achive is best water conditions for our fish isnt it ?

    Which farm are your babies coming from ? Nisais?

    Awaiting your filter picts !

    Ifactory, my fish are at Yomogihira, Niigata, and they are Tosai {1 year olds } from Matsunosuke's bloodlines, as for the PS Bio not sure myself but have seen lots of so called sludge disposable chemicals on the market, any build up of sludge is likely to have a harmful effect on your fish hence the reason I put in a gravity fed system and that I have a fast turnover rate of water rather than the more usual 2 hour cycle along with once a month I get into my pond and lift any debris hiding behind my plant containers, anyway Ifactory will post filter pics tomorrow and possibly a sketch.

    Matsunosuke is famed for their sankes isnt it ? High potential to reach jumbos but tend to grow put on more bulk only after 4-5 years plus, after the grow out should be nisai's by the time they get here.

    I'm coincidently looking at some Momotaro showas for a grow out programme as well although I am debating weather if its a better choice to get them in only after reaching Oya . Might do a 50/50 split after the 2nd year to see what is the difference in upkeeping methods.

    Dead water + sludge builtup is a concern when I see natural /shaped ponds ,i'll be sticking to formal pond designs before I get the hang of it . Be waiting for your sketches ! :D

  2. Hi Wackysleet is PSbio a machine? Or name/brand of the device as I have never came across it , maybe a foam fractioner or protein skimmer of some sort?I tried to google it but to no avail. :o

    Well yeah I'm an assessory junkie myself if it works well enough to maintain and manipulate water parameters to my liking 555 orp sensors , ozone you name it I've got it . :D:D

    But ultimately what were are trying to achive is best water conditions for our fish isnt it ?

    Which farm are your babies coming from ? Nisais?

    Awaiting your filter picts !

  3. Wow Wackysleet , seems like you guys have more of a preference for natural ponds, I'm wondering how the maintenance is like due to the odd shape.

    Any chance to oogle at your filtration system ? :D:D:o

    You guys mind giving some feedback on water temperature seasonal fluctuation perhaps?

  4. Quite sure some of you out there are avid aquarists as well as owners of koi / ornamental gardens , care to show/ discuss about your passion in this thread? Would be a good guide for prospective or current pond owners! :D:D

    I'm just starting with perch and cat fish...I've a klong as a border, its about 300m x 10m x 2m deep and was full of fallen timber. After much toil with bow saw and axe its now clear. The fish were rescued from the last of the water and are now in 250 lt tubs with charcoal and mesh filters keeping the water clean.

    The water comes from ground water ie as the water table rises so does the water level in the klong! I intend to dig out another 3 metres from the bottom of the klong to ensure year round water, that with nylon mesh at either end shoud keep the larger fish in.

    My question is can Koi survive with preditors like perch??

    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated :o:D

    Hi TPI , are you refering to climbing perch or otherwise? Maybe you could provide a picture for further clarification. D/O level might be a concern at depths like this, is the water stagnant in the klong? I might be concerned about the presence of snakehead / pla chon. :D

  5. Just purchased a beautiful pure white Platinum Ogon (I think) this morning for baht 1000 he is still young about eight inches long. I'll try to get some pictures for you all if he comes up for air anytime soon. I find the new ones are quite shy and will disappear for a few days before they come up to get fed with the rest.

    Also bought number of 3" and 4" babies for 30 baht each, still too small to see the colors but they grow quickly.

    Hey Rimmer, shouldnt you have taken a picture of your new "kids" before introducing them into the pond?

    At that size I doubt you would be able to take a clear shot of them! Lucky you to be able to add more fish , just hope it doesnt get too over crowded!

  6. Hi Ignis , Any idea how active koi clubs are in the Kingdom?

    There are some clubs with Japanese affiliation for Ranchu so I guess that there might be some of these around.

  7. Hi Thaicoon , I think that what you are refering too is continental styled fishing .

    Tackle is quite specialised .Although an avid angler myself I have only a extremely vague idea of how the fishing is done, but tackle used there for the cold water carps applies considerately more finess then South East Asian fishing styles.Client catch and release would be the furthest thing in my mind if you were to stock with carp or koi .

  8. Hi Ignis , careto share a few of the farm names and what varieties do each farm specialize in? Would be good if if know the affiliated bloodlines as well :o:D

    Some of the Farms are out in the sticks and not easy to find, will look up a couple of the phone numbers and send you a PM

    The easy one to find and you can buy any day is on Bang Yai Rd, he goes himself to Japan to buy. if you are coming from BKK... just after the new South Bus Station you need to turn right, so if on the Expressway then take the next exit, arrive at same place to turn. or on the bottom road get out of the middle right after the Bus Station, then go 2nd left, both turns are together signed to Saphan Buri, you are now on Bang Yai Road, drive past Tesco about 8km further on is a U Turn [up and over] after doing the U Turn the Farm is on the left there is a big sign outside with Koi fish pictures, turn in there is a big parking area

    Much appreciated thanks!

  9. Hi Ignis , careto share a few of the farm names and what varieties do each farm specialize in? Would be good if if know the affiliated bloodlines as well :D:D

    Ifactory,did you get my PMs? I have to confess to having a liking for good Showas and Kohakus myself folowed by Sankes.

    Mai Mi~ :o what PM?

  10. Hi Ignis , careto share a few of the farm names and what varieties do each farm specialize in? Would be good if if know the affiliated bloodlines as well :o:D

  11. Very much appreciated ! You intending to get the jumbo tosai or nisai ?

    The all japan koi show 2010 would be held at Tokyo Nigata city on the 5th to 7th Feb !

  12. Are there any farms known for producing show grade fish in thailand? I'm pretty sure there would be a fair bit of breeding stock of Japanese lineage , might be a possible chance of getting some decent quality fish from these farms if they maintain a standard of selective breeding.

  13. Unless you are looking at physical growth as the only factor, I doubt if you need a heater for koi at all .

    Koi and goldfish are by nature cold water fish and if needed just adjust the feeding if any at all during cold weather.

    By the way, in the kingdom a good water depth is about 4ft as it doesn't get cold enough and the fish remain active all year round thus increasing ones pleasure, downside of this is that they need feeding all year round as opposed to the U.K

    Actually the constant high water temp might be a cause for concern regarding colour development or the possible lack of it.

    I cant pinpoint grooming details for Koi yet due to my poor knowledge on the subject but if it doesnt stray too much from goldfish, grooming temperature/season and food not excluding genes of course would preety much determine how the end results be when the fish turns Oya.

  14. Unless you are looking at physical growth as the only factor, I doubt if you need a heater for koi at all .

    Koi and goldfish are by nature cold water fish and if needed just adjust the feeding if any at all during cold weather.

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