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Posts posted by Stanos

  1. You don't provide enough information.

    Are you married to the mother or not? Meaning do you have custody? In Thailand of course. Do you have the mothers consent? If you don't then the mother can easily make it into a criminal offence for kidnapping if you take a child out of Thailand without her consent, according to Thai law. If she does. then you could be picked up at the airport next time you come back. Thailand is not a back street country with no computers any longer, OK? If you're married abroad, then it gets a bit more complicated, If the mother gets a lawyer and sues, then you must respond, if you're abroad then you'll get another 6 months but if you don't turn up to defend why you don't allow the child her right to see her mother etc, then you'll eventually loose custody. You will be in a bad position to get decent possession of the child in a separation if you take the child abroad without mothers consent of course

    Please provide more info and I'll be happy to answer more detailed

    My advice - Don't do anything that would reduce your chances of getting decent possession of the child

    Good Luck

  2. I have 2 children in Thailand one has an overseas passport and one has yet to aquire one. I believe my wife is planning to leave when I go away next time so I was concidering sending the child with the passpoet home. My questions are can I take the child out of the country without problems and when I come back what are my rights as to the other child??

  3. USA bashing post and quoted replies to post have been removed.

    Wow, there are a lot of idiots out there. May his soul rest in peace and to those of you who have nothing better to say...go to hel_l. The cat will find a good home, don't worry. And the cat predition comment, shut yer man-pleaser. RIP Americano, now you can go home.

    Agreed if you dont have anything good to say then just leave it be. It could just be you one day!!

  4. I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

    While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

    A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

    You are kidding right?? How do they put it here..... Jai Yen Yen I believe!! P.S I dont smoke

  5. It started as a quiet joke some months ago, when local Thai neighbours labelled me with the nickname 'Mr Bean'. Now the whole neighbourhood have labelled me as 'Mr Bean'. Should I feel offended?

    Surely, Mr. Bean is a socially inept misfit with obvious physical features and mannerisms that are gauche, clearly someone who is not a role-model, and just a figure of fun.

    How can I 'Nip this in the Bud' and return to being an anonymous 'Mr Barrett'?

    Kind advice and responses appreciated.

    Maybe I am wrong but if you feel offended by this then perhaps they are being offensive. Body language etc. If you dont like it just tell them to stop it. If that doesnt work I really dont know what you should do as I do not know you personally. But I believe its the same everywhere in the world you just have to stand up to them.

  6. Has anyone had the experience in bringing in more than one litre of alcohol from Tachilek into Thailand on foot? I know they're strict at the airport for sure, but am wondering if I can get away with buying two (or three! :o ) bottles of decent red wine on the Myanmar side and walking it back to Thailand.

    I fly into the coutry every other month and I always bring 2 bottles of wine. I believe this is the legal amout. Wheras Vodka Whiskey etc is 1 liter.

  7. killing someone for food....?????

    Where are we heading to with this world .....?????

    May Mr Robertson RIP


    People have killed for much less unfortunately. Very sad indeed however when there seems to be an abundance of food in Thailand. My thoughts go out to the Family and close friends today I hope they can find some peace in the fact they body has been found and the perpetrators caught!

  8. Understand this; there is one, and ONLY one priority for the vast majority of Thai people - especially Thai women. That priority is family. Everything else, including their near worship of the King, and their worship of Buddha, falls far below their dedication to family. As to their feelings toward other people, they are virtually non-existant. They will lie, cheat, steal, etc., if they see that as necessary to imrove things for their family. That is how they can "be so heartless". Their heart has no room for you, or anyone else who is not part of their blood family.

    My wife has convinced me she loves me. If she is lying, she deserves an Oscar. There is one thing I'm worried about. She doesn't wear make up, no ear rings, looks a little like a tomboy, and likes to look at naked girls (in the go gos). Is she a lesbian? I'm not sure. But if she loves me, does it matter much?

    Now you are definitely taking the piss!!!! Not bad you had me convinced for awhile!

  9. Can anyone explain to me how the Baht does not seem to fluxuate much, or drop in value, as you would think it would with the recent turmoil.

    In other countries a small incident seems to cause fluxtuations but here I watch the Thai Baht appear to sit sationary whilst other currencies move up and down!!

    Can anyone enlighten me as to why??

    A symposium was held here recently concerning this very matter. Read what the experts have to say:


    OK Thanks

  10. 50-60 thousand baht per month.... gotta have amazing sea views and be in a nice area too.. thanks..

    Pratumnak Hill is 2 klm from walking street and all or most of the condominiums have sea veiws off the Islands and some have veiws over Pattaya Bay. Its suprizing because the Area is so Quiet. With your budget you should have no problem. Or maybe half the amount you mentioned.

    Watch out for the bloody hill on your way home at night but.

  11. very hard to find real friends especially ones you can count on, which leads to if anyone does appear friendly then you get paranoid they are after something, it all gets a bit the same after a while and the choice you have for entertainment aside from beer/go go bars, shopping malls and the cinema is non existent....and yes I am saying the bar scene is tiresome to a point :o

    Very true!!

  12. You obviously can't cope with your present life, what makes you think you can cope with life in Thailand, in fact you already know you can't, worried about drinking too much, worried about not being faithful etc etc.

    You are a poor excuse for a man, you have got yourself in a mess, run up credit card bills, got stressed ( because you can't take control of your life ) and want to run away. The unforseen problem as you put it is yourself, does Thailand need another looser?

    Very compasionate Lioness. Female right???

  13. Freakin' annoying if you're a hotel owner!

    I don't mind toiletries, we put them there to be used...

    But remote's from televisions, A/C's and dvd players, the dvd players themselves, and the worst, towels. Disappear like there is no tomorrow :o

    Have many Indians stay at your hotel do you. I think they would take the wall paper if they could!

  14. Hi,

    Well i just moved over from the USA, hopefully for good, age 44

    Re Girls, well my thai wife of 12 years gave up on me ever being faithful here, in the USA i was always faithful, western girls

    dont attract me at all. Everytime i visited Thailand I am good for 3 days and I am in the sack with a mint TG. And i tried like

    heck not to. Not saying this will happen to you but it is a danger and if your wife is the jealous unforgiving type your marriage

    is toast. Now my wifes only rule is dont bring one home

    You're a lucky guy to be able to move there for good at the age of 44.

    Unfortunately, my wife would leave me if she found out I was unfaithful

    Mate I suggest you give this place a try for 6/12 months before you do anything drastic. What I mean is once the polish wears off after a couple of months of (Possibly/Likely) dirnking your self silly over here you may find you miss your home. The girls WILL tempt you mate know 2 ways about it!

    I am 40 and have had this as my Base for about 3.5yrs. I have a place here but I really do not think I will stay here for good. If you asked me if I wanted to stay for good 2 yrs ago I would have said definately I am never leaving. I made some silly decisions to get set up! Its very easy to let things get away from you here.

    Dont get me wrong I still love it here, I have a Thai wife and one child and I will always have a place here but I suggest you go slow if possible.

    Good luck which ever way you decide to go.

  15. bartimes under that russian strip joint on walking street has great food (restaurant at the back on the water) nice and quiet back there.- noisy out the front.

    Have to agree with you about Bartime the Chicken Ceasar Salad is a meal in itself and very good. I found there Lamb and Beef vey good also.

  16. Can anyone explain to me how the Baht does not seem to fluxuate much, or drop in value, as you would think it would with the recent turmoil.

    In other countries a small incident seems to cause fluxtuations but here I watch the Thai Baht appear to sit sationary whilst other currencies move up and down!!

    Can anyone enlighten me as to why??

  17. I maybe wrong but dont all Medical Professionals speak English. Due to most of the Med Texts being in English. Correct me if I am wrong but this is what I had heard.

    Hard to believe the Chinese havent copied everything into there language but......

  18. I have rented many M/Bikes and the occasional Jet Ski perhaps I have been lucky but I have never been pinched. I did how ever damage an R1 one time and had to pay for the repair. I have to admit whilst I was waiting for them to come up with a price I was sweating quite a bit but in the end what they asked was very reasonable by my home standards.

    But I have been ripped for plenty of bar bills without a doubt.

  19. Good to see the spirit of goodwill to all men and charitable acts are so alive and well in Pattaya. At least he is busking and not begging!

    True enough I remember a Falang who used to sit on the curb in Bangkok at Nana Soi 4 with a sign strapped to him with some sob story begging for money to go home. That was pretty sad I thought.

    I understand he had been doing it for quite a while.

  20. Ahhh... condo living. Waiting 5 years for your room and then spending the next 20 years listening to the noise from all the upgrades and refurbishments by fellow room dwellers.

    I am soooo envious right now, I better go and take a quiet, morning walk around my 16 acres in the country.

    I thought they called the land sizing here Rai??

  21. 1. You need to first complete appropriate documentation seeking permission from customs.

    2. If granted you then need to produce an invoice showing true cost of goods upon arrival.

    3. You will have to pay near 200% excise and duty.

    4. It will end up costing you around 3/4 times the cost of the wine.

    Just been through the exercise as we needed to bring in "12 SAMPLE" bottles from W.A.

    I ended up telling customs to keep it and enjoy the drink . . . . . .

    Crikey ok thanks for that

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