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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. This is for people who are Thai, live in Thailand, have ever visited Thailand or have ever eaten Thai food.

    Anyone with no knowledge of Thailand or anything associated with it cannot enter this debate.

    My question is this.

    If allegations made in the film Zeitgeist (available to view on google video) are true, how would this affect life in Thailand, be you a native, an expat or a tourist?

  2. Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

    How do you handle it guys?

    The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

    Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

    This is Bangkok dude. Its not the UK.

  3. Google Video - Zeitgeist - 122m version (final cut)

    On the section about the banking system.

    Just noted that in the movie (Which was released a few years ago), the author/s describe the great depression as being created by The Rothchilds and The Morgans, (Rockerfellers and another I cant remember).

    Interesting that the only Hedge fund that profited massively from the current global financial crisis was JP Morgan.

    Also, the Rothchilds are currently in the midst of a UK political storm.


  4. You caught me! :o

    I've been buying your sauces for a while now. Very good, and very good value as well. Great ingredients and very generous with them.

    And as to keep on topic, I'm looking forward to trying Big Pizza. But, I think my place out of delivery range, or at least the moto would be as expensive as the pizza. If I'm in the area can I call in and pick it up? Or have the driver meet me if I'm at a bar?

    Hi DP25

    Where do you live? Maybe we can deliver.

    We can deliver to any bar in the area (we do this regularly anyway).

    Hope we can get you a pizza somehow!


    Good luck with all the products. Everything takes time, and I believe if you have a good product, you will always be alright in the end -just have to keep pushing until your a staple in everyones fridge! :D

  5. Hi BSJ!

    In share dealing you have certain people who get paid to hype up shares in useless companies on message boards and forums, they are known as "Pumpers" and their aim is to buy stock low, create a buzz (with no justifiable reason) and then sell when the hysteria carries the share up on false pretences (it then usually plummets.

    Bashers / Basha's work in the opposite way. They "Short" shares at regular to high prices and then proceed to spread bad ideas about a perfectly decent product until fear catches investors, they sell, the price drops and they make their money.

    I was just having a joke about how a few here are seriously pro EV's and some aren't

    Absoulutely nothing rude mate! :o

  6. Hi unomi, you pull into the driveway in your new electric car and the neighbours swell around oohing and arring as you tell them "it's an electric car and all I have to do is plug it in, no need for a gas station!" And you are right.

    But where does the power come from? How does it get to your house? Well it most likely comes from a coal fired or nuclear power plant and its delivered on an already over stretched supply grid! Unless of course you invest in a PV system at your home...which may not be effective if the car is only there a few hours a day.

    Granted there are costs in getting gas to your nearest fuel site, plus the IC engine at best is only 35% efficient, which is crap. It is an inefficient system, but so is the electric grid. The coal has to be dug, shipped and burned, cost cost and more cost. Then the generators at the power plant are only 90% efficient, plus the cost of the spinning reserve. Then theres the distibution loses, more cost. By the time it gets into your batteries your down to 7-8% efficiency. Not so great is it? Even your average monocrytalline PV panel is good for 14%.

    So I think we are better of sticking with IC engines fueled with gas or bi-fuel for the next decade or 2! :o

    BSJ if you worked on a share message board on yahoo you would be known as a basha! :D

  7. I know it's not likely but electric cars could have a great future IF the batteries were standardized. Stop at a fuel station, pull the expended battery out and slide in a charged one. This would require the stations to maintain the batteries and eliminate the consumer having to ever buy a new battery.

    Years ago we used electric fork trucks. They would run a full eight hour shift. At the end of the shift, the driver would lift the expended battery out with an electric chain fall and put in a fresh charged battery. He hooked up the charger to the expended battery and it would be charged by the next shift change.

    Standardised Batteries. Careful.............. that ideas so good that its dangerous for your health... :o

    You could compete with the oil barons overnight. jfk comes to mind :D

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