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Posts posted by fullwhenempty

  1. I have a problem with sinusitus and let me suggest what works for me.

    First off I take a herbal concoction if I get a bad sinus with infection which contains Golden Seal, Echinacea, Black Walnut, Fenugreek and Dandelion. It works quicker than antibiotics from my experience.

    Also you should avoid dairy, red meat and sugar as they all exacerbate the condition. Taking garlic capsules should also assist.

    Surgery only assists in some cases.

    None of this would help cure the hayfever and (possible) non allergic rhinitis that OP suffers from IMHO. And it is probable that the allergies cause the sinus problems. I honestly think postings like this are not useful at all.

    He says it works for him so why belittle his post? How do you know whether these herbs will not help? Are you a herbalist? Thankfully, you are only speaking for yourself.

    There is nothing wrong with medicinal solutions, they are tried and tested.

    So was Vioxx. :o

    If you are prone to getting allergies, over-the-counter and prescription medications such as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and allergy medications can stress the liver unduly, creating more mucus in the body as the liver fights to detox from the medications. Instead of helping with sinus conditions, these sinus prescriptions actually exacerbate them.

    I'm also not aware of any orthodox CURE for allergies. Perhaps you can enlighten us? Maybe you know of an orthodox test that can detect food intolerances, as opposed to full blown food allergy, which can also create mucus and trigger sinus problems?

    If he has hayfever then its likely there are some foods in the same family as the pollen that could trigger the response. Avoiding certain likely culprits is common sense. Dairy is well known to be mucus-forming. Why exacerbate the problem? Meat forms inflammatory chemicals in the body.

    You also said...

    A MAJOR STRAND OF YOUR PROBLEM IS RELATED TO THIS FACT IMHO. Non allergic rhinitis will not be cured by juice fasting - why should it?

    If he's tossing hay and nearly croaks, one might assume a cause and effect between the hay and him croaking. So where does the 'non-allergy' come in? As to fasting, animals do it automatically when they are ill. Humans have been doing it in every country for thousands of years. It's a legitimate strategy. When the body's vital power is not being used in digestion, it can be directed towards cleansing and healing.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is easy to find and according to devotees CURES allergies. Get the organic brand with 'The Mother'. Up to 2 tbsp 3x daily.

    Eat Papaya daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

    'Tolley's' choice of herbs is good if you can be sure of the quality. Most OTC herbal products are suspect IMO.

    If you don't like the orthodox treatments, then some local Thai herbs you can research are:.

    1. 'Fa Thalai Chon' (Andrographis Paniculata). Taken as a tea.

    2. Ginseng.

    3. Mangosteen 'Mangkhut'. Decoction from powder.

    4. 'Phak Chi Lom'. Often used in Saunas.

    5. 'Rang Chuet' (Thunbergia Laurifolia)

    6. 'Khamin' (Turmeric) is anti-inflammatory.

    Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only. Always consult your doctor (who may not have a clue).

  2. Can't say I like being filmed myself and would probably ask someone to stop. Having said that, the uniforms and paraphenalia do not suggest some kind of civic or community service to foreign tourists. Black is intentionally intimidating and it's nonsense to suggest that black is cooler in the heat. Black absorbs heat. I've never met a translator who needed to look like Mussolini's blackshirts. With everything that is going on in the U.S. as far as fascist police are concerned, with their black uniforms and black helicopters. It speaks volumes as to the mindset of the organizer. Porbably my mind too. But if I'm typical then other people are thinking the same thing. These people should go out of their way to reassure and NOT be walking around with Handcuffs, Pepper Spray and Berets. For translators? This is not remotely defensible.

    'Mr Miller said he had only drawn his baton two or three times in self defence.' What on earth is a 'translator' doing carrying a baton?

    Walking in packs down the street, without a local policeman, also does not suggest that these people are attached to the local police as translators. Are they making themselves available to tourists or trying to send a different more aggressive message? Nor will it attract decent people who would say 'Look! Here's someone who can help us'. In this increasingly securitized world, I'll bet they see more fear in people's eyes than trust.

    These knuckleheads have been brainwashed by watching too many violent American movies. They should have ONE badge which says TRANSLATOR. They should be approachable NOT intimidating.

    Based on the various posts, it looks like they are granting themselves powers that they have not been officially given. No-one says anything because the uniform is a powerful symbol of authority. This would be my main concern. If these people were truly honest and genuine about their roles, they would see that the uniform is sending the wrong message and should be changed. Otherwise you'll get knuckleheads granting themselves quasi-police powers. Thugs and bullies will naturally gravitate to this kind of group and then you will get more and more 'incidents'.

    Change the uniform and you'll change the whole perception of the public. You'll also stop the inevitable scope-creep where volunteers adopt the behaviour that the uniform suggests. You then attract the right kind of volunteers. If they aren't prepared to drop the uniform or the paramilitary nonsense then the public need to make the biggest fuss possible with the authorities and if necessary, the International media until they take note.

    Bravo to the OP for making this an issue.

    I WOULD VIDEO THEM AND EVERYTHING THEY DO. If they are truly a civic or community service they have nothing to hide.

  3. Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

    surely this cant be legal?

    Unbelievable the abuse people get whenever they post anything on this site. Too many suffering from 'intolerance disability'.

    For sure, looking as if you are fit to travel is not a reliable indicator. Ex-servicemen with PSTD for instance look fit but suffer greatly.

    I've also met people who seem mighty proud of beating the system. There are regular medical checks but not in LOS. They just keep giving you the money. There are some conditions where people get better, yet continue to claim otherwise. Who can blame them? We are taxed to the max. The cost of living and the fiat money system keep us all in debt-slavery. Are these people worse than the world's political leaders, International banker pirates, corporate CEOs, Wall St sharks, who are screwing the rest of us into the ground, at every opportunity? IMO these thieves and scam merchants are far more deserving of people's wrath.

    Who here, is so honest as to say, 'please have your money back. I'm fine now.'? Hypocritical 'Saints' please step forward. :o

  4. Make your own yogurt. It's easy. A guy in Hua Hin who does detoxes/retreats showed me how to make it, then 'Lassi'. I drink it with every meal.

    care to tell us how to make it?

    Come on now. Save my poor old typing fingers. There's lots of sites offering advice. Search for 'how to make your own yogurt'. :o

  5. My Thai g/f tried the 'you can have fun if you want to' line. The first time she saw some girl make a play for me in a bar, she was spitting fury for days. I'm definitely with those who see such comments as a test.

    As for 'swinging'. In my experience it's usually one partner who wants to do it, with the other going along reluctantly. Nearly always ends in tears. If both really want it, then why not? A bit like gays. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is up to them. Just don't flaunt it in my face :o

    As for the OP, there will always be temptation. One strategy is to not put yourself in situations where you might succumb. I prescribe 'avoidance therapy' and absolutely stay away from the beer. Two pints and a slim young thing wriggling in your lap and it's game over.

  6. If using the combination of Income and Bank Deposit. It does not have to be in the bank for 3 months.

    This is the official rule.

    (5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

    than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application

    Thank you. That's good news. I thought they had this rule to stop people just transferring the money in for a day or two then out again. When did they change it?

    It's also good news if they decide to devalue the Thai baht. You can put the cash into gold or another asset but that's for another thread.

  7. I have a friend whose pension income has dropped from 55k thb per month to 38k. He was formerly able to just keep 140k in the bank and with his pension qualified for the retirement visa. Now that the pound has drastically sunk, he now needs 350k in the bank. He can scrape it together but has only one 6 weeks to go before he has to renew and is worried they may revoke his visa since he hasn't had it in his account for the mandatory 3 months.

    What should he do and will they kick him out of Thailand?

  8. The sexual urge is the strongest instinct in man and the Thai women are some of the most beautiful on earth. Of course any red-blooded male is going to be tempted. Sure you can have a few moments of transitory pleasure but when the wife finds out, as most do, you'll live to regret it a thousand times over. A bit like women who crave chocolate.. 'A second on the lips, a lifetime on the hips' :D

    The courts will take everything you have worked for. The wife and children will turn against you. You'll likely seek solace or distraction by sinking into a booze or sex-obsessed downward spiral until the decent person you once were has gone.

    Getting laid is not an act of love. It's just an emptying of the sac. That's why it's called FORBIDDEN fruit. :o

  9. It's unrealistic to think you won't see the sleaze or the ugly sex tourists who aren't just limited to Walking Street. I've never seen so many beer bellies, tattoos and '<deleted>', '<deleted>', '<deleted>' every other word. The UK has exported all its trailer trash to run beer bars and act as pimps. Why should I expose my children to such low life? For water sports? You are joking.

    I rented a fantastic private villa with pool for less than the cost of a decent hotel in Hua Hin and the children loved it. If they wanted to venture out it was a short trip to the beach at Kao Takiap or Suan Som. Pala-U waterfall and the temple monkeys were a big hit and there was plenty of golf for me. It's a far more civilized place to go.

  10. I travel around most of the resorts as and when the mood strikes and was due to visit Samui again. Deals can obviously be struck but the best deal I had recently was a 'homestay' in Hua Hin. Never tried it before but stayed at a fantastic villa with a great family for far less than I would pay for a decent hotel. Might not suit the single boozers 'on the hunt' but I'd definitely recommend it for everyone else.

  11. Are there any residential detox centers in BKK?

    Not that I could find. I was looking for the same until a friend recommended a place in Hua Hin. It was more than just a 'detox' and very transformational. I'm definitely a fan of these things myself.

  12. does anyone know if there is anyplace to buy herbal detox and remedy products in bangkok? like milk thistle for liver, valerian for sleep etc. i looked at places like GNC and pharmacies but there isn't anything like this so far.

    There is no need to buy foreign imports with suspect quality when Thailand has lots of amazing herbs. I just had a fantastic 10-day detox in Hua Hin with an incredibly knowledgeable guy who taught me yoga, meditation and other stuff and used Ayurveda (Apparently I'm a 'Pitta-Kapha'! ) to identify what I was doing wrong with both my body and my life :o . I can't remember the Thai name for it but he mentioned one that was 'the best herb for supporting and detoxing the liver'.

    He also advised me to take care with store products. Apparently, things like detox kits have chemicals in them and manufacturers are just climbing on the bandwagon labelling everything 'detox' to make a profit. He says they are useless.

    I wish everybody could experience the terrific week I did! He definitely turned me around, got rid of my depression (the laughing meditation was so funny!) and I feel so full of energy now it's hard to believe I'm the same person.

  13. Good day all,

    I was thinking about a trip to Hua Hin for a few days between xmas and new year. Just me and the wife, price range 1000-3000 baht per night. I would prefer a place with a beach or close to the beach, pool and has internet connection. A walkable or short distance to food/pubs etc.

    I have never been to Hua Hin before so if anyone has any ideas it would be most welcome.

    Thanks for your time.

    All the hotels are empty so I'm sure you can negotiate some good deals. If you haven't tried it before, a homestay is something different. I had never done it before and some friends recommended it to me. Stayed in a lovely house, with a really nice couple and their daughter, 5 minute taxi to the beach. We paid 800 THB per night with breakfast for an ensuite double room. Can't find the info at hand but if you are interested, please pm me and I'll dig up the number.

  14. Please ignore the Pepsi versus Coke Party flim-flam of the US elections. Ignore sloppy talk about greed & stupidity. The financial crisis is real, but its cause is the UNCONTROLLED working of capitalist economics, in particular, the deficit banking scam.

    Under (unconstitutional, illegal) Federal Reserve banking robbery, banks have the exclusive right to print paper money. It gets to you/us as loans. Government is financed by borrowing money from banks, & it's paid back by taxes, or more borrowing.

    It is quite brutally simple: all monies in circulation are bank borrowings. Let's make it easy to grasp. Let's say for every $100 borrowed, $110 must be paid back to banks after one year. That's the problem, you see? There is never enough money in circulation for population or government to get completely out of debt.

    Every year, govs must borrow more money to cover running expenses. It is NOT a problem of govs spending too much. It is a practical impossibility for taxation levels to cover borrowings. If the national debt disappeared, banks would lend out no money, & therefore there would be no money in circulation – an economic disaster.

    By the same inescapable arithmetic, an economic slump happens when consolidated borrowings rise beyond the point when they cannot be paid back – as is happening now. The gov can 'save' collapsing financial structures by 'loaning' money. But that 'money' is another IOU that the taxpayer must carry. It is only backed by gov borrowings from other banks, which are more bits of printed paper - a cure that feeds the disease!

    Get the picture? I hope so, because if it's over-simplified, you will not see this kind of basic explanation from media economists. Their job is to throw bulldust in the public's eyes.

    The only long-term solution is for gov to take back the monopoly right to print & issue money. AND, for capitalism to be brought firmly under the control of a truly democratic system, so it is the servant of the people, not its master. And that will take a revolution, like the one that established the USA.

    Don't fancy it? Things are going to get a lot rougher. If you prefer to go on suffering, bleating, & singing "Happy Days Are Here Again" (a great hit of 1929), that's your choice. When the national debt is big enough, they own you, your children, & maybe great-great-grandchildren. These will be in bonded debt-slavery to a handfull of parasitic, aristocratic mafia banking families.

    Glad someone gets it, OldgitTom.

    People don't understand how the money system really works. The International (Jewish) banker bandit moneylenders, are running the same play they have done for the last 250 years. Inflate, deflate, pick up the distressed assets for a song using money they pluck out of thin air. They lend you whatever you want, (again plucked out of nowhere), then charge you interest, which is where they make their profit. However the fractional reserve system (counterfeiting) where they lend out 10x-200x what they actually have in the vaults and charge interest on invented money, means that all the wealth (and power) flows back to the bankers. THEY own the world and are calling the shots. They make wars since they get 1000% profit from wars rather than 6% at home. They fund both sides. Paper money is not tied to anything. Not to gold. Nothing. It is worthless.

    There is nothing to stop governments printing their own money and charging little or no interest. Except anyone who has tried has met with a sticky end.

    Now all the jobs have been exported abroad, cheap immigrant labour is taking care of what's left at home, all that's left is the new slavery. Into prison you go or on work/welfare programs. The Middle class are being taken down as the elites implement their mantra...


    People are waking up, which is why Gold is now scarce.

    Scary times ahead.

  15. Go to the chemist and pickup a bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Dilute it 50% with distilled water or use it as is (I do). Just dip your toothbrush in it. Teeth will be white within 30 days. If you don't like the taste or smell, buy the tooth powder (9 THB) the Thais use and mix it with that or just dip your HP-soaked toothbrush in it. Otherwise seek out 35% food grade HP and dilute 10x.

    I threw my toothpaste away.

    Cost of HP? 30 THB. Saving on toothpaste? Work it out. Fresher breath too.

  16. I see many foreigners running beer bars and I always wonder why. I can understand the initial 'perks'... the ladies, cheap beer and the business visa and a relief from boredom yet there must be hassles that detract from the experience.

    Visits from the local Police. You drink all your profits. The location may be poor so few customers, causing the best girls to go elsewhere. Obnoxious drunks.

    Is it worth it?

  17. This article caught my eye since I want to move from cash into Gold and buy now.

    Looks like they are sold out, someone is restricting supply or they are holding their stock to profit from higher prices.

    Are there ANY shops that have bars and selling them currently and if I do manage to purchase, where can I store them? Seems safety deposit boxes are rarer than hens' teeth.


    Golden moment Yaowarat experiences a rush to buy as gold speculation heats up on scanty deposit rates and falling stocks, reports Woranuj Maneerungsee

    Recent visitors to Bangkok's Chinatown district of Yaowarat, the centre of the gold trading business, may have witnessed the unusual sight of queues of people extending to the pavement from gold shops. Among those waiting in line last week were people carrying more than a million baht, only to be told when they finally got to the counter that the shop had run out of stocks of gold bars.

    On Aug 15, for instance, the price of a gold bar fell to 12,850 baht per baht weight, the lowest in eight months.

    ''It was a record in my shop's four-decade history, selling about 14,000 baht weight of gold in a single day,'' said Jitti Tangsithpakdi, managing director of Jin Hua Heng gold shop in Yaowarat.

    250808_bus01.jpg Gold buyers have been shifting to gold bars from jewellery over the past seven years. — PAWAT LAOPAISARNTAKSIN

    One baht weight of 96.5% gold is equivalent to 15.244 grammes (There is also a 99.99% gold bar).

    Low deposit interest rates, a sluggish stock market and the speculative attraction of a volatile gold market have been driving more and more investors to invest in the precious metal.

    The price fell 2,600 baht or almost 17% in one month from the peak of 15,450 baht on July 15, says Mr Jitti.

    At his shop alone, about 200 million baht in cash circulated on that day, causing gold sellers to tire from counting banknotes. Buyers are hoping prices will bounce back, he says.

    This blossoming interest in gold is also changing the behaviour of people who would normally not show much interest in world affairs.

    ''Bush (the US president) is the reason behind the stronger dollar recently,'' said Ladda Wachiradhamporn, 52, the owner of a small transport firm in Yaowarat. ''That caused the gold price in the world and local market to drop over the last 10 days.''

    250808_bus01.gifShe is half right. The appreciation of the US dollar recently was caused by hedge funds selling gold to buy cheap stocks and dollars as the US economic recession deepens.

    Since Mrs Ladda shifted her investment to gold five months ago, world news has become her favourite programme instead of soap operas.

    However, she missed the chance to profit from a 400-baht-increase in gold bar prices last Wednesday, blaming one local analyst who predicted the market would fall.

    ''He said on TV that should owners wait for a while since the gold price would fall again,'' says Mrs Ladda, who was peeved.

    She has purchased about 400 baht weight in bars so far, making 100,000 baht in profit from selling 280 baht of gold.

    Mr Jitti says gold buyers have been changing their behaviour toward gold bars from jewellery over the past seven years. They have also changed their priority from saving to investment and speculation due to an annual increase of 8-10% in gold prices. This year, the price has jumped by 30% so far, attracting more investors and speculators.

    Sales of gold bars make up 80% of the country's gold trading currently, up from 20% seven years ago.

    A volatile gold market attracts the most buyers, he said. Once it rose by US$40 in one day, which is extraordinary, he said. He earlier predicted gold prices would drop by the end of this year, but the fall came sooner.

    ''A 30% increase in a single day means a very serious situation happened, like the World Trade Center collapse in 2001,'' he said, adding hedge funds can manipulate the gold market the same as other commodities. Gold market volatility can be risky too, and he suggests buying only for risk diversification rather than speculation.

    As a businessman, however, he cannot resist high demand. Earlier this year, his shop introduced smaller gold bars for the first time to serve buyers without much money. It launched a 50-satang gold bar (7.622 grammes), a one-baht (15.244) and a two-baht one. Usually a five-baht weight is the minimum and 100-baht weight the maximum.

    The response was better than expected, said Mr Jitti.

    Nongluck Juengteerapanich, 35, runs a small refreshment business and decided to invest in gold bars this year because of the convenience of ordering by phone. She transferred a 10% payment through a bank immediately after ordering and the rest in the next two days. She can collect the precious metal or deposit the gold. That helps her save time and avoid traffic in Chinatown.

    She realises the risk, but believes gold is still worth owning. If the price does not move significantly for months, she will keep her purchase.

    ''As we have learned since we were young, the gold price will never fall. The longer the time, the higher the price. I am prepared for a long-term investment,'' she said.

  18. Isnt there another thai boxing match on for gold at 7.10pm?

    yep but only got a silver in that one, Manas who won gold in last Olympics outhustled and out fought by the Dominican

    Manus should have fought him the same way as the French lad (who was robbed) did... or kept him at arms length, scoring with body shots. Saying that, Manus didn't deserve to win against the young head-butting Cuban who was a classier and better boxer, so to get Silver is a great outcome.

    Whatever the armchair driving, both Thais will be heroes and deserve the rewards.

    Somjit was terrific.

  19. So I'll trudge through until I can find my way clear. This weekend will be tracking down various mite and dander killers, air filters, mattress covers, and (hopefully) a flute.


    I would be wary of doing any breathing exercises in BKK after, say, 7 am, since IMO rising levels of pollutants will be driven deeper into your lungs.

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