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Posts posted by The_Eye_Of_Sauron

  1. with Isaan birds, Stephen Leather identified something called the 'Truth Talk'.

    I.e everything that has happened in the past is forgiven and owned up to, but henceforth there is a circle of trust including oneself and the Isaan dolly.

    In my experience, the 'Truth Talk' is invariably the time when the biggest lies are told.

  2. Germanists should remember that yes there are 'Ze rules', but we all also have certain fundamental Human Rights as individuals.

    ...Like not being tossed in the back of a truck in Southern Thailand and suffocated just for demonstrating.

    ...Or forced into ill-fitting, pastel colored suits sporting small moustaches.

  3. I get out of bed at 11 am, which I find means there's less boring time to occupy myself in.

    I like to play on Thaivisa quite a lot of the day. Every 3 days or so I go outdoors, but thats a bit boring too.

    I get most of my Thai information from Felix Lynn's radio show. That saves me from going outdoors to experience it myself.

    I like to treat myself to a cornetto (THB20) from time to time if I am not on a diet, but I haven't had one for over two months. Maybe next month.

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