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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 4 hours ago, ezflip said:

    Only 500baht? That isn't even considered as a fine but, only an annoyance.


    Thais truly don't understand the concept of fines in order to stop people from keeping doing the wrong things. Add a zero or two at the end of these fines and maybe, just maybe, the Thais will finally understand what is a "fine" and start to drive like normal people.

    Spare the rod, spoil the child.

  2. 4 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    Selective memory? The first people killed were people that were killed by the redshirst and those included peaceful protesters protesting against the reds and the military when they were attacked by the reds.


    The reds came for violence, they initiated and they got it back although it took a very long time or them to get it.


    I agree that Abhisit was far too lenient with them. No other country in the world would have tolerated this as long as he did.


    They came to burn down Bkk which they eventually did, they bariccaded themselves in, with weapons, then dismantled all of the cctv cameras to cover their tracks.


    They are thugs and baby murderers that finally got what they deserved.

    Burn down Bangkok my aris. Hotheads started a couple of insignificant fires.

    Blackshirts may have started the killing, but I haven't seen anything to convince me that they were on the Reds side.

    Nothing excuses the murder of ninety-odd civilians. Someone gave the order and it must have come from the top.

  3. 18 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Didn't he grant himself a full and total amnesty from all prosecution  making himself totally untouchable?  No need to run as no court could touch him.  He is one very very dangerous man if anyone tries to hold him accountable for anything, ultimate power means he controls everything and everyone in the country.

    Yet the fanboys still wobble on about the amnesty the PTP tried to bring in but were defeated democratically.

  4. 7 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I beg to differ, good faith? only when it comes with billions in profits,

    happen? nothing happen here without someone hoping to benefit out of it

    and in a big way, stupidity? yes and indeed, to think that they can swindle the Thai people in broad day light, involving many people and to the tune of many billions of bahts and to hope to get away with it, yes, that's is moronically stupid...

    Another mug who thinks that the country's Red-hued PM would initiate the rice pledging scheme, under full scrutiny of the Yellow-hued amart and military, and hope to make a personal killing from it. Especially considering that they are hovering like kitehawks waiting for an excuse for a coup. I realise most politicians aren't Einsteins, but to carry this out right out in the open would have been foolish in the extreme. I get the impression that Yingluck isn't that much of a fool.


    No, it was an honest attempt to help the farmers, just like govts in other countries do. Schemes that subsidise the needy are by definition money losing schemes, but they allow people the dignity of carrying on working whilst earning a living wage.

  5. 11 minutes ago, newnative said:

    If you thought that tame little roundabout was dangerous maybe you shouldn't be on the roads either.  You're going in a circle so the traffic wasn't moving fast and you usually didn't have to wait long to get through.  Sometimes cars didn't yield but you just waited for a break and easily got through.  It's a pretty messy, unattractive intersection now.

    The original roundabout was fine until they started messing about with it. Here, roundabouts are safet than lights. No red light jumpers.

  6. 1 hour ago, inThailand said:

    How can any one defend wasting billions of tax payer money to buy a product twice as much as it's market value, thus buying supporters and votes, and all the while lining their own pockets with billions? 

    Governments do it often. In this case to save the farmers from bankruptcy and possible starvation. She should have been given a medal for this act of humanity, which she probably will one day. 


    Shame the Bangkok amart and army generals didn't have a whip-round for them, it wouldn't have made a dent in their fortunes, then maybe there'd have been no need for the pledging scheme.

  7. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    So many detractors of the current regime seem to think their blatant corruption and outright criminal behaviour makes Tingluck some kind of heroine.

    It simply doesn't stack up imho, she was negligent in performing the role of PM and was little more than a puppet for her criminal brother Thaksin.

    The fact she ran says a lot about her moral courage. On more than 1 occasion she claimed she would be ready to die for democracy, yet at the first sign of a major hurdle she bolted off to join her criminal brother.


    The disgusting nature of Prayuth's govt is undeniable. However YS has shown her true colours here. 

    Thailand has some wonderful young figures such as Netiwit, Ja new, Pai Dao Din and others.. What potential Thailand could meet if people like that got a real platform to make a difference. The shin rein is over, but a whole population will now be looking for new faces. I would prefer to be hopeful than cynical for the next chapter

    Many millions of Thai people who voted for her would disagree strongly with you, and after all, they're the ones who SHOULD count in a democracy.

  8. 1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


    Thank you for posting the link.


    Interesting that The Guardian think the 2013-4 street protests were about the rice scheme failures. They must have missed the Amnesty Bill fiasco! Or there again, doesn't fit their agenda to report reality.


    As a newspaper, great for wrapping fish and chips!

    You mean the attempted amnesty bill which was stopped by democratic checks and balances? Unlike the junta self-imposed blanket amnesty for past and future transgressions.


    Agree with you about the Guardian though. Disgusting marxist rag.


  9. 2 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Theresa May must have been quite upset that the Home Office sent out the letters too early, while the UK was still in negotiation with the EU.


    If you are Jewish, or a member of any other minority in Britain, NOW is the time to leave... Don't wait till Theresa grows a Charlie Chaplin moustache.


    And for the people who voted to 'leave' because of a few job seekers from Poland and Bulgaria - who do you think will replace these cheap workers in the future? That's right - (more) immigrants from Nigeria, Guinea, Sudan, Pakistan...

    Civil servants make mistakes. This was a mistake. The PM, no less, has apologised. This is a non-story. Move along.


  10. Either there's more to this than what's reported or the attacker is mentally unstable and needs to be detained for the public's and her own safety. She was very fortunate on this occasion, normally she'd have been severely beaten up for getting into an altercation with a Thai, even if it wasn't her fault.


    Whatever, the police need to get off their useless lazy arises and do something.

  11. I'm sure you'll be able to find all these things in the general Pattaya area, but not in Jomtien itself. When I lived there I had to drive my daughter to dancing classes at a place on near the Klang/Sukhumvit junction. Not a good place to drive to late afternoon on a Sunday. 


    You're going to be doing a lot of driving, that's for certain. 

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