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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. The one fact not stated in this article, but probably more relevant than any other, is that both Al Qaeda and IS were originally products of US intelligence.

    Osama Bin Laden was recruited by the CIA as a go-between with the Muhajadeen (or Al Qaeda, to give them the name they were filed under by US intelligence sources). They were the Islamic fundamentalist group who ran the Soviets out of Afghanistan, were used to fragment Yugoslavia and later ungratefully turned to bite the Western hands that fed them.

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self-proclaimed Emperor of the new Caliphate now spreading across the Middle East, was a leading light of the of US-backed Free Syrian Army set up to oust Assad before becoming disenchanted and breaking away to form ISIL. There is a picture doing the rounds on the Internet of him and his jihadist mates joshing with Senator John McCain during a clandestine meeting beteen the venerable US senator and FSA leaders.

    So now you know who you have to thank for the two Frankensteins currently terrorising the world. We've been Bush-whacked.

    Just a left wing excuse to have a go at Bush. If it wasn't Al Quaida or Daesh it'd be other muslim groups aiming for a caliphate.

    Take no heed of these lefties having a go at the west, the muslims were snapping at our heels long before Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

    Wish they'd just go on fighting amongst themselves until they cancel each other out.

  2. Shame on Obama and other world's leaders that they have let the ISIS problem fester to such a degree that from a bunch of bearded goats herders they have become a force to reckon with, and where was Obama? busy telling the world that he's not at war with Islam, all the while, radical Islam is putting the best armies and air forces of the world to shame...

    It was Bush Jr who invaded Iraq under the disguise of WMD's, that were never found, lined his and Cheney's pockets and got rid of Saddam.

    Obama inherited the crap that these two Bush Jr and Cheney) left him.

    No invasion in Iraq, no Daesh

    A very niaive view of the situation. Muslims were attacking the west long before Iraq, Afghanistan etc. It's hardly surprising that the west responded and should continue to do so. Whether we realise it or not, we are at war and have been for decades.

  3. As an American, I can agree with all that Obama is a Fool! Talking about Thailand's Democracy, lets talk about America's Democracy! Obama is a Dictator and has been ruling America as his personnel Kingdom! The American people are ready to Vote for the return of Democracy next November, 2016! There is hope, that a Vote for America next year will carry 40 out of 50 states, with the Vote Being Anti-Obama and the Socialist Democratic Party! Possibility of more states

    with the recent activity of Obama's JV Team!

    ALL politicians the world over are crooks.

    I'm from the US too, & if you believe in "voting the bums out", you are delusional.

    The US is so far in debt it's astronomically absurd.

    The next president should eliminate the alphabet soup of agencies (FBI, NSA, DEA, SEC, etc, etc... ad nauseam [sp?]) and slash military spending by 90%.

    NOPE, whoever gets elected next will just keep kicking the can down the road......except the cliff, and the end of the road is just getting nearer and nearer.

    How will it end? Massive inflation, capital controls (look it up), and more jack-booted thugs taking away what small bits of liberty that still remain in the USA.

    The idea of "America" was the best ever in the world, but sadly it has gone away, and now we are left with the authoritarian USA, where you are more likely to get shot by a cop than a terrorist.

    It is the question if the president has the power to eliminate the alphabet soup....or if rather the alphabet soup will eliminate the president. I think the power is with other people who keep some actor as president and they are scared if some honest military man takes over in a country...because that could happen to them as well.

    Honest military man??????? What's the weather like there in cloud-cuckoo land?

  4. And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

    You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

    What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

    The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

    Yes it has, they enjoy killing non-muslims. Most terrorists are Muslim. Most trouble in the world at the moment involves Muslims killing innocents. They're a worldwide family and all seem to share this love of violence and destabilisation.

    I know they aren't all bad but it's up to the good ones to sort out the bad ones. At the moment, if asked, they condemn them but insert a rider that the terrorists only did it because they were provoked.

    It would be nice to see you and two or three others on here spend more time supporting the victims of these terrorists.

  5. A country that prevents its citizens from leaving?

    While it is illegal for North Koreans to leave their country without the regimes permission, former US diplomat John Burgess notes that some countries require their citizens to have exit visas to leave. These include: Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Russia, Czech Republic.

    There are also quite liberal countries that are trying to prevent their citizens from leaving, in an effort to stop them joining the Islamic State. In fact the UN Security Council, through resolution 2178 (2014), unanimously decided that all States shall ensure that their legal systems provide for the prosecution, as serious criminal offences, of travel for terrorism or related training (http://www.un.org/press/en/2014/sc11580.doc.htm).

    So, if Thailand believes that Pichai may speak anything damaging to the country, perhaps it can cite UN resolution 2178 (2014) as an excuse for denying him the right to leave the country?

    However, Thailand also needs to consider that the UN and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights both declare that this right to leave one's own country is a fundamental right.

    All of us are having our freedoms eroded. Part of this is the development in IS/IT, big data, that gives more and more information about its citizens to governments.

    The countries that require exit visas usually argue that it's a check to make sure that person isn't running away from legal proceedings, has unpaid taxes, fines or debts, and is not wanted by the authorities.

    Sadly, that list of countries is likely to grow rather than reduce.

    This has nothing to do with any of the reasons you mention.

  6. an absolute Disgraceful act by the Military Junta

    even the right wing nutters (EnglishJohn, Baerboxer, Rubl, H90, DJJamie and a few others) can't defend this surely? surely???

    You can't brand everyone who supports the junta right wing. Nutters I'll accept. I'm a right winger but am also a great believer in democracy ie one man one vote. It's our birthright. I also served 12 years in the army and know how utterly incompetent high ranking officers can be. Run a country? Wouldn't trust them to run an allotment.

  7. Not his words. you've got to be pretty dumb to accept right wing tory media headlines.

    Lets not forget the last time the UK had shoot to kill a young man, Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, was shot to death for no other reason than being in London.

    The young man could have easily stayed alive if he hadn't run into a tube station when challenged, and continued to run to a train while repeatedly being told to stop by armed anti-terrorist operatives at a time when terrorists were attempting to bomb public transport (and had already done so).

    THAT'S why he was shot to death.

    Not for being in London.

    So please don't spout such disingenuous garbage.

    This fictitious account made up by the police to hide their guilt and incompetence was completely disproved by the independent investigation.

    What you have said is repeating a complete pack of lies. Go back, do your research and you will find the truth was very, very different from the utter garbage, Chicog, that you have posted. Absolute <deleted>.

    Oh so easy to judge people in situations of extreme danger from the comfort of your armchair.

  8. Not his words. you've got to be pretty dumb to accept right wing tory media headlines.

    Lets not forget the last time the UK had shoot to kill a young man, Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, was shot to death for no other reason than being in London.

    The young man could have easily stayed alive if he hadn't run into a tube station when challenged, and continued to run to a train while repeatedly being told to stop by armed anti-terrorist operatives at a time when terrorists were attempting to bomb public transport (and had already done so).

    THAT'S why he was shot to death.

    Not for being in London.

    So please don't spout such disingenuous garbage.

    Gotcha - it own was his fault..

    Undoubtedly a mistake in hindsight but he should have obeyed the police commands. Dozens of innocent people had just been blown to smithereens. Innocents do sometimes suffer in times of conflict, wish the murderers took this on board. Of course you're one of the lefties who think the police should throw flowers instead of bullets.

  9. Not his words. you've got to be pretty dumb to accept right wing tory media headlines.

    Lets not forget the last time the UK had shoot to kill a young man, Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, was shot to death for no other reason than being in London.

    He's not only against shoot to kill, this traitor just wants to "reason" with them. Like trying to reason with a pitbull.

    This is the same guy who after a cop had been almost decapitated during riots in London gleefully told the press that the rioters had given the police 'a good hiding'.

  10. the funny thing is that the biggest cryers now are the people (generation) that imported these muslims, so they could do (heavy) jobs they, the whiners, didn't wanna do any longer...

    i'm not PC nor socialist or muslim-lover at all, but the people who brought them in were only thinking about their own advantage/profit (cheap labour).... som nam na.

    It wasn't the people who brought them in, it was the left-wing politicians wanting their votes. Mind you, those lefty voters must shoulder some of the responsibility. Also the present day muslim apeasers, some of whom use this site. They know who they are.

  11. 30273096-01_big.jpg

    You! , yes you, red shirt, ... tell the Thai people how much you love me ... or it's a week of military AA vacation camp for you...

    Ha ha ha - I see what you did there. You took a picture then added your own comment for your own political agenda which is a complete lie (and unfortunately a witless one).

    Very good - you should take it in to show your teacher. Although I expect she will say you should grow up.

    I never went on an AA camp. Are you saying all red-shirts are alcoholics ?.

    And here's me thinking he really said it. Well well well. First time I've heard that "Show your teacher...grow up" etc...not.

    Typical load of blx rant from EJ. Still, wouldn't expect anything else from junta groupy-in-chief.

  12. Driving License is not renewed at Immigration but Dept of Transport. If you have the correct papers, including the medical certificate, follow the process, there is no problem. I have renewed mine several times. There is a fee to pay but no extra and never have been asked for any extra. For immigration procedures, simply do the same. If your papers are wrong or you are impolite, don't expect any help.........

    I never had to pay a bribe to get things done if you follow the rules.

    D of T Pattaya won't issue a driving licence without a letter of residence from immigration. It's seems they could have a little scam going on between them but I could be wrong (for anyone monitoring).

    One thing, last time I went for my car and motorbike 5 year licences, they accepted an original letter from immig plus photocopy. Unless things have changed, don't let immig flog you two letters, double the cost of the 'free' letter.

    This was all five years back so treat it as a warning to be on your toes rather than taking it for gospel.

  13. All of this reactionary hatred/mistrust/discrimination of middle-eastern refugees, and Muslim citizens of Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, etc. is exactly what ISIS and the Muslim medieval-minded radicals want to happen, and is why they attacked Paris. I think that unfortunately we're going to see a lot more such attacks in more cities.

    If we stopped the muslim immigration/asylum avalanche it would make it a damned site harder for IS to carry out these murders.

    It's difficult to find sympathy for people who don't like you; have no intention of integrating with you and amongst whom some will try to kill you.

  14. While I kow people on here like to BASH the Thais at every turn Let me say this.

    It makes perfect sense that Thailand as well as many other countries would beef up their security for flights that go to France.

    These terrorists will you any possible means of getting into the country and flying into a country with lack or no security then transferring to a French flight would be the first way.

    Also we have seen that IS is not adverse to crashing planes. While the quality of air marshal may not be up to "american" standards at least they are attempting to try to do something.

    Imagine what would have happened if the international community had paid attention to a plan e that was highjacked in 1996 in Pakistan to Afghanistan by people with box cutters.


    They'll just balls it up as usual and it'll be your genuine tourists and expats who'll suffer.

  15. No sh_it Sherlock....

    All European countries have shot them self in the foot by opening up the borders wide open to Syrian refugees.

    It is a well known fact that IS have been "padding" the refugee stream with their soldiers for a long time. and Young soldiers too. as the terrorists killed in Paris was between the ages of 15 to 18......

    I am fearing that IS already have soldiers all over Europe, meaning that what we seen in Paris is only the beginning

    Unbelievable how naive the politicians have been.

    Look at it this way,

    How many churches do you see in a Muslim country?? None, because they have been burnt down if ever built....

    How many mosque's do you see around in Europe?? Too many! and more is coming.....

    there is a study saying that it would only be year 2056 when there is more Muslims in Europe than ethnic Europeans. then we will see if they start burning the churches there too.....

    I would love to see the methodology of that study. In the Netherlands, there are 16 million citizens, of which approximately 800K are Muslims. It would not be mathematically possible for them to reach another 15 million, considering that number is a result from migration starting from the 70s.

    In other words, absolute bullocks.

    Not BS at all when you consider the snowball effect. It's the nails in the horseshoe. Double the first nail =2; double that =4 etc. Starts slow but before long you have an avalanche.

    The whole point though is that the people weren't asked whether or not they wanted this, it was mainly a left-wing political ploy. "Whoever lets me in gets my vote".

    The whole EC thing is a left-wing edifice, hence the Schengen agreement. "Think of all those lovely voters if we remove the border controls". The left also seems to have a tendency to hate it's own country ie Jeremy Corbyn. They also seem to love anything/anyone who's not of their country, so 'Bring on the immigrants, the more the merrier.

    However, I digress. No, what's happening in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe isn't surprising, it's all going to plan for the caliphate.

  16. Lex Talionis, on 15 Nov 2015 - 10:32, said:
    Somtamnication, on 15 Nov 2015 - 10:05, said:

    Time to leave, mate.coffee1.gif

    Sure. Freedom of the press be damned. Just stick your tail between your legs and head on back down under.

    When someone say freedom of the press, do they mean the press can wright what ever they

    like and with, which they do on many occasions,,, most articles in nowadays news papers

    are mostly rubbish, half truth or very askew truth to suite the publisher or a group of power

    full people, nowadays new papers are nothing but a empty rhetoric and one sided opinions,

    again, depend on the whims of the editor and the newspaper owner, so the ' freedom

    of the press' while sound good, in practice worth nothing.....

    In a democratic society, yes. Then it's up to the people to make a judgement on whether or not to believe what's written. If defamation's involved, then the slighted party takes the paper to court where a verdict is delivered. Like here, where the court threw the navy's case out.

    Also in a democratic society, when the appeal period ran out, that'd be the end of it.

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