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Posts posted by Sassie

  1. "One example: In most non-dictatorship, non-third-world countries if you marry a national, you can obtain permanent residency within a year. Not so in Thailand, unless you're a foreign female."

    I don't mean to sound daft, but what exactly does the above mean? I am a female farang intending to marry my Thai boyfriend in Sept/Oct. I am Canadian and work and live in Canada. However my guy and I are designing and building a home (his momma gave us the land) and I would of course love to (uh, need to) be with him permanently.

    Can someone please tell me what is required in terms of a visa(s), financial requirements (I am presently the high income earner) and the like. I asked my guy but his answer was “minimal” and based on his dead farang step-dad’s experience so I am thinking that of course there is more to it (new rules etc. and I wanna be on the up and up).

    I do read the visa rules but I get confused, my head spins and then them words are all over the screen, and I am back to square one trying to figure the stuff out again.

    Thanks for any info. Love the forum. Read more than I write but things are getting serious now...(and sorry if this is the incorrect forum).


  2. I'm new at most of this save for reading too much stuff (like cramming for an exam), but if i am a farang girl wanting to marry a Thai, do all the financial requirements apply to myself too? Will I need to be working in Thailand and/or would my Canadian income and account suffice? I understand that I would be visiting my embassy for the proper papers (she is single etc.) but beyond that...hmmm, I am not certain, considering he is supporting me.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Guess that would go for insight into visa requirements etc. I read alot but to receive information from those who have experienced such situations makes it easier to catch a grasp of what really goes on and what is required.

    Thanks to anyone for their comments, and information etc.


  3. Anyway, all I can do is wait until April and see what is what.

    Sorry, I should have said that I am not a lawyer (in terms of tossing away my education) but a trademark agent/legal assistant (and not as young as someone may think). Still, you are right, there are lots of things to consider. I am having a challenge between my heart and my head. But I have not exposed some personal aspects of who I am in my writing; aspects of which play a part in my decision making but make it difficult for others to respond in that they do not really know who i am. Sorry about that.

    As for "knowing his culture", yep i should've bit my tongue on that one. Ouch! Bad Sassie, I say, what your tongue, your not gonna have one if you keep biting it!

    Just the Sassie head/heart challenge. Thanks for any and all input.


  4. Thanks Nat and sbk for your thoughts. I go over this so much in my head (and in heated discussions with mother) that it is refreshing to have an "outside" view. I met his mom (but not him) and another couple the previous year and returned to visit them in December (as well as more northeastern touring). Have flirted and drank with lots of Thai guys (no sex) but never felt what I felt this time (heck not even in Canada). Knowing his shyness (and his culture), I was surprised at gestures as simple as holding my hand in public when we were out and about (mother would of course retort that he just likes showing off the blonde haired girl, maybe yes, maybe no).

    Living with his family for a bit (they said nothing about our being together other than "char char, slow, slow. you shouldn't buy her a ring already, wait"), I came in tune with a part of me that was happy, relaxed and feeling peaceful.

    Ah, but alas, I've no choice but to wait until April (darn my work obligations!) and see where this all goes. Experience tells me that I would be very happy waking up with the chickens and the dogs in our new house on the farmland. Never know whether I am dreaming, irresponsible or just plain crazy (in love) some days. Suppose time will tell.

    Thanks for letting me share.


  5. Hi all, I'm new to the list and this is the first time writing (although I read the posts regularly).

    Moscow5's posting kind of mirrors my current situation. I just returned to Canada from another trip to Thailand but with a seriously broken heart because I could not believe that I was leaving my new Thai boyfriend (from a small northeastern town). I am returning in April to see him again. He is so kind, considerate, and the sex was awesome too. It's all part of it.

    Anyway, I appreciated reading comments regarding contents of emails as he writes very deeply from his heart (or more exactly, someone translates his Thai into an English email for me) and his expressed love for me and desire for us to have a home built on his family's farmland, made me so happy (but then my mother says "he could be just messing with you" what?? don't get me all confused when I am in love mother!!). I would have stayed forever with him but alas, I had to return to the west to get back to ye'old law office and put in my time. But April is nearing, I keep reminding myself.

    My mother (who is also my friend) is extremely skeptical about the whole thing saying that they like me cuz they think I am rich (I'm not, and his family is not poor by any means) and that they are only trying to sweet talk me into going back to them cuz they want something from me (like what, I don't know but then again love could have blinded me). Any thoughts on this one?

    Since I left I have been continually pondering leaving my job and home in Canada and moving to where my heart was finally happy. What are the chances of a farang girl landing some work in Thailand (I've got a legal background)? But any work whatsoever.

    Ok, enough, this could go on for pages. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.


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