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Posts posted by Africanteacher

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You really should look at yourself OP. Blaming students means you're not facing reality....that in all likelihood you probably suck as a teacher.

    I tend to agree with aircooledflat4, above. It might be objective to accommodate this young girl's educational needs and reflect on your methodology. From your description, one may deduct that she is trying to reach out to you for help, because she might not be accessing learning, based on your teaching method. Reflect.

    OMG - these two apologists for bad conduct are a large part of the poor attitudes of young people. They try to deflect responsibility for a bad student behaviour to the teacher. It seems they are totally ignorant of the fact that the Thai system will not allow a student to fail a class. THAT is the problem, not the teacher. Morons!

    You clearly never taught elsewhere other than Thailand.

    Having taught in Europe and America, and I can assure you that Thai students are relatively better. Pretty harmless too, if I may add!

  2. Actually, i had a student very similar to this, I made sure he was involved in every lesson, gave him the homework to distrbute and used him as the ( whiteboard writer), Had him wipe the ( windows10 screens) and used him as a demonstration model when i was teaching body parts and/ or names of clothing....It worked brilliantly. Children are empty vessels that need to be filled with knowledge and there are many ways to achieve that goal. Sometimes it may be left side or out of the box, but so what ?, use what works

    As an ex-chalkie myself (from the days when we still used real chalk) I used a similar technique. Many kids are attention seekers, some seek it by being "good" others by being "bad". Teachers want to be "fair" and resent giving unwarranted attention to the "bad" kids but if you give those kids the extra attention they seek you can often redirect their behaviour in a more positive direction.

    Instead of yelling at the kid or throwing them out of class and shunning them the rest of the time I used to try an engage them in friendly personal conversation outside the classroom. In many cases they would then begin to feel they had a special relationship which they did not want to jeopardize in the classroom and their behaviour in the classroom would change dramatically.


  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I tend to agree with aircooledflat4, above. It might be objective to accommodate this young girl's educational needs and reflect on your methodology. From your description, one may deduct that she is trying to reach out to you for help, because she might not be accessing learning, based on your teaching method. Reflect.

    Your pretty quick to rush to be judgmental.

    Some of these uni classes at bachelor level have as many as 200 students and even more. And there is no magic way to try to accommodate the personal needs of 200 students into each course.

    I'm well aware of students who have no intention of learning anything, much more so at bachelor level and well aware of very poor behaviors:

    - Barge into the classroom one hour late (or more), interrupt the teacher and demand to be given the attendance sheet and at the same time start talking to friends right across the classroom with subjects that have nothing to do with the lesson or course.

    - One of my lecturer colleagues recently had the experience of coming back to the room after lunch and one girl (arrives at lunch time - all day class) had taken the teachers bag out of a drawer in the teachers desk and emptied (dumped) everything out of the teachers briefcase onto the teachers desk looking for the attendance sheets for that day. Passport and other personal items just left dumped all over the desk. In fact the attendance sheets for that day had already been passed to the office. The same girl had done the same thing to a couple of other teachers. On this specific occasion she freely / proudly admitted she had emptied the teachers bag on the desk. She was taken to the director who cancelled her study for all courses for that semester and she will have to pay again to retake the courses.

    Same girl has a 'gang' of 4 or 5 girls. Several times they have stolen the notes and textbooks of other students, A few months back they threw a girl down the stairs, and more. None of them ever hand in individual assignments and they have no intention of handing in assignments. When asked about assignments, especially this 'gang' there is just rudeness and comments like 'what for' ?

    In the university I'm referring to students do get failed. And they have to pay the course fees again if they want to retake that subject. And no hesitation to call the teacher and offer money for a regrade up to a passing grade.

    - Another example, two tough tom boy girls (I'm not being judgmental about lesbians) who deliberately sit in the two back corners of the classroom and talk loudly across the large room throughout lectures, all deliberate to disrupt. Also very annoying for the students who do want to learn. Outside the classroom during breaks I talked to this duo about 4 or 5 times and asked them to stop which just invoked abuse. I then refused to have them in the class.

    - And many more.

    Sure some of these students may well have personal difficulties of some sort but there is a limit.

    In my post I mentioned that I 'tended' to agree with the thought that the OP's teaching methods may be questionable. If it came out judgemental, then my apologies.

    Of course the young student's actions are way out of line. But we don't necessarily think that the OP is the 'best teacher' there is out there, based on the subjective language he/she used in the above topic,do we?

    Teachers MUST reflect on their teaching methodology, regardless of their student population. If you, for even a moment think that you can't access any of your learners, then you're in for a rough ride in your teaching career.

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