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Posts posted by Tongdee

  1. The posters who initially came out so strongly in favour of the great leader are oddly silent.

    Untill evidence of utilization of his position of power to enrichen his self & family comes out (I doubt it will happen).

    I will grade Prayuth Highly on getting things done that should be done. I believe his theory of personal enrichment


    "A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats"

    and that we must be the change we want to see.

  2. I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

    Why is it any of his business what people choose to eat?

    It is his buisness as he is into promoting happyness in the Thai people. It is hard to be happy when your health and the health of your loved ones is declining rapidly.

    The health care costs of looking after a sick population can be horrendous.

    The Wheat that is grown today is just a shadow of the wheat that was grown 50 years ago nutrisionally anyway. The yield per acre has gone way up

    at the cost of food value. Rice is grown in huge quantity in Thailand so money does not have to leave the country to buy it.

    I don't know how much wheat is grown locally here. Anyone have that info???

  3. \Living in Thailand for many years now, I have come to learn that Thais are inherently very bad

    with managing their funds and are thrift spenders that will buy any thing that shine and has

    buttons on it, they will beg, borrow and steal, yes steal, borrow with high interests from just any

    one who's willing to land them to get those things, unless they learn

    how to me more financially responsible they will continue with their money's woes...

    I would have to comment that you are farmiliar (spelling intended) with a small portion of the Thai Population

    & could be speaking from YOUR experiances with the people YOU know. There are other groups of Thai people

    That are Good at handling, managing their money & lives.

    Should you wish to meet some of those people

    I would sugest hanging out in different places.

    If you need to have this spelled out more exactly than this

    You are not ready to meet those groups yet.

    Likely never will be... ... ...

    • Like 1
  4. I have found just simply ignoring them works a treat thumbsup.gif

    No stress, just walk in, get what I need and go pay for it.

    Ignoring them is the easiest, does not stop them though.

    I am tempted to print out a card to hand them which would state that when I decide I need staff to help me with something

    I will let them know untill then Please leave me to browse. Where I come from the only people that get that much attention are suspected of shoplifting

    I enjoy this no more than you do likely less.

    This is for costas

    I also have equal feelings about every folung that I have never met before expecting me to greet him as if we were members of a secret society.

    "Oh look its a folung hello fellow folung I am a folung too will you be my friend"... ... ... Sshhheeeet. Get a life.

    I am less interested in greeting you than you are of greetingt every employee at home pro. No Obvious common interest, dont bug me.

    I am not anti-social I am selectively social.

  5. My Wife (well GF as we are not officially married) decided to use the "Long Con" on me.

    How long does the Long Con last ???

    I am not really sure as it has been 25 year now, but it would have to be another six months on top of this as we are currently renovating the house.

    I do have to give her credit though she is persistent. I guess if she owned jet ski's I would really be in trouble.

    All good relationships are transactions. Both parties get something out of the transaction.

    Your relationship is still going on as you both get something out of it.

    Many relationships dissolve because of perceived imbalance.

    My end of the deal vs their end of the deal.

    Even the purest Charity is a I win they win transaction.

    My (the Giver) end of the deal is that I get to feel real good about myself.

    Their end is what they are given.

    A bad relationship is one where only one side wins.

    I.E. He, she, or it ( I wont become politically correct anytime real soon) steals from you (their end)

    & you give them the opportunity (your end) HHHhhhMMMmmm ... ... ...

    In this case there is no balance between my end & their end of the deal.

  6. My western partner did the long con on me. Only took 10 years after we split up ( and her getting most of my assets ) to realise what the ***** from hell had done. I was very naive back then- a real lamb to the slaughter.

    Not just Thai women.

    Been going on forever. Mine is different... ... ... Pitbulls & bargirls.... A co-worker in the lunchroom started in on me for going to Thailand. "The usual those Thai girls are just after your money. I know cause I saw a documentory on TV." I let him go on for awhile before mentioning the percentage of his paycheque that was deducted before he saw it, the house he was still paying for that he couldn't enter, the truck she now owned, & the kids that didn't want to see him as their minds had been poisoned against him either by him or her. He couldn't even legally quit his job & I am a fool for going with Thai lady(s). hahahahahahah

    • Like 1
  7. Have to admit to being a bit skeptical of this claim. Did it get to human trials? If not, then jumping the gun on this announcement. Then the steps of getting FDA approval internationally can take months to years. The below announced Sept. 17, 2014. Though they say vaccine rather than cure.

    First British volunteer injected with trial Ebola vaccine in Oxford

    If vaccine tested on Ruth Atkins and other healthy volunteers is found to work, it will be fast-tracked for use in west Africa

    More here - TheGaurdian

    Human trials???????? I don't see them mentioned and feel that animal trials would be scientific evidence of a"Cure" as stated.

    The FDA is related to what country(s). Beholden to what corporate entitys. Approves Monsatans patented Pesticide built right into the food.(how can that not be a good thing)

    FDA aproval is not an endorsement I seek in matters of health. Garlic, tumeric, ginger, papaya leaf do not have "FDA aproval as medicine.

    For those infected, a multi year billion dollar aproved dosage testing regime is not relevant. Altho it sure helps corporate profits when its patentable... ... ...

    Have a nice day and be alive next week

    To the researchers making the claim THank you & I sincearly hope you are on a right track... ... ...

  8. Send them to stay on the family farm, old enough now to not be your problem.

    Many foreigners have problems with teen males from another father.

    Thai guys, just tell the woman to get rid, and they do.

    Don't give them money.


    They know you are having sex with mom, and they don't like it.

    No friendly way out, get rid (of them, or her).

    Did I say, don't give them money.

    You are right on that one. Do not give them money. You are damned if you don't & damned if you do. Food? absolutely when they respectfully approach your table. Money? hide it or secure it well. They don't respect you when you give it to them, do you think they will respect you more when they steal it from you. Allow them to earn some, AT the GOING RATE.For things you were going to hire out to other people anyway. Payment on completion never sooner....You wont be loved for this anytime real soon. and in another 10 years it is just a maybee.

  9. If you are starting off suspicious, you are not prepared for this.


    stay home

    Rediculous- He may be trying to confirm who he already thinks is a nice girl. The multitude of people that have never been to Thailand but have seen a documentoray

    or a friend who knows everything (hahahaha)after going to Patters for a week. He may be digging for the good, truth. cheap insurance before diving.. The good oneds are not cheap.

  10. Hillarious. Like all Thai women want the same things in a man..After the barflies & nitetime entertainment venues ..

    .Few if any Thai women are interested in men of lower status than themselves.Their famlies would lose "Face"...

    .... Thai women are diverse with a wide range of interests.

    Will find men with similar interests much more interesting than those with different interests.

    If your quest is to actually find a suitable Thai lady, then do what you want to do without lady.

    If that means hang out in gym, lifting weights, powerwalking. Have at it.

    If it means artwork go where that happens, cooking take a course.

    Playing Music take a course. Temples, go to a temple.

    The ones that are interested, if any, will flirt at least a little. Flirt back.

    Please ignore the ones that ignore you. Need I explain why???

    When they flirt with you, check your gauge. When it gets past 10:00

    She is interested. If not at least yer not hanging around in bars.

  11. Up to YOU.

    Very up to you. Is it Safe??? Get up at 6:00 for walkabout, Breakie, get on with your days doings. Pay your bills. Smile ,Be polite,

    dress in a respectable manner appropriate to the enviorment. Be patient, and not to crazy cheap charlie.

    Stay away from ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS. DO NOT RENT JET SKI, Understand zebra crossings are work for road painters, nothing more.

    Don't go with girls that used to be guys. Watch & understand the seemingly chaotic "rules of the road " before driving anything on the roads.

    If your intuition is telling you something, Listen, For girls dress modestly & do not go anywhere without a trusted friend or 2.

    One drink is fine, 2 is likely ok, 3 is already pushin it. Your own room by 10:00. Sleep.

    Under that program likely safe.

  12. This thread got VERY long very quickly, so I might have missed an explanation, but

    What does "kee nook" mean in regard to farang?

    Kee nok means a person of low social standing that tries to appear a lot better than he actually is

    Farang kee nok is actually a Guava that looks good, but doesn't taste so great.

    So when a Thai is called a Farang kee nok, it means that they are trying to give the impression that they are HiSo, when they are in fact LoSo. Putting on airs and graces.

    When a foreigner is called Farang kee nok, it means that they are low class, but often the real reason is that they are not prepared to throw money around like a grinning moron as so many farangs do!

    Kee = sheet Nok= bird Bird SH-- As in the folung are like Kee Nok

    arrive all of a sudden out of the sky,

    Stink & look gross for a while

    Then disapear as mysteriously as they arrived.

    My usual response is put on as sincear a smile as I can pretend, Whai with my hands held high as I bow and

    say Khop Khun Mack cup pom. It never fails to crack them up & usually start friendly banter.


  13. Define speak the language.

    There is so slang available in Thai or any language that there aren't many foreigners who can decipher exact meanings if Thais want to talk.

    There are not many foreigners completely and utterly fluent in Thai.

    There are dialects as well. If they want to "code" and you only understand "Bangkok Thai" they can talk fast in e-san or Lana & most Thai speaking Folung will be stumped.

    • Like 1
  14. The headlight thing is a serious problem everywhere. How can people not get that blinding other drivers is just wrong.

    Glad to see enforcement on many issues on the roads that are killing people and making driving an extreme headache.

    Enforcing parking regulations. Thank you. Come on up to Chiang Rai. Where driving and parking seem totally freestyle.

    I have noticed 67% less driving infractions here but thats because I am just used to it.

    • Like 1
  15. Meanwhile forensic police from Bangkok joined local forensic police in Surat Thani to collect DNA samples from more than 20 Myanmar workers both male and female rounded up from the vicinity of the crime scene and also their finger prints.

    Why would anyone waste time and money taking DNA samples from any women in a murder rape case ? blink.png

    As for the trousers being on the killer running off..... well................

    Coz a woman can be part of the murder too.

    Oh come on stop picking at straws its almost unheard of for women to be involved in a double murder rape.

    You ever heard of process of elimination ? well usually you discount the least likely and look at the most likely first and try to narrow that down..... ie male you dont waste your time or funds with females until much later.

    You only go and spend time on the least likely much later... id say its highly likely with at least 2 DNA its male and therefore much better to DNA all males, especially those not yet done with local knowledge, ie Thai local males... whistling.gif

    Unheard of??? Ever heard of Carla Holmolka??? Look her up... Nasty piece of work. She is out Short sentence for testifying against her Partner in Crime, Paul Bernardo.He will get out in a box.

  16. You may want to read this article about travallers cheques.


    Have a Nice Day.

    Another downside to Cheques is that since April or May of 2014 banks & moneychangers in Thailand charge an additional 150 baht "Commision" for cashing "EVERY CHEQUE". Not a big deal if its just one $100 cheque, but it is a big deal When Cashing in $5000 (7500 baht "commision???) or $10,000 (15000 baht????) in hundreds. That is Legal Bankster Fraud!!!! 300,000 baht in my Bangkok bank account & Living directly across the street from my Bank Manager wouldn't get me out of this extorsion.

    Sold some gold instead for the needed cash. Gonna cash the cheques elsewhere.

    • Like 1
  17. Lose it and phone the bank they stop the card almost instantly.
    Anybody can forge a signature on a travellers cheque and if they got your passport as well nobody looks like their passport photograph anyway.

    First quote same with travellers cheque.

    Second quote, I don't know about your passport photo, but no one could look as horrible or downhearted as in my passport photo and be mistaken for me.

    When the authorities took it I said no way but they said yes way.

    I think you will find many in the same boat.

    As far as safety with plastic, obviously you haven't seen the latest ATM skimmers....scarey stuff.

    Atm skimmers, shoulder surfing by eye or remote camera followed up by pickpocketing ( some hugely talented picks around). And when & how can you get your plastic replaced.

    Cheques replacement is quick & anywhere.

    ATMS in the western world give you back your card first followed by the money.The card goes in the wallet .Moments later the cash comes out.

    Not so in Thailand.

    It becomes habit to leave the ATM when you receive the cash,(transaction complete in their mind).

    many westerners at ATMS in Thailand have pocketed the cash (there habit being to pocket the cash & leave when the cash comes out)

    leaving the card in the ATM with a message poping up on the screen "Do you want to make another Transaction?"

    observant fraudster steps up to the ATM & makes another transaction or two as he/she /it is signed into all accounts the card accesses.

  18. Why buy anything? Did you buy her (seriously)? If you have a proper and fair marriage then it should be equal. Don't fall for that sin sod crap, unless she's a teen virgin and unmarried. You could end up as another one of these expats who will be on this board in a few years, skint, homeless and asking about dodgy visas.

    Put yer foot down man, sort her and her family out now. If that means she goes then you've found something out early.

    I believe you Nangrong, are looking at the correct part of this situation. Wife wants him to buy xxxxxxx. First its dad then its mom. Next it will be my sister, brother, aunties buffalow. Nip this in the bud or you will be the laughing stock of nakon Nowhere. You dont get extra respect for bieng what you may call generous or kind, you will get less respect for bieng stupid. &ever more greedy friends & relatives will show up. If she doesn't qualify as a supermodel, Dentist, or world class athelite, she is asking too much already. you are bieng viewed as real easy money. You are damned if you do & damned if you don't. Better be stupid & keep your money than stupid without it. No matter how much you give it will never be enough if she is playing you . I need more your only giving me 100,000 a month a girl in the next village is getting 150,000. You don't love me. Exactly the same argument with exactly the same consequence at 5000 a month. WIFE. how much was the sin sod? Any discussion about this before the Wedding??? If shes gona walk out cause no pickup she'll be walking out at a higher price point in another week month or year anyway. Hospital bills a completely different affair. But go to the Hospital, check. Healthcare another matter. Look after her day by day expenses day by day. Dont pay anything into the future that you may not be a part of. Her Thai husband or boyfriend (if she has one, many do)) wants you milked and tossed, If she is genuine about sticking with you Look after her well today, Tommorow look after her well tommorow. As for buying anything she/he could sell or use in your absence. The result of that thinking wants to sleep on my sofa untill "my brother sends me airfare home". etc.

    Its easier to have a nice day when you grow a set than when you get pxxxy whipped. Have a nice day.

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  19. So basically if a Thai lady is walking around wearing skimpy shorts and a revealing top is it fair game to sexually assault her? Absolute rubbish.

    What worries me most is not the comments from the PM, but the fact that every day Thai's actually think that's right and can't see this situation for what it is. Are they incapable of being assess the situation or just thick?

    Reread what your judgement is based on. The likelyhood of an asault happening go way up for those women dressed in the uniform of working girls. That is the way it is in the real world. Morally right? No. Politically correct??? No. It is not neccesary in Thailand to wear a Burqua, and acceptable attire is changing here, becoming more permissive. But Dorthy we are not in Kansas. I cannot in any way condone sexual assault based on misguided fashion sense, but dressing like a Target???? I don't suggest it...Right or wrong can become dead right or dead wrong. Let the politically correct flames begin.....

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