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Posts posted by Tongdee

  1. Some insight. Number one... who is this us??? I, you, and every other folung (person really) in the kingdom are individuals. Many lowbrow nominds lump us all into one category, folung. The opinions & antics of this crowd, who cares. A polite respectful rebuff is all that is needed. Sure wash my car & I will give you a shot (40 degree lou cou of course).

    Persons of higher intelect view individuals in accordance with what they see & hear you do. If you are a drunk, vulgar, dress badly, need I go on?? If you play fine Classical Guitar music, Dress well, are polite, & or can speak reasonably good Thai, they will have another opinion. Easy touch for one = easy touch for all, the lineup wont end. Same as in wherever the hel_l you come from. One or two partys a year, supply the everything in adequate (not excessive) quantitys & qualitys. Enough. When they come with huge demands (Loans) ask for the chanote, sign over the motorcyke. Buisness style transaction.

    Works for me

    Tongdee :)

  2. Young beutiful Thai women V.S Whats avalible "At Home". I work a lot in norther Oilberta in Canada. Recently I was told by a co-worker that new I wintered in LOS that all those beutiful young Thai women only wanted me for my money. Really, my response knowing that his fat ugly old uncharming ex wife from another province recently got a house he paid for and a huge % of his income through court orders. And he sleeps alone. Took the moral high ground though by calling ALL Thai ladys that go with folung prostitudes. I could only laugh, said nothing, knowing who really wears that label.

    Beutiful young Thai Ladys have told me many times "Young man nice to look but same baby, no brain. Want drive motocyk fas too mut, Want yaabaa, Want gunja, want boxing, butterfly no brain for tommorow. Old man no drink to mut no yaabaa, no butterfly... dee. No problem. Money no run away.

  3. Whiter Thai Girls are accustomed to a lot of attention from Thai people who almost all find them to be very beutiful. This makes most (not all) very full of themselves and a pain in the arse, conseited & uppity. The darker Thais dont get such attention and in fact get the opposit treatment which makes them (again not all) somewhat humble & relish the attention they do get. A few compliments and wow. The whiter girls know theres a line-up to get some, as there always has been. The darker girls find someone that does find them beutiful, that someone gets "the Treatment". While attractivenes at a glance will bring men in, "The Treatment" will keep them around. It keeps me around anyway.....

  4. Hi most gold shops in the relm are honest merchants. Thai gold is very much a currency. To be "currency" it must be 22 k or higher. Buy a chain today sell it back to any gold shop in the relm & the sell price will be close. You will lose a small handling fee. The price will be dependant on the world price of gold on the date of sale as the puchase price is. Many Thais have a savings account around thier necks. As for western gold, it is commerce with a big markup for the jewellers. A huge 10 k chain can contain much less gold than a modest 24k chain.I cant say that a 10 k piece of jewellry is gold as it is 60% something else.(something much cheaper for the jeweller to buy) As for 24k, Rare in Thai but avalible, bieng weak as it is soft, au contrair. The softness makes it stronger. It bends without breaking. & bends back again without breaking.If you are looking for a chain to lift heavy objects I dont sugest 22 or 24k. If you are setting stones in a ring I would sugest 18k or less as the softness of the gold allows the stone(s) to loosen. I have often been told by Walmart shoppers that my 24k jewellry doesnt look like gold its too brassy. I just smile nod & let them continue thinking they Know what color gold is by the color of thier walmart jewellry. I buy gold regularly in Thailand always from a gold shop, never from a "jeweller" and have yet to be ripped off. As for a stamp????????HELLO I, and any jeweller, machinist, or hobbiest can stamp any piece of metal with any combination of numbers & letters. The hammer I drive nails with at work is stamped 28k. For those who deont know good gold from not, dont buy in pattaya try YANAWA in Krungtep. Get into the most crowded shop & feel free to purchase what you like. If you actually like 10 or 14 k gold????????????I cant help you

    Tongdee na Alberta

  5. HHHMMMhhhmmm astute & elequent??

    I accept the third effort at my name anywhere in Thailand by any Thai person and dont change it untill I move. Easy & opens up lots of opportunity for humor. I order food to the best of my ability in the Thai language, or as close to it as I can get. I always eat it(some of itanyway) and always pay. Usually add the aroy mak krap to boot. My theory is the Thai know the Thai language better than me, if the food is not what I expected its my mistake = I pay. The other approach............

    can hurt


    It stuck

  6. Fastest way ./..little luggage(unless you are athletic) Motorcycle taxi...Take a walk on the wild side.....More luggage, less athletic: pay the smiling cabbie. I usually stop at a guesthouse/ hotel somewhere after arrival for some zzzzzzeee's, a shower of power first.

    motorcycle taxi dudes know lots, get you there(usually) quicker than anyone else & give a sense of livin on the edge.

    If yer not livin on the edge your takin up to much space.


    Tongdee Na Oilberta

  7. Hi. I suspect you may find "youth Hostel" not to your liking. I would sugest a Guest house/hotel not terribly far I have stayed at years bygone. Clean & nice people. Lee Guest house just off Soi Sri Bumpen. Somewhat near Malasia Hotel. That should work until you find long term accomodation. I would sugest looking only at places you can to via the sky train (rote fai fa in Thai language)as the traffic in The Bangkok is really horific, will take up a large chunk of your day. There is no shortage of nice(a relative term) accomadation near the skytrain if you are prepared to spend the Baht. Not payin the price will likely prove more costly anyway in Baht & agggggrivation..

    Learning some thai language is a very good idea. A challenge for a folung who is not accustomed to a tonal language where a word spoken with correct sounds in the wrong tones can have a very different meaning. Altho I speak very good Thai & will order almost anything else in spoken Thai, I still ask for a banana rather than a gloey as that word spoken in the wrong tone can mean something totaly different. Learning some of The written language without the aid of Native thai speakers will pay big dividendes when you learn the spoken language from native Thai speakers (there is no other effective way. learning from discs other folung,or books will not correct your mispronunciationor tonal mistakes).

    The Thai people are very friendly, compassionate, & social. Thai people you work with will worry about you bieng lonley & include you in thier many social activitys rite from the begining.

    As you will find out once you are there(unless you have already decided that men in Thai are all there for exploitive sex with children) Men of quality are a hot & highly sought after commodity among the ladies of Thai. Attitudes that prevail in the western world are not accepted in Thailand.

    Good luck with your travels & remember it is Their contry it is the way it is. You will not change anything there. It will change you. Likely for the better.


    na Canada

  8. Addicted-no. In Love with definiatly. Been coming to the magical Kingdom for twenty years. The first time and every time after I have felt not like a visitor in a strange land with strange people habits & culture but like a weary traveller who has come home to normalacy where I dont have to play some role to fit in. Where I am accepted as I am. No guilt trips. No tough guy posturing. Just be & thats allright. I have lived my life since the first trip either in the magical Kingdom or working on getting into a position to go back. When I return to Canada it is like going to a strange barbarian society that I have to suffer to karmicly allow my return to Siam. In the few years when I havent returned I suffer extreme depression along with other unpleasent fates. My health both mental & physical are now dependent on the "charging up of my Batterys" that takes place in the magical kingdom. Now I am in the "what I have to do" so I can do what I want to do phase of life.50% here- 50% there seems to be a good balance. Or even 8 months in Canada & 4 months in The Magical Kingdom. Unless of course I urgently need the help of Wat Po to correct bodily imbalance.

    If theres a better place I dont deserve it. If now My Karma has shown me the path home for a reason.

  9. hello Yall

    I have been visiting Land of Smile for 20 years. Many young Thai Girls have told me they prefer older men because they are more mature than young men. Less macho stupidity. Not reckless with life limb & $$.Thai girls mature faster than theyre male counterparts and are much more mature than 20ish folung boys most of whom are little more than children in the growing up mode. Older men are more stable emotionally & financially. Got a real kick out of Listening to an neiboring Isreali woman tell me at length about how horrible it was for old guys to be with young Beutiful Thai girls after half hour of politely smilling (Thai style :o and saying really?, no?, my 20 year old thai Girlfriend showed up for a romp. Be comming back to LOS for years to come. & enjoy the jelous stares of misguide folung puritans who canot accept that other ways than thier own can be a positive thing.

    Tongdee of Canada

  10. Cheapest & easiest end to potential huge hastle (providing citizens of your contry get border visa, & that you are in Bangkok) would be--- Hualampong train station---3rd class train to Hat Yai(under 300 baht)---motorcycle taxi to---local bus to Padeng Baesar(50 baht)lots of stops-motorcycle taxi familiar with visa run routine will magically apear carrying most of the correct forms even if he doesnt speak english 50 baht for return trip Thailand immigration pay fine Malaysia immigration do papers back to Thai immigration.& either wait for cheap bus back to Hat Yai or have motorcycle taxi take you to minibus in town (no extra charge for me) Much faster & no indetirminate wait. Cathay guest house is a good Backpackers Center & reasonable, very nice people. Interesting trip, poor but many nice people. good luck & Chineese New Year it will be very crowded. Sooner you do it the better

    Tongdee Been there done that :o

  11. Good traditional Thai Massage

    Wat Po....Temple of the Reclining Buddah. Traditional thai massage school. Always top notch. Went in years ago pained & full of energy blockages. An hour later all the pains & energy blockages were gone. Felt 19 again. Been back every time I have been in the country since.(20 yrs) Never disapointed. Please wear respectful clothing. It is not a brothel. An hour was under 300 baht march 2003. Beutiful & powerful temple as a bonus.

    enjoy Tongdee

  12. I work in camps in Northern canada. A lot of men up there are sending exwives big$$$ every month. A lot of them now know they married prostitutes. None knew that when thy married em. They know it now & pay a lot more than it costs to support a Thai girl. A lot of the guys up there dont have a clue what their wives are doin while they are working 7 days a week in the frozen north. Among the Thai girls there is variety. They are all different. The same is true in Folungland. Tell me please what % of folung wives of Big $$$ folungin folungland would stick around if the money stopped comin in?????If doin the horizontal 2 step for $$$$defines Prostitute. The main difference is the selling process that gets them there.& when they collect the $$$$& how much....Summary there are all kinds of girls in Thai...There are all kinds of girls in folungland. ...Generaslizations are for statisticians


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