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Posts posted by denissr

  1. This is the proof that the economic crisis in Thailand is finally over - they don't need anyone to invest here anymore.

    It is just a consequent move after scaring 40% of their tourists away, and anyone should already have expected it.

    Let the countries around inhale the 'brain drain' from the Western countries, and who knows if Singapore, sucking up the major share of the world's intelligence in the region, is really as wealthy as these alien analysts say? Ha ha! China? Come on, we are already trading rice with them! Malaysia? We are different! We are 'self sufficient' enough to go our very own way and whoever is stupid enough wanting to work here shall be punished.

    I think you were implying that China might get the business that Thailand was giving up. My Brother-in-Law has been living or based in Thailand for 14 years. His company sent him to China to work, he was there for 2 years then his Company said they couldn't keep him there, the Government was being hard noised about his work permit. he worked between Thailand and Vietnam for a couple of years, and now it is Thailand/Indonesia. So I assumed from his experience that the Chinese where not being that kind to American workers, although his job enabled more work for more Chinese.

  2. So and what is a real American Breakfast then? What does it contains ? In my place I serve what I call an continental breakfast containing fried or scrambled eggs,real bacon,sausages,toast

    butter,marmalade,and fresh coffee some cheese if available and orange juice.

    Would that satisfy you ?

    I'm an American, sounds right to me. Of course there are many variations, pancakes, waffles, omelets, toast etc. Yours is close enough.

  3. Hi,

    I stay in Phuket now and want to do a visa-run to Malaysia when I finished I must meet some friends to Satun. I want to go by bus from Phuket. Is there any immigration office border near Satun or it's better to go to Hatyai? What is the name of the place where there is a immigration office please?

    Thanks in advance !

    How is the safety down south. I haven't been down south since "Muslim problems".


    You'll have a lot more success asking your question in lower case.

    Some folks just don't know that typing uppercase is SHOUTING. Why don't we just tell the poster that rather than be snippy about it.

  5. Swine flu pandemic now 'unstoppable': WHO official

    The swine flu pandemic has grown "unstoppable" and all nations will need access to vaccines, a WHO official has said, as 12 new deaths were reported and a study raised fresh concerns.

    Britain, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, the Philippines and Thailand all reported deaths on Monday, while Saudi Arabia shut an international school after 20 students were diagnosed with the A(H1N1) virus.

    As the death toll increased, the World Health Organisation official said a swine flu vaccine should be available as early as September and all countries would need to be able to protect themselves.

    A group of vaccination experts concluded after a recent meeting that "the H1N1 pandemic is unstoppable and therefore all countries would need to have access to vaccines," said Marie-Paul Kieny, WHO director on vaccine research.

    Health workers should be at the top of the list for vaccination since they will be in high demand as people continue to fall sick, she added.

    Countries would be free to decide on their national priorities, but other groups should include pregnant women and anyone over six months old who has chronic health problems, the WHO official said.

    Particular attention would have to be paid to children since they are considered "amplifiers" of the spread of the virus, especially when gathered in schools, Kieny added.

    More than 90,000 swine flu cases have been reported worldwide, including 429 deaths, the most recent WHO numbers from last week show.

    While most cases have been considered mild, a study released on Monday said the virus causes more lung damage than ordinary seasonal flu strains but still responds to antiviral drugs.

    Virologists tested samples of the virus taken from patients in the United States as well as several seasonal flu viruses on mice, ferrets, macaque monkeys and specially-bred miniature pigs.

    They found that A(H1N1) caused more severe lung lesions among mice, ferrets and macaques than the seasonal flu viruses.

    But it did not cause any symptoms among the mini-pigs, which could explain why there has been no evidence that pigs in Mexico fell sick with the disease before the outbreak began among humans.

    The team also found that the virus was highly sensitive to two approved and two experimental antiviral drugs, including Tamiflu, now being hurriedly stockpiled around the world.

    This confirms the drugs' role as a "first line of defence" against the flu pandemic, they said.

    The worry about the present strain of A(H1N1) is that it could pick up genes from other flu strains that would enable it to be both highly virulent and contagious, and these warnings are spelt out in the new study.

    "Sustained person-to-person transmission might result in the emergence of more pathogenic variants, as observed in the 1918 pandemic virus," it says.

    Another concern is that the virus could acquire mutations enabling it to be resistant to Tamiflu.

    "Collectively, our findings are a reminder that (strains of swine flu) have not yet garnered a place in history, but may still do so."

    Most of the deaths reported on Monday were in Asia, with Thailand reporting three fatalities and the Philippines two.

    Thailand's death toll has now reached 21, while the Philippines has three deaths.

    Authorities in Britain announced the deaths of a six-year-old girl and a doctor who had contracted swine flu, bringing the number of fatalities there linked to the virus to 17.

    Brazil on Monday reported the death of a nine-year-old boy, taking the number of fatalities in the country to three. A young woman died in Colombia and three new deaths were reported in Mexico, taking the toll to 124.

    In Europe, Italy's health ministry reported 38 new cases over the course of the last four days, taking its total well over the 200 mark.

    The school closure in Riyadh came with officials there especially concerned over swine flu with upwards of two million people expected over the next five months on pilgrimages to the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

    -- AFP 2009-07-14

    There have been 90,000 cases with 428 deaths Worldwide? I think I read early on that the USA in a normal flu season has 36,000 deaths per. year. I am trying to figure out why all the excitement and worry of this story? Will someone with more medical smarts than me expain.

  6. The best price quotes I'm getting for travel to Bangkok from the U.S. are on airlines like United and Northwest. I didn't enjoy Northwest to Bangkok as the entertainment options were more like you'd see in the 1980s, i.e. no AVOD or even video display at each seat, just a movie screen at the front of the compartment. Horrible, in this day and age, I think. But how about United, do they have AVOD (personal video in the seatback in front of you where you can watch your own channels, movies and shows on demand and a pause/play button) on their Boeing 777 to Tokyo and from there 747 to Bangkok? Anyone know? Talking about economy class.

    How's the service on United in general?

    Don't know about to Bangkok, but in the States I have had trouble with United. Saw they were last in customer satisfaction. I was checking prices and saw Korean Air had low prices from states to bkk.

  7. I am an Alcohlic and have been sober some years. I have experience of my own and being around thousands of other Alcoholics. I don't think I can drink again and not have the same trouble I used to have when I drank. I don't need or want to drink, it won't make anything any better and probably make things a whole lot worst. I can do anything I want to do in this world and not drink. Most the time no one else even notices I'm not drinking, they are too busy with their own lives. If you are or think you are an Alcoholic, it is easy enough to test the theory, go drink. I am happy just not drinking. I hope everyone doesn't stop drinking, we need the bars to pick up the ladies, each to their own.

  8. Why is this 12th page story (if it even deserves that) so significant ?

    Just because it involved Italians ?

    Sheesh ... are we THAT bored ?

    This subject has 4 pages, and I read and replied to you. I guess we are that bored.

    This story will help get the sagging tourist business back on track now that everyone knows the police have cleaned up Thailand. :D That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

  9. My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

    She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

    Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

    Thanks for the story. But to solve your problem, head stright to a lawyer.

  10. I got sober going to AA, and have stayed sober 35 years. I have been in all kinds of situations, working and not working. I stay sober, easily, now. If you are drinking now, or have only had short periods of sobriety, it may seem impossible, or at least very hard. For the first 8 years I went to lots of meetings, and stayed away from drinking. Now, I go where I want and do what I want, I just don't drink. I can sit in a nite club, talk, laugh, joke, dance I do it all I just don't drink. Is the best thing that has happened for me. My life has been so full. All you friends that have trouble with your lives because of drinking, keep trying. There is a much better life on the other side. If today I knew I could drink successfully, I wouldn't. What would be the point? All of you that can drink with no trouble, more power to you, by all means don't let my faults keep you from enjoying life as you live it.

  11. In last 3 years I have been to Bahamas and both coast of Mexico in last year. Bahamas are so expensive, and Mexico is getting on par with States with prices. We as usual were looking for several items we thought we could save some money. We checked the prices in the States and Mexicos prices were close to same or more. Not many bargains. I know that wasn't your question, but was in the neighborhood. Maybe will help some.

  12. I don’t know why some folks think this announcement is strange. Seems like it is great that there is interest in the environment in Thailand. I have been to the coast in Rayon. God knows they need some concern. This is like articles that appear every day around the U.S., I guess the UK and OZ have all their recycling problems in check. I say great for you.

  13. I had Thai friends visit my home in Ohio. My son was there with his very young baby, the Thai ladies could couldn't get enough holding him. The men just smiled and watched them. Seems like an International thing to me, females love babies. I wouldn't touch anyones kid, anywhere. But then, I just don't especally like kids (babys). This seems like a big ta-doo, over nothing, but there a lots of folks just waiting to get mad about something.

  14. im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

    is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

    I have Hotmail, quite a few years now. I would have recomended then untill Feb. Since I have been hacked twice. First time they sent spam from my hotmail address, posing as though it was me that sent it, second time they did it they cleaned out all my email addresses. Plus they won't answer my emails, they are ignoring me.

  15. great so now we swap yellow terrorists for red terrorists ?

    Indeed, and it will be interesting to see if those posters calling for PADs blood will continue with their hard line towards the Red...as they all clame to not the pro-PPP.

    (Besides what, 2 users that are madly in-love with Thaksin. Even thought he...ehh...has nothing to do with PPP...or so they say...it all gets very confusing when they try to justify their irrational postings. :o )

    From my view it dosen't matter who loves who, everyone is wrong in this mess. A government that has no clue what to do to be a Goverment. Protesters, not really they are terrorist. Thailand is not anywhere I want to be anytime soon, I know no one will miss me. Seems like a good time for the Muslims to do some damage somewhere.

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