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Posts posted by NancyL

  1. Thanks, Litlos.

    What if the home branch of your bank is in Chiang Mai? I just figured you'd bring a bank letter from there, which would be a day or two old. Is that not acceptable at Chaeng Wattana?

    Seems like you've gone thru this process several times. Personally, now that I have a retirement extension, I don't have any intention of letting it run out, but I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world if it does and I had to start over again with a visa-exempt entry would it?

  2. I just tried to vote for Jingthing and it did not register. I tried again with the same result. He is on the way to a grand comeback, but votes for him are not registering. ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HCxvlbix7X

    It has to be the Burmese TVF members, Ive passed the info onto CSI, in the meantime lets invent as many theories as possible....................any Burmese heritage in Nancy?

    I can't claim any Burmese heritage, but up here in the Lanna region several of the community service groups I'm involved with have helped the causes of displaced Burmese people. Hmm, just wondering ..........

    You know all this "charity work" you guys are slamming can pay off sometimes

  3. And the problem with having a Lanna leader is .....?

    She is a social worker in disguise.

    AND after a few bevvies, a nasty person.

    I'll not concede this point.

    Nahhhhhhhhhhhh everyone has their bad times and overall I severely doubt this is her general demeanour.

    Thank you kannot for voicing your confidence. I believe my overall record speaks for itself. Perhaps they're just having fun with "nasty Nancy" because they can't come up with anything more clever to knock me down. Thank god Mr. Bitey is a house cat and we've paid off all his victims.

  4. I think the problem is that the ability to do conversions was yanked from Chiang Mai effective December 1st and the office probably got little or no warning.

    I think part of the reason the agencies may charge more for British conversions is because of the need to provide documentation of income to the British consulate vs. the lower standards of documentary evidence required by the U.S. Consulate for an income letter.

    All this is just speculation on my part.

  5. Well, I've been mulling this over. (sorry, drinking mulled wine with a friend) what's the policy or etiquette about going into one of the Grand Important Forums on this board and doing a little campaigning for a Very Worthy Person? I'm thinking specifically about barging onto the Visa forum and letting those learned visa gurus know one of their own is in the running for POTY and deserves their consideration for their vote.

    I'm thinking of course, of Jingthing, who deserve the support of all those in awe of his visa knowledge.

    (if they just happen to see my name on the list too, oh well!)

  6. Unfortunately, the warm bed and cold air were a bit too much for him, so he didn't make it, not that I blame him at all. I'm quite bemused that when our friend went to the agent, and it would have been the last day of November or the first day or so of December, he was just told they weren't doing them anymore and not mentioning that they've changed the rules and you have to go to Bangkok now. I know he wasn't a paying customer and as he didn't get up early no harm done, but still, would it have hurt?

    Still waiting for confirmation of anyone who has tried doing it themselves this month though as this really will affect a lot of people, as well as non-o visa info for nearby countries.

    Your friend probably invested his time wisely this morning in sleeping in.

    I'm not surprised the agent said "no can do" when asked about doing a two-step conversion in Chiang Mai on the last day of November or early December. Of course they didn't explain why, because that wasn't the question asked. You're friend hasn't learned yet the fine art of "asking just the right question". Konini, you've been here long enough that surely you know Thai people usually answer just the question asked and don't volunteer any additional information or explanation.

    Perhaps if your friend has said "I thought this could be done in Chiang Mai. Has anything changed recently?" There would have been more info offered. Or maybe not.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi

    went to immigration today,I was told to put 800,000 bhats into my account which i did do a month ago

    Today i was told that from december 1st you had to go to Bankok or go to another country to change to retirement visa then go to Chaingmai immigration

    I really wanted it to get my car licence for 5 years

    I will only be here for another 3 months but want to be legal in my car

    By all acounts tourist numbers are down and with all this chopping and changing, i have spoken to many farangs who are getting a little frustrated with all the extra time consuming and costs i.e trips to bankok or over the border. other destinations are looking a lot more appealing

    I like Chaingmai, if there were more notice in changing rules then you can plan more

    I have no problem with putting the money in the bank but now the extra costs Flight and hotels etc...make it very frustrating

    Good luck to all wanting to do the same

    Thank you pmf113b for the post. Sorry you had to be the one to discover the changes. Yes, it would have been good if they'd given some notice.

    Actually, very few offices in Thailand have been able to do the so-called "Two-step" process to convert visa-exempt or tourist visa status into a retirement visa. After the coup that number has been declining and Chiang Mai had been the last. It was just a matter of time until that changed.

    You may want to look at the cost of going to a neighboring country to obtain a visa vs. two trips to Bangkok. Very few neighboring countries grant a 90-day O visa the same day, so you're looking at an overnight stay anyway. Bangkok is lovely this time of year. Just something to think about. Pop over to the Visa forum and have a chat with the gurus there http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/

  8. Some have said they don't know me. Probably because I don't spend my time hanging out at the ThaiVisa Farang Pub. Don't need to when Chiang Mai is full of such great real pubs and wine bars. Let me introduce myself.

    When I am on ThaiVisa it's at the Chiang Mai, Health and Visa and sometimes the General Forums. I'm honored that Jingthing would nominate me for TVPOTY to fill what will probably his customary slot as No. 2 spot (I'm resisting the urge to do a high heel joke here, you know, something about big shoes to fill)

    You've already see photos of Hubby -- he's the goofball with the plate of food a few pages back. Maybe his dementia will clear enough that he can remember his Thai Visa password and be able to vote for me before the contest is over.

    Hubby and I spend our time trying to make Chiang Mai and northern Thailand a better place to live -- whether or not anyone really wants that! A few years ago we adopted a little kitten out of the soi. He was so cute, but ravished with ear mites. We nursed him back to full health and treated him with the care and kindness we show to everyone we know. That's why he's earned the nickname Mr. Bitey from our friends when they take care of him when we go out-of-town.

    So Nancy how many times has your demented hubby returned home covered in LB juice?

    No wonder you're sucking on a bottle.

    CM was a fine place before you got there.

    That is a really nasty comment ATF.

    Thanks, guys. I very nearly hit the "report" button once a friend explained what "LB juice" is. I really shouldn't be posting now, since I've had a glass of wine. The friend's husband and mine are down on Loi Kroh Rd. having a boys night out. Should I be concerned? They promised they'd move onto Santhitam by 8 pm. Much closer to home, after all.

    I need to get my friend signed up for Thai Visa and explain the voting process.

  9. No babies or kitties were harmed in producing this message:

    THIS YEAR is your [/size]last chance to do the right thing.[/size]

    JT playing the puppy game now. So cute laugh.png

    Yes, but is he pimping out his own dog? Oops, that kind of language got me in trouble a few days ago.

    Let me edit this to say "is he representing someone else's animal as his own for the world to admire?"

    • Like 1
  10. Some have said they don't know me. Probably because I don't spend my time hanging out at the ThaiVisa Farang Pub. Don't need to when Chiang Mai is full of such great real pubs and wine bars. Let me introduce myself.

    When I am on ThaiVisa it's at the Chiang Mai, Health and Visa and sometimes the General Forums. I'm honored that Jingthing would nominate me for TVPOTY to fill what will probably his customary slot as No. 2 spot (I'm resisting the urge to do a high heel joke here, you know, something about big shoes to fill)

    You've already see photos of Hubby -- he's the goofball with the plate of food a few pages back. Maybe his dementia will clear enough that he can remember his Thai Visa password and be able to vote for me before the contest is over.

    Hubby and I spend our time trying to make Chiang Mai and northern Thailand a better place to live -- whether or not anyone really wants that! A few years ago we adopted a little kitten out of the soi. He was so cute, but ravished with ear mites. We nursed him back to full health and treated him with the care and kindness we show to everyone we know. That's why he's earned the nickname Mr. Bitey from our friends when they take care of him when we go out-of-town.


    • Like 2
  11. Are there women on the list?

    And why Costas is so popular?

    You really can't tell from NancyL's avatar?

    I am still new here, and since this forum is run by male posters, how can I be sure who is who?

    Sometimes men have female avatars...

    Hello. I'm neverdie & I neverdie if you get my drift.

    Nancy is definitely an old Sheila. I've seen her video.

    David is also a bit of a Sheila !

    Me, I'm all man wink.png

    I like ur avatar, is that really you?

    Do you have any nude shots to share?



    Slick, really slick Neverdie. Great way to secure a lady's vote. If my vote were available, what would you be saying "I like making it with an older woman"? Yeah, that line always makes a woman feel special, too.

  12. Gentlemen, in the spirit of Christmas, let's forgive past sins and let Nancy be welcome in the thread and post unhindered.

    We all know what went down.

    But let's move forward.

    With the recent retirements, it's (currently) a race between Khun Costas from the middle and Nancy from the North for the lead.

    Jingthing and I will battle it out for the last Podium spot.

    That said ... I haven't given up hope of challenging for the top position.

    BTW ... it's 2 days before Christmas .. it's just a bit of a lark, some holiday fun.

    I've just cracked my 3rd beer ... and guaranteed I won't be cooking sausages tonight ... facepalm.gif


    I think he's just trying to lure me into opening a bottle of wine. Nope, not going to do that again. No campaigning under the influence.

  13. Jingthing, welcome back. It's good to have you return to raise the standard of discussion in this contest.

    For starters, since it appears you've been involved in POTY contest for years, could you share the list of previous winners and the rich prizes and privileges they've enjoyed?

    Also, could I borrow any of your bridesmaid's dresses?

    • Like 1
  14. Are there women on the list?

    And why Costas is so popular?

    You really can't tell from NancyL's avatar?

    Now THAT is unkind! Here I go an expose myself to everyone on Thai Visa. I should have known this would happen. Well, maybe the word 'expose' is a poor choice, but still. No one said this was a beauty contest. or is it? Oh that's right, I forgot about that photo of Costas in the dress. That was early in the contest. I don't have any dresses that fluffy.

    Uptheos, something tells me that's not really you in your avatar -- at least not in a recent decade.

  15. I need to differentiate myself from the other front runners by making some campaign promises that I can actually keep to secure YOUR vote and make your life better. These are big issues within my power to fix and I'll reveal more promises in the days ahead.

    For starters, if you vote for NancyL, I promise to reserve a table for you at the CM Expats Coffee Morning, so that when Dave finally decides to open the north side of River Market restaurant to the crowd, you can go straight to the breakfast buffet line to load-up knowing your favorite table will be waiting for you.

    Just like this happy Thai Visa diner, whose vote I have yet to secure:

    Nancy, I was thinking of posting a video of myself, my grandchildren, being lovey dovey with the wife and lots and lots of furry mammals, surrounding us.

    But I hesitate, as I'm afraid you will be horrible to me as you have been to David.

    Can you control yourself this time Nancy?

    Or it's a lost cause.........................

    Whatever you want to do with small animals is just fine. But leave the children out of it.

  16. I need to differentiate myself from the other front runners by making some campaign promises that I can actually keep to secure YOUR vote and make your life better. These are big issues within my power to fix and I'll reveal more promises in the days ahead.

    For starters, if you vote for NancyL, I promise to reserve a table for you at the CM Expats Coffee Morning, so that when Dave finally decides to open the north side of River Market restaurant to the crowd, you can go straight to the breakfast buffet line to load-up knowing your favorite table will be waiting for you.

    Just like this happy Thai Visa diner, whose vote I have yet to secure:

    You sure do look like a man Nancy. I'm voting for David.

    Bad Costas. No submission.

    I've upped the ante -- finally figured out how to submit an avatar. AND I'm brave enough to use a photo of moi! See the nametag prove it.

    The goofy guy with the plate of food is a voter who took advantage of my campaign promise and then mumbled something about forgetting his Thai Visa password.

  17. I need to differentiate myself from the other front runners by making some campaign promises that I can actually keep to secure YOUR vote and make your life better. These are big issues within my power to fix and I'll reveal more promises in the days ahead.

    For starters, if you vote for NancyL, I promise to reserve a table for you at the CM Expats Coffee Morning, so that when Dave finally decides to open the north side of River Market restaurant to the crowd, you can go straight to the breakfast buffet line to load-up knowing your favorite table will be waiting for you.

    Just like this happy Thai Visa diner, whose vote I have yet to secure:


  18. in america, people might carry a bracelet with


    maybe have that in THAI ?

    not trolling ... maybe have it tatooted on your chest in thai ?

    so the Thai hospital knows that they will not make much money out of you and save your wife your life savings ?

    I really doubt that the hospitals in Thailand would honor something like this. They'd want to know the wishes of your family.

    A Living Will or Advance Directive is not as simple as a statement that just says "Do Not Resuscitate" There are situations where it makes perfect sense to resuscitate, when it's obvious that the condition is 100% reversible. In a Living Will or Advance Directive, you spell out the conditions under which you do not want your life prolonged by artificial means.

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