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Posts posted by boarbaboon

  1. hi tombkk

    A one year visa entitles you to work and carry out all kinds of business related activites. I believe the 3, 6 and 9 month visas dont have the working entitlement but only the business entitlement.

    I don't understand the difference between "work" and "business related activities". Kindly explain.

    As i understand it "business" means meeting potential clients, looking to buying a business etc. and "work" means you are able to work full time and receive a salary or work for your own business.

    I do know that you will be able to do what you explained as i have several friends who run businesses work etc on the one year visa. Also there are no other real visas available only the tourist and business, that or you make a $50,000 donation to the king for Khmer citizenship!!

  2. hi tombkk

    A one year visa entitles you to work and carry out all kinds of business related activites. I believe the 3, 6 and 9 month visas dont have the working entitlement but only the business entitlement.

    So it looks your all covered.........

  3. "English speaking westerner almost guarantees my entry into Australia"

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but no it doesn't.

    No bubble been burst here mate, 'guarantees' was a strong word to use, and i know that getting into Australia is no walk in the park, but it seems to me that working holiday visas are handed out to Brits and on the points system i could emigrate on being born and bred in the UK with English as my first language alone . What i should have said was more doors are open to me as a westerner than if i was from a different background.

  4. Hi All

    Not sure if this ha been covered before so forgive me if i haven't looked hard enough.

    I am looking in emigrating to Australian. I have a British passport and my girlfriend has a thai passport, I know being a native English speaking westerner almost guarantees my entry into Australia but i know that is a different story for my girlfriend. If i was to get initially a working holiday visa for one year how easy would it be for my gf to get one? also if we were to marrry would this help or give her the chance to apply along side my application? also if we did'nt go down this route and i got sponsored with a company in Australia who would sort out a entry business visa would my gf nationality be a problem or again if we were married would that help?

    I hope it is clear what i am trying to achieve which is basically the easiest and efficient way of overcoming a mountain of bureaucracy.

    Thanks in advance

  5. Hi All

    Thanks to 7by7 for such detailed information there. Does anyone one know where i can get a sample sponser letter from? I have written a letter before for a visit visa but i'm not sure whether to edit and reuse that? Is there any thing i should include in the letter? I know letters like this are personal so, just a outline of what i should include would be great.

    Thanks Again

  6. Hi All

    Me and my GF are in the process of looking to obtain (for her) a settlement in the UK. The question is, what is the easiest route to take? I hear many people who take the Thai option and fly out get married, do the paperwork all within a few weeks, but what i don't hear alot of is applying for a fiancé visa to marry in the UK. Is there a reason for this?

    We are both looking for the easiest way to get round this mountain of bureaucracy and jumping through hoops process so your help and advice on this is appreciated and much needed.

    Also my GF is currently in the UK on a visit visa.

    Also will the ECO accept pictures on a CD/DVD?


  7. Hi all

    This is a quick question. My GF is going to put in an application tomorrow to visit the uk on the 28th of this month. She has applied to visit for one month obviously the time of the application is close to the time of planned travel. If there is a delay in the application and the visa is not given until after the planned travel date what date will they put on the visa? Also if the visa is granted will there be a problem in her wanting to stay longer?

    Thanks for your help and advice

  8. Hi Kanush

    I have posted this on a similer topic and it should help you too

    What the forum says is pretty accurate, you basically have to give every bit of information you can think of, basically your whole life.

    One thing i would say is that if you have alot of information, place it all in a folder and have clear sections and index of the information. This will make it easier for the ECO to refer to the info find easily. The ECO's only have limited time for each application.

    This was a valuble lesson i have learnt as recently i helped my GF apply with alot of information but no folder and indexing, which resulted in the ECO missing important bank documents which lead to a refusal.

    Hope this helps

  9. Hello Annnick

    What the forum says is pretty accurate, you basically have to give every bit of information you can think of, basically your whole life.

    One thing i would say is that if you have alot of information, place it all in a folder and have clear sections and index of the information. This will make it easier for the ECO to refer to the info find easily. The ECO's only have limited time for each application.

    This was a valuble lesson i have learnt as recently i helped my GF apply with alot of information but no folder and indexing, which resulted in the ECO missing important bank documents which lead to a refusal.

    Hope this helps

  10. Quote "38,000 visas for spouses were granted and a further 21,000 people were granted indefinite leave to remain."

    Compare that to the hundreds of thousands of East European economic migrants who have found a home in the UK with hardly any language skills and will not be subjected to such a language test.

    Picking an easy target without addressing the real issues imho.

    How true.

    Are not the migrants from East Europe members of the EU? and entitled to move and work in fellow EU countries.

    As in the online Guardian today, "who is going to pick all our fruit and vegetables?", certainly not the great unwashed & workshy currently on state handouts in the UK.

    You miss the point, as indeed I think the Home Office has with this latest scheme. If the percieved problem with immigration is that immigrants can't speak English well enough, targeting new exams at a small segment of that population and ignoring the English skills of the majoirty (Esatern EU workers), doesn't quite solve the problem.

    I agree, the point has been missed. It seems very odd that the test does not apply to the EU states who go to the UK  with no english. So its ok to live in UK and not speak english if your from Poland but if your from Thailand then take a test please. 

    Although i do think this test is there to stop the countless arranged marriages or false marriages just to obtain citizenship, and like normal its a minority which spoil it for the majority.

    By the way to the topic starter, KKvampire, Who are you to judge who comes and goes in to our country? "Too many men picking up a foreign female , usually in asia , with none or very little English" what sort of comment is this? Do you have the figures? or was that a blatant of the hook comment? What would be wrong in "picking up" a foreign female? At the end if the day the uk is as much my country as it is (maybe) yours  I thought this world was free or maybe only free to do what im told! Fascist !

  11. It should read: "Thai bar girl on drugs abandons her 8 month child while being incarcerated, a 60 year old Australian while on Holiday, whom she hardly knew, had the compassion to return the child to Thai Authorities via the local hospital"

    Should'nt that then be:

    "Thai bar girl on drugs abandons her 8 month child while being incarcerated, a 60 year old Australian while on a sex tour, whom she hardly knew, had the compassion to return the child to Thai Authorities via the local hospital"

  12. Hi Every one 

    I have gained alot of info from this site and VFS but have a questions which dont seem to be answered

    I will be sponsoring my girlfriend to come visit the UK for one month.

    She has completed the application online. Does this mean a appointment has to be booked online also or can she go and 'walk in' to VFS?

    We together have a long relationship and alot of evidence to back this up which covers most of the critria. The only downfall is that my GF does not have a job etc and has no reason to return to thailand as they say. The only reason we can give is that we do not want to jeopardize our future stay or applications for permanent settlement etc. Would this be sufficient? or will this not matter?

    We have also been told that if the vistor visa is refused it would then be alot harder to reapply. Would it be easier if we were to marry or become engaged? Would getting married after a visitor refusal, and then re applying for a different visa be accepted?

    Thanks for the help


    Yesterday, four more countries - Israel, Switzerland, the UK and Brazil - raised their advisories against travel to Thailand to the highest level, making 16 nations to do so.

    I'm confused! on the UK embassy website it changed to, on the 19th May not 21st

    19 May 2010

    We advise against all travel to the city of Bangkok.

    The Foreign Office is now advising against all travel to the city of Bangkok in view of the highly uncertain security situation and the currently unpredictable violence across the Thai capital. We judge that the risk to the safety of British nationals has increased and have amended our travel advice accordingly.

    There have been violent incidents in a number of locations across Bangkok today. A curfew has been imposed in Bangkok and in 23 other provinces. British nationals already in Bangkok should stay indoors and monitor FCO Travel Advice and the media. The advice against all travel to Bangkok does not apply to travellers transiting the airport en route to other destinations, either internationally or within Thailand.

    We have also decided to advise against all but essential travel to Chiang Mai due to the worsening security situation there.

    on the 19th, dont see anything

    There doesnt seem to be anything against travel to the whole of thailand?

  14. Hi Everyone 

    I dont mean to promote the use of touts nor have i said you need to use them, i just wanted to give my guide to crossing the border and getting a thai visa. I have read a few posts in the past of people wanting advice on the border crossing and obtaining a thai visa, but have actually read few posts giving much updated detail. The reason i have to mention my tuk-tuk driver is of course because he is in the business of tourism and sight seeing and like any good business i feel he deserves a mention. I have used him for many years not only for tourist purposes but also business purposes and it was only last year due to the change in the 30 day visa free entry that i was forced to get a visa, thus him contacting the agent.  You can after all go to the embassy yourself no problem but i found it a great ease after traveling most the day from siem reap just to give my passport in the evening and chill out the next day instead of having to waste time on the embassy.

    This is what i have experienced and want to inform others of, please dont shoot me! :)

    thailife 69: admittedly your way is easier but out of interest how much would that cost from BKK? 

  15. Hi Everyone

    I have used this forum often to get advice on different topics and found it a great help and i just thought id give something back in form of a short guide to getting a visa from the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh. This is the only place i have ever obtained a visa and have found it very stress free and relaxed.

    First you will have to get to Phnom Penh, there are two routes possible to take from Thailand one being through the south which i only have traveled from Phnom Penh to Bangkok and found although it is more scenic it is much more expensive and not much quicker due to the hills etc, but it may be different from BKK.

    The second route is the more used Aran-Poipet crossing. This border crossing has vastly improved over the last few years due to completion of the roads and the free shuttle bus which takes you to the only bus station in town. Buses from BKK Mo Chit  Station start at 3:30am (private only) public start at 6:30am and take between three to four hours to the border. I woukld sugest taking the private buses as although more expensive they are quicker and take you direct to the border. If you take a public bus it will drop you well before the border and you will have to continbue with a tuk-tuk (80baht). Please be aware that thase tuk tuks will take you to a travel agency before the border, where well spoken cambodians will try everything to sell you a khmer visa for double the price, i suggest to stay in the tuk tuk and telll the driver to take you to the border. WARNING! Do not let a tout get in tuk-tuk with you. The tuk tuk should then take you to a second travel agency just before the border in which case ignore the touts again and contiune to the border walking. 

    Get through thai immigration and continue over the small bridge ignore more touts again trying to sell more visas and arrive at the Cambodian immigration post, here you will be able to purchase your visa tourist $20 and business $25. Immigration here may ask for 100baht extra for a 'processing' fee, and its up to you to pay it or not. Collect your passport, cross the road and carry on past the casinos to the Cambodia border. You may be met and helped with luggage by workers from the capitol tours or soyra bus companies from the cambodian side, distinguished by yellow or blue shirt smart shoes and trousers and a id badge, these are the good guys and will guide you to the free shuttle bus and the bus station where you can get a bus or share taxi to Phnom Penh also, siem reap, battambang etc. Again ignore the taxi touts as they will tell everything to get you in their over priced taxi. Buses to Phnom Penh cost around $22 and Siem Reap $12, like stated before roads have varstly improved and to siem reap takes 3-4 hours and phnom penh 6-7 hours.

    Once in phnom penh i would advise you call this guy a ring his name is Sita and he is phnom penh born and bred and unlike some tuk-tuk drivers obliviously knows the place very well. He is very honest and also has alot of contacts and will sort almost anything for you weather you want to spend a little or alot its up to you. Also unlike alot of tuk-tuk drivers he will always try and get you the best deal on  almost everything. You can contact him on +855 (0)92397765. Once you have found a hotel with him ($10-$150 per night) tell him you need to get a thai visa in which case he will organize a agent to come and collect your passport, two passport photos (if you havent got these Sita will take you to have them done $2) give you a form to fill in and relive you of around $15-$20 for the service plus the visa fee which i think is currently still free. This service usually will take to the next day usually late afternoon in which time you may ask Sita to take you round the sights or just relax. The next day if you like Sita will collect your passport with your visa from the agent`and if you want will buy tickets back to bangkok $12-$25 for the next morning. Pay Sita ($10-$30 up to you) stay the last night and take the bus in the morning for Bangkok or you could make more of a holiday out of it.

    So in summary:

    Trip Length: 3-5 days 

    Total Avg Cost: 4500-5000 Baht 

    Difficulty Rating: 4/10

    Hope this of help to anyone


  16. Hi everybody, I want to call a Cambobian mobile from a Thai mobile. I have looked at AIS 005 system and they charge 30B/min which is'nt really that cheap. Does anybody know the cheapest way of calling? I also might be able to use a landline if its the cheapest option.


  17. The best is T-mobile and its a straight 3p per minute (unlike some numbers which are 1p-3p per minute PLUS standard network rate 15p-20p per minute) to thai mobiles and landlines on contract and pay as you phones. the number is 07755220919

    On contract i find the best is Three as they do a 15GBP a month, unlimited (3000 minutes) international saver add on which includes thai mobiles and landlines along with various other countries. Which works out at 0.005p per minute

  18. Hello All.

    My wife has a pay as you go phone in the uk and we are looking for the cheapest way to phone thailand by this means. My friend says that this is an expensive way but we dont have a home phone at present as we are in the middle of moving house. Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Slippery

    The cheapest option is T-mobile call their number 07755220919 and it costs a straight 3p per minute, unlike some 0844 or 0800 numbers who say 1p per minute but really cost 1p PLUS standard network rates (15p-20p per minute)

    Also Three mobile on contract (i'm not sure for pay as you go) do unlimited international calling including thai mobile and landlines (unlimited meaning 3000 minutes) for 15pounds a month

  19. No no, I am not asking what these two specifically do, I am asking generally what do washed up farangs do in Thailand,

    Tattoos! Beer!

    I think more importantly is where these "farangs" have washed up from.

    Did they have some sort of raft near by?

    Did either one of them have a patch over one eye or a wooden leg?

    What sort of beer were they drinking?


  20. Are you sure using a agent is always cheaper? Do you always use eva air?

    Returns from LHR-BKK with Etihad through the year average 350-450pounds through their website.

    Also yesterday i booked a one-way to LHR from BKK with jet airways for 13,000 baht.

    Which brings me to anther question. From BKK why is it more expensive to book a return flight than its to book a one-way? and from LHR why is it more expensive to book a one-way than it is to book a return.

    for example:


    one way = 450GBP

    Return= 450GBP


    one way = 13000baht (260GBP)

    Return= 40000 baht (800GBP)

    Surly both LHR to BKK and BKK to LHR should be the same?

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