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Posts posted by Baannok

  1. kriswillems: Thanks! I will make the corrections and add you to the thanks list :) ฮ will be added to the re-record list.

    jamiesensei: Yes, they are in order, starting from top left and going right.

    T_Dog: Alright, I'll try to add a male voice before going to version 1. Unfortunately I can't think of any male Thai friends with a good voice right now...

    ozsamurai: Yes, my plan is to start the Vowel Soundboard once the Consonant Soundboard is completely ready. That is actually the main reason I started this project because I'm having much more trouble with the vowels than the consonants :D

  2. Thai Alphabet Soundboard v0.9

    Ok, the consonants are now in a presentable state (v0.9). Click the link above to see it. I'm hoping the more experienced members here can have a look through it and see if there are any mistakes somewhere. After a few fixes it can be ready to become v1.0!

    Known issues:

    - Some of the audio has background noise (thank you, noisy neighbors). Will re-record later.

    - ฑ is only pronounced as "to mon-to" but I've been told it should be "to nang mon-to". Will re-record later.

    - Mouse cursor is incorrect on Help and About pages. This is because of my limited knowledge of Flash. If a Flash expert is reading this, please send me a pm.

    - Links in About page are a bit broken. Will be fixed.

    Enjoy :)

    Edit: Is it not possible to edit the first post?

  3. eric67: Yup, that is exactly what I'm going to do, although my version will be a bit more detailed, as I've written in the first post. Thanks for the link, haven't seen that before!



    Please note that the screenshot has been resized, so the text isn't really that small.

    Progress has been very slow because of a few problems. My copy of Flash was terribly broken and I had some health issues to take care of. I've also got a lot of work to do suddenly, which is typical just when I want to work on this instead.

    Things done:

    - First 10 consonants working 100% with sound.

    - Sexy female voice for all consonants. Some consonants needs to be re-recorded because of background noise. Other than that, I'm quite happy with them.

  4. Thanks Mike

    Yes, I forgot to add that I do plan to have male and female voices. There will be a button somewhere where the user can switch between the different voices. Not sure about having more than one of each gender though. I'll be happy if I can get just one voice to begin with :)

    No, I'm not interested in putting together a website or making any money of this as there are plenty of them around already. As I wrote, I'm doing this mainly for myself. If somebody else finds this useful, I consider it as a bonus :D

  5. Dear language buffs

    As I'm studying Thai on my own in my spare time, one big obstacle is pronounciation. There is simply nobody around to ask when I'm unsure of how to pronounce something. There are sound & movie clips of the Thai alphabet on the 'net (some even posted here) but I don't find that good enough. If I'm looking for a certain character, I need to fast forward or rewind through the file which is very tedious. So I came up with the idea of creating a Thai Alphabet Soundboard.

    I'm of course aware of that this is not a unique idea and somebody has probably done it before! However, I did not get any results after a quick google, so perhaps this will be the first one. Regardless of whether it's been done before or not, I will go ahead and create this soundboard for two reasons: 1. I need it, 2. Just by doing it will improve my understanding of the Thai alphabet.



    Please see mockup. It's just to give you an idea, so I have repeated the first four consonants instead of typing the whole alphabet. It's very simple. You have all the characters and vowels infront of you. If you click on one, you'll hear how it's pronounced. It will be created with Flash, so anyone with an internet connection and Flash Player can download and use it.

    For each consonant, I will have:

    1. The consonant itself

    2. The word associated with it

    3. The initial and final pronounciation*

    4. Color coded according to class (high = red, middle = yellow**, low = blue)

    *Should I include middle too?

    **I will probably change this to green

    There won't be any pictures simply because I don't have any. I don't want to "borrow" any from existing Thai alphabet charts either. Perhaps there will be pictures in a future version if I can get hold of free ones.

    There won't be any written phonetics like "kor kai" under ก ไก่ because it defeats the whole purpose of the soundboard. And transcribing Thai to English is silly anyway.


    I will get a Thai friend to do the voice work for me. I will of course make sure everything is pronounced very clearly with a minimum of background noise.


    If someone has a bit of time on their hands and is willing to help out with the audio, please do :) Do note that there is no money involved in this and I reserve the right to not use your work if I deem the quality to be too poor. If I do use your work, you will be given full credit of course.

    Why am I posting this?

    I want to hear some feedback on this. My Thai is still very poor and I haven't mastered the alphabet yet. Please let me know if there are any features or changes I can make to this.

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Pattaya One is not alone. All Pattaya TV news channels really suck.

    Amatuer tv at its worst.

    Thanks for writing that. My opinions on the local farang TV is exactly the same. But what do you expect from a bunch of farangs in Pattaya? Think about what kind of people this town attracts. Then imagine the horrors when some decide to take a break form the go go bars and start a TV channel, or become police volunteers :o

    I do however prefer the Thais reading the news as they don't butcher Thai names in hilarious ways like the farangs does. C'mon guys, how many years have you been in Thailand now? Yet you can't get a single Thai word right.

    The only use I can think of for the Pattaya farang TV is as a demonstration of how NOT to make television. If I was a media teacher, I'd use it in my classes :D

    Tip: Adding reverb to your voice does not make your ads better

  7. Hi, I'm looking for some Thai fonts to play around with. I've searched TV but all the links from older threads are long gone. Googling "thai fonts" doesn't give much. I think there should be at least a few sites like 1001freefonts (or whatever it is) for Thai fonts. It might be full of flashing banners but that's ok, I just want to get some nice Thai fonts. So how do you write "thai fonts" in Thai?

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