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About Frenske

  • Birthday 02/06/1962

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    Dokhamtai Phayao

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  1. Dutch experts helped Thai authorities to combat Bangkok floods | Dutch Water Sector The Dutch came up with a plan to rescue Bangkok, but as usual, they didn't do f#ck all with it and now they're feeling sorry for themselves. There was also a longterm plan to combat the water but I can't find the link. I did find the link. Thailand and Netherlands intensify cooperation on water management | Dutch Water Sector. So what could go wrong in the future.
  2. Just one question. Do you as a renter have to pay for the service charge /maintenance fee or is it usually included in the rent?
  3. Isn't public safety a responsibility of the rtp and they'd have to take appropriate measures? I guess only if there's enough money involved.
  4. My wife saw a program on tv about new CCTV regulations starting June 1st. Now it seems that you need a sign well visual to the public that they’re in a CCTV area for the camera outside of your home. You even need a sticker or sign in your car when you have a dash cam. Not sure what to do with the action cam on my helmet, maybe put a sign at the back of my helmet? Sharing images of people without their consent is not allowed any more, especially the ones of police that screw you over for tea money. Does any one have more information and will Thai people care a F%#k about this? https://www.antaresgroup.com/thailand-personal-data-protection-act-pdpa/

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