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About Frenske

  • Birthday 02/06/1962

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    Dokhamtai Phayao

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  1. I tried to make an appointment for Jomtien immigration office with the same link as I used last year but it's not working for me any more. I can't find any updates etc. Is the website down or is there a new link? The link I used is "https://outlook.office365.com/book/ChonburiImmigrationOffice(at)imm3division.onmicrosoft.com/" The message I get is "Some error occurred." Regards Frenske
  2. Dutch experts helped Thai authorities to combat Bangkok floods | Dutch Water Sector The Dutch came up with a plan to rescue Bangkok, but as usual, they didn't do f#ck all with it and now they're feeling sorry for themselves. There was also a longterm plan to combat the water but I can't find the link. I did find the link. Thailand and Netherlands intensify cooperation on water management | Dutch Water Sector. So what could go wrong in the future.
  3. Just one question. Do you as a renter have to pay for the service charge /maintenance fee or is it usually included in the rent?
  4. Isn't public safety a responsibility of the rtp and they'd have to take appropriate measures? I guess only if there's enough money involved.
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