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Everything posted by wombat

  1. My guess is that the same amounts as before are being smuggled in but now that weed is off the table they can concentrate on the real drug problem hence more chemical busts.
  2. Par for the course in Indonesia..aka...screwing the infidel as instructed by the religion of peace playbook.
  3. A Muslim woman telling Muslim men what to do isn't what the Quran is about. I wish her every success
  4. Nothing wrong with 3 months severance pay.
  5. The Trump experiment was/is a failure. Even blind Freddy can see the Donald is now a spent force.
  6. The difference between free speech and the liable law.
  7. Reverse racism and Reverse sexism is ok in woke world
  8. the brink of what? twitter seems to be going along the same as it ever was... its more a case of being conditioned by whomever gains from that sort of excrement
  9. idtent here needs it explained coz I have no idea what you mean?
  10. Which may or may not say a lot about the THC content or lack there of in what you are buying?
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