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Everything posted by wombat

  1. i mean my obvious first question is did he find the camera because he was putting his own in?
  2. 150k per month....looks for jaw dropping icon. Thats many bowls of Dahl to cover that.
  3. I'm waiting for the tours to start...wherever it is to churn out those bricks with the quantity and sameness achieved must be a very sophisticated set up.
  4. The two Cambodians that wore the murder of the backpacker on one of the islands comes to mind
  5. I'm guessing you're not a fan of the word profiling?
  6. Taiwan is the American stick to prod the Panda. Now the penis measuring is over and Pelosi has left, Taiwan citizens will be made to suffer for it.
  7. er...no...wrong... they took kratom and weed off the narcotics list.
  8. i can't make up my mind if this is sarcastic trolling or you really are an idtent.
  9. its that contact high contracted from screen licking perhaps?
  10. The old paranoia is ingrained and runs deep...it will take a while to realise that we have a seat watching what could be described as the greatest social change ever.
  11. Er...since when did MoPh tell the police what to do?
  12. Or you've been sucked into believing propaganda to make you feel good. There was never any doubts placed on Russian arms in Afghanistan?
  13. Curious asks.. Is that really what that watch is worth? Anyone got a price list handy?
  14. Rrtfpmsl...I remember his not so covert rendition from LOS.
  15. No...yes...yes. I love multiple choice exams. Did I pass?
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