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Posts posted by Tumbo

  1. <br />Terry Fredrickson terryfrd<br /> <br />Don't worry about the seige, Jatuporn says. Reds from upcountry are coming and soon we will know who is the strongest. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    No hope for these crowd. No matter what happens they want more bloodshed.

    Where is the Army now is about time to finish this once for all

    Congratulations thai goverment, for starting a civil war by ignoring a coup is illegal and not what people want :)

    Lets not be a drama queen.

    oi .. leave my middle name alone please!!!


  2. Children playing with water pssing you off big time, hopefully you never going to get children.

    That would be a long time pssing big time for you :)

    yeah mate -I think that's probably why someone up there made me gay - so that 'd never have children.


    Anyhoo, back to the topic .. Siam Paragon does, I heard, open today til like 8 PM.

    I'm, for one, in need of de-stressing and celebrating Thai New Year by a splash of Valentino and Dolce&Gabbana!


  3. Well, it will be your decision. Just watch the France 24 news footage.

    My advise,stay home where you come from,and never visit Thailand,Tourists with their curiousity only get killed by stray bullets/scrapnells.

    besides,Reds dont like Foreigners/Falangs especially.

    Oh f's sake - am sorry - but that was a load of BS.

    Your living place is in Pattaya - ruddy 200 km from the "raving zone" - and how could you give a comment like that? Like you are living next to the protesting area.

    Unless you have been encountering what you have said in your reply or you are now living right next to the spots, I think you are just being too pessimistic or dramatic mate.

    Am living in Sathorn area - not too far from the Rajprasong - but, seriously mate, the only thing right now that is pssing me off big time, is that the stupid kids already started the water war!!!



  4. Oh and regarding the place where you'll be staying, On-Nut, as above comment said, it's pretty far from the hotspots. So no worries about it mate. Really.

    Unless there will be a serious &lt;deleted&gt; going on again, the Skytrain should be running as usual, then everything around your area will be absolutely fine mate.

    One bad thing though, the shopping-malls in Siam-square area aren't yet operating in normal hours.

    You never know when the malls are to be closed for the day despite being said to be 6 PM.

    It's the only thing that annoys me to be honest.


  5. I agreed with all above.

    You have to decide it yourself mate - if you feel uncertain about the situation here and fear to have less enjoyable holidays, then the $50 ain't too pricey to change the tix at all and you can come a few months later when all have settled down

    Or, you just come - no one is doing anything harm to the airport now (well, touch wood!) and hop to the domestic flight str8 to the beaches in the south, or head north for the water-splashing Songkarn days - and I meant DAYS!


    There is a plenty of places here mate that you can really have a great time for holidays.

    So, to sum it up - it's your call mate.


  6. Umm - pardon my ignorance here, but is the situation gonna 'that' bad?

    Like, no cash from the ATMs, or no restaurants are gonna open.

    hey - I dunno - but from the news, the rallies are gonna be congregating at Ratchadamneon Rd in the eve, aren't they? So meaning, in the CBD - like Siam Square or other districts that quite away from the protesting spot, the ATMs or shops should be working fine as usual, shouldn't they?


    Edited: Typos!

  7. What will happen if the RED leaders ask all the protesters to dress in YELLOW to bypass the road blocks and security checks.

    No sharp and witty answer for that one.

    I will offer a factual tidbit I gleened from a Red with close inside info when it comes to planning these rallies;

    This time govt prohibited the bus lines from contracting with the Reds for transportation into Bangkok. In the past, they have used as many as 60+ tour busses to get the people to the rallies from all over the country. The Reds are forced this time, to use personal vehicles to get all to Bangkok. If there is a beef with the traffic congestion for those days, blame not the Reds. It is a govt thing, probably to undermine the cause and create animosity among the Bkk locals with Reds.

    Mr featography....is there any reason by your writing has to be so big and red, its actually against the rulz here, didnt you notice that your the only one doing it?

    It is also &lt;deleted&gt; annoying !


  8. Do they still have the 'If you stain the sheets you pay 50baht' notice on the counter? I also thought it was nice until I saw that :D

    That'd be alright with me actually - as I ain't drink tea on bed :)

    BTW - Big THANK to y'all mate - really appreciate your help.

    BTW 2 - Really? It isn't a tourist-period at the mo? Would be nice then as I might plan to get to the Famous Pai one more time to see "the real pai" .. after I detested it badly when I was there last Dec - Huge mistake - I would say.

    The place was overflown with tourists

    Any caution on Pai in Wet mate?

    Is there a flood or mud-slide warning?!

    Cheers guys.

  9. Hello there

    Will have to spend a night in Chiang Mai next month, and I’d love to find a decent guest house near the famous Sunday-Night Walking street area.

    One of my mate suggested on Lanna Hotel – it seems good enough but I’d like some where ‘more traditional’ more “Chiang Mai – ish’, ya know.

    The budget range will be around 500-1000 THB.

    Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.


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